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Everything posted by Trizium

  1. I agree a 1 week ban seems a bit much + Support
  2. free my man + Support
  4. O7, I will do my best to kill you while I'm on D-class so be careful
  5. I will try my best to get sub 5. also OTHER?!?!?!? O7
  6. If I could I would give a GL Love to all of you, Thank you all for being awesome
  7. The time is finally here, I am finally resigning after almost a year of that grind. It has been a pleasure to have made all the friends I’ve made and to have had all these great memories. I’m not gone forever. I'll probably be stalking the forums or some shit that most retired people do. I will most likely be playing on D-Class, SCP, or something else. The reason I am leaving is so I can change a few things that I dislike about myself and I think I’ve spent enough time on GL instead of enjoying LIFE. This isn't goodbye, this is a see you soon. Now that the weird corny shit is over here are a few honorable mentions. HONORABLE MENTIONS Gamehunter - I am looking forward to watching you and Shadows fight over Commander, try hard enough and you might just get DoTF I believe in you my brotha. Also start killing non-combatants again as my last wish. Spixe - Medical ass medic, as much as it pains me to say this but I am proud of you. I never would have thought that you, me and Gamehunter would make it to HCMD+. You are the most deserving of LCZ Manager, you better get it. Ozzie - I'm glad that I met you through some goofy ass event. You have been an amazing mentor and a better friend. You’ll most likely end up as SMT or but you better get HCZ Manager before then, I wish you the best of luck. Kiwi - As much as we dog on each other you have made me smile countless times while doing so. I met you through Ozzie and I’m glad I did. Good luck for any future achievements you have in GL. Kevlar - You one of the funniest mfs out there and to see such a funny guy as SMT that's gotta be rare. Anyway, become Manager for me as my final death wish. (You have to do it now) Giga - I’m glad I met you during some goofy ahhh roleplay we were doing. Even as a mute you never failed to put a smile on my face. I will protect the structure you made on that minecraft server to the best of my abilities. Drago - You are such a nice and fun person to talk to. I was sad asf when you left, then the biggest smile appeared on my face as soon as I heard you came back. I don’t know how you stay so pure while hanging around me. Tazza - Found out you were a fuckin austrailian like 5 months after I met you. You another one of those funny ass mutes. Maybe one day Zeeptin can forgive your actions and unban you from the discords. Maskfilm | Bully Maguire | Aspen | OliverSudden - You guys are the homies of homies, My day ones, my OGs. As much as I don't talk to you guys I value our friendship a lot so don't lose contact. Shadows - Like I said to Gamehunter I look forward to watching you and Gamehunter battle it out for CMDR. Honestly, You were a better HCMD than I ever was with the ideas and grinding you were doing with the branch update and what not. I know either you or Gamehunter are going to get DoTF. (Still down to play COD) Zack - You were my very first HCMD I looked up to and seeing you leave made me kinda sad to see you go but I’m sure I’ll see you on HTF. Always wondered why you never went for NU-7 CMD tho. Pills - Based and W CI Commander. Keep up the great work you’ll become CI General in no time. I will be watching from the sidelines while eating stocks of corn from a random field. Pikachu - You are insanely wholesome not mentioning the shooting at evil monkeys.You really got me addicted to Getting Over It and with your help I beat it for the very first time. You were a great person to talk to. I'll always be free in discord. Scotched - You goofy son of a bitch. Never did I think something like you would be able to be born but here you are. On a real note though you were funny as fuck and even though most people call you loud and obnoxious I found it entertaining. It was never a dull moment with you around. Zed needs to make you a real brotha. Glaze - First time I met you, you decided to buy me a $100 dollar game and I was absolutely bamboozled. And not even once did I get to play with you, let's play some time. You were a great AHOMS and a funny ass guy. Stay safe out there in the military. Ezekiel - Bro got AHOMS I’m so happy for you homie you deserve it, time for DOL next i’m sure you’ll do astronomically better than Spixe when the time comes. Keep up the grind. JrShafer - I’m so sorry I’m leaving D5 just as soon as the chad transfers. I’ll still be around though and maybe we can play some more games of cod together. Do great things in D5 for me. Ven - You goofer MF done got removed then BANNED FROM TS FOR BEING AN IDIOT. Either way I love you brotha don't lose contact that would be wack. Most active HCMD Destroyer - Mf got G9 then never played again smh. You're still a homie though, I hope I can still destroy you with something other than the cheytac. Piller - Great SMT and an even funnier person. You seem to make each and every new HCMD feel very welcome and I appreciate that a lot. Never change, keep being a chad. Ayaya - You are one of the most laid back utility command mad respect. I look forward to seeing you and Ezekiel fight for DOL. Keep up the great work in maintenance. Chineseman - Chad with a golden pan, We never talked much but when we did it was as if we’ve known each other for a while. You were very laid back as well. Try not to get removed from ET again homie. #Chineseman4VCMDR Bop - The best manager GL has seen. Haven't talked much but I know you were very based. Vuit - I remember you + supported my RRH app and for like 2 months straight I never saw you on. Glad we got to talk to each other those few times. It was very fun indeed. Still very happy about beating Getting over it. J0LT - You were the very first person to help me out instead on dogging on me for not knowing what a 2 life rule was but ever since that day I respected you. Get CMDR ASAP. Elevate - I had a lot of fun removing your “Elevate was here” sign as you kept placing it back, we did a bit of trolling. In SpaceKiller9000 - My very first trainer for security when I first joined the server. although you most likely won't see this you were awesome. ZJ - Nice gaming chair Weiss - You were a complete mystery to me but from the late nights, I’ve gotten to notice that you’re a pretty cool guy and very fun during late nights. Toasty - We haven't talked much but enough to know that you are a very chill person. I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be HCMD. It really means a lot to me. You are going to be the next Site Director FOR SURE. Keep up the grind. RMG - I thought you were the biggest minge close to Ben's levels of minge but the more I got to know you, you were actually very kind-hearted and based. I hope we can both kill Gensec together as D-Class. JackWebb - One of the fellow-based Alabamians, I don’t know how you’ve stayed on the server for as long as you have. Thank you and Price for making the BEST branch I could have ever joined. It has made me very happy these past couple of months. Ellipsis - When I first trained you I didn't expect you to come this far. I expected you to leave and join NU-7 right after, but you didn't you stayed strong. You have a very high chance of getting HCMD if you really want it just keep grinding. Fruitt - Another Alabamian but this one isn't so based. On a serious note, I want to apologize that I was too stupid to see that I was taking a lot from you when you became chairman of IAA. Get VCMDR for me. Acee - Your bind will now never work as I am no longer “MTF Delta-5 Commander Coldy Woldy”. You’ve given me a couple of good laughs during my time here. Anyways, you’ve got a lot of potential so don't waste it and climb high up the ranks. Lovelock & Eevee - You guys are the best both being so funny and so easy to talk to. Lovelock keep up the grind and you’ll get WO soon enough whether it's in Security or Delta-5 I believe in you homie. Eevee, keep being one of the nicest and most respectable Gensec. Delta-5 Command - I couldn't have asked for a better command team though some of you went inactive. I never regret having you as command. Keep up the great work, great things are coming to Delta-5 as long as you guys are here. And finally, DO MORE PINGS!!!!!!!!!!! Delta-5 Enlisted - You guys are the best, and always the most fun to talk to when I’m bored. Each one of you has made an impact on me. I wish you all the best. NOW all the corny shit is over. If you weren't mentioned, my fault homie I tried mentioning as many people as my small brain can. I love you all, Thank you.
  8. What is your In-Game name? Rizzium What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:503543583 What is your rank? SM How many strikes do you currently have? 0 How many warnings do you have on GL? 1 Who gave you permission to apply? Supervisor Drago Why are you a good fit for Trauma Engineer (75+ Words)? I think that I would be a good Trauma Engineer because it would be a job that I would be insanely active in. I think that I can be trusted with such a job as I've been trusted not only as a command member but also as a former member of staff. I think that If I got TE you would see the job being used a lot more often than it is now. I've read all the rules on the MOTD and SOP so you know that I won't be a problem for TE and I will do my best to not disappoint. Scenario Questions: Q1: An MTF Nu7 Corporal is in dire need of surgical attention (5% health) but an MTF E11 Captain has asked you to come to SCP-966’s containment cell and fix its doors. What should you prioritize? My main priority is making sure everyone is at full health and armor so I would deal with the Corporal and heal him then I would go fix the containment. Q2: SCP-106 is on its last advert and is about to breach. As you are en route to 106’s cell, a squad of MTF D5 Gladiators requests that you squad up with them. What should you prioritize? Squadding is my last priority so first I would fix the CC and then if possible aid them with squadding if possible.
  9. Sorry for your loss, take your time coming back.
  10. Name: Trizium Rank: ETM Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:503543583 Bye bye
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