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Jon Shoeshiner

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Jon Shoeshiner last won the day on November 19 2022

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  1. Bruh... Lost a real one. Where do all the good ones go bro?
  2. Wow.. sucks to see you go... Welcome to the reserve squad.
  3. Title: CPT, AWC, 2LT, SSGT FTO Jon Shoeshiner Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:448572284 Reason for Resignation: My resignation from SWAT was the first sign of the inevitable. And even with the activity SWAT disappearing, I still cabt find the motivation to be active. And after some troubling interactions with members of the community, I’ve decided to leave. For real. Reserves: State LT, DOC and CERT For the full resignation see here:
  4. Jon Shoeshiner’s Resignation. So… Yeah. I have been in this sever for over… a year now. And its super emotional for me to be typing these words… This server was my first real community where I felt welcomed, where I could be myself and people would enjoy my company, my first good experience in RP, and I wouldn’t trade any of it. Not one second. This community has been amazing to me, and while I have had the odd bump, I have mostly enjoyed all of it. My journey was a grand one, starting as a cadet in PD, trained by the legendary LT Philosophy, and starting my journey to around CPL, when I applied for State Police. I was welcomed by the Scottish “love” of Cammy and Billy and had an absolute blast with them all. Around 2 months later, I was welcomed to the SWAT family by the now Commander Azreal. That man became my guiding star for SWAT, and a great friend of mine all the way until my end, and I appreciate him for his help. In the end, I got my first command role in state, provided by Cammy, to my massive surprise. This was such a big moral boost for me and helped me stick with this server as long as I did. Months later, up I go to SWAT low command, enjoying my time greatly while there. In this time, I offer a helping hand to my State members, like Andrew, and interacting with the community. But eventually, my activity started to deteriorate. I lost a lot of good friends. Andrew, Dry, Retro, Cammy. I felt alone, and lonely and just losing interest in the server. My resignation from SWAT was the first sign of the inevitable. And even with the activity SWAT disappearing, I still couldn’t find the motivation to be active. And after some troubling interactions with members of the community, I’ve decided to leave. For real. Special Mentions: @Cammy: My first HC. Funny guy, and my favorite Scottish guy. Got me where I am in state today (sorry billy) @Dry: A super friendly guy, radiating good energy. (State) Andrew: My best friend in the state. Helped each other whenever we asked and was great fun to be around. @Nicc: DOC man, gave me a chance to help get DOC on its feet after another… *ahem* interesting character ran it. @Azrael_: Based guy, my guiding light in SWAT. Was amazing to be around and had fun with him. Radio man 2021/2022/2023. Drippy: Barely knows me, but was my helper for anything in staff for the brief time I was in it. Fun dude. @Retro: Rose in PD together, fun friendly rival ship, Had fun with you bro. @Ganta: Based guy. Clashed a little, but a great dude. For state: My friends, my family, my gang. You guys were the best to be around. I will miss you so much, and you will all be missed. You were such good people, and I’ll try my best to appear every once and a while. I still love gaminglight. It will forever be my first real community. So thank you all. Farewell you all. I may return one day, so I will leave you with the same message I left SWAT with. "One day... I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine!"
  5. So... yeah... SWAT has been a big part of my time in gaming light, but as life goes on, and my excessive amount of time in this game increases, my activity dwindles. Be it boredom, IRL stuff or anything else, it always starts to decrease. So, I had 3 choices. Grind the server out despite my not enjoying my time here, leave one department and focus any gaming light time on it, or leave the server completely. The last option is the last thing I want to do, so at first, I tried number one. Sadly though, this last moth just hasn't worked, I've been on SWAT once or so a week, and as low command, that just can't happen. So, here I am. Writing my 48 hours. But it isn't all gloom and doom. I will still be here, on state police, and i will be in the discord too, talking to you fine folks. And for those of you in SWAT Peacemaker, you may still see me around for a few operations. So... its not reserves per say, just more of an... soft resigning. Special mentions: @Azrael_ My mentor and original trainer. The best friend i made here, and an amazing person. Hope to do more PM RP with you soon! @Trumpo Commander and friend. Always helped whenever asked, and tolerated my stupid GMT timezone. YDKids (Cant find account) Always tried to help me get around time issues, and always was there to support me. S.W.A.T Command: A lovely bunch of people that deserve everything in the world! And to the rest of SWAT, yall are incredible. This community, this department has to be one of the most friendly I have ever seen. Keep doing what yall are doing, and I'll miss patrolling with you all. But who knows, perhaps my interest will spike one day, and i'll rejoin, so i think its fitting to leave you all with this quote, from a 1966 episode of the british show of Doctor Who. "One day... I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine!" Farewell SWAT
  6. Bro you were one of my best mentors and friends in State, i'm so sorry you're going. But, answering the call of duty is always a priority, and we are all glad you are doing some good. You will be remembered.
  7. Bro you will be missed, you helped me out whenever i needed it, asked any questions i asked, you are the reason i got this far in command. Good luck out there.
  8. +Support Its a bit of a lame feature. There are too many false alarms that gov have to respond to, its just boring.
  9. - Support Seems a little unneeded and can ruin the tactics of a department. And if a crim had the money for smokes then they should be use them effectivly.
  10. +/- Support I love CW, but A) Its difficult to master and can be a turn off for new players B) Its a bit more resource intensive then TFA C) TFA has more weapon options D) This could be difficult to balance as donator weapons would have to stay as TFA, but they would be almost useless as CW weapons do ALOT more damage. It's a great idea, but really just a dream, i don't think SMT can do it right now.
  11. Bro not emmit! @Cammy Wasn't me i swear.
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