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Everything posted by Silence_

  1. +Support Great foreman does a lot of work, wants to increase RP. Good guy
  2. What are you suggesting? - Adding utility comms back between medical and maintenance How would this change better the server? - another way for utility to communicate, it already used to be a thing I don't see why it was removed. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - none Who would this change mostly benefit? - Maintenance and Medical
  3. Silence_


    Denied We have decided to deny this application You can reapply in two weeks
  4. -support This would overwhelm maintenance, Not to mention extremely tedious for SCPs
  5. smt conspiracy event?
  6. What are you suggesting? - Increase the trashbag limit to 5 (Zeros trashbag) How would this change better the server? - It would allow maint to have an easier time when their bags sometimes go through the roof or just generally farming trash more effectively. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None Who would this change mostly benefit? - Maintenance
  7. +Support Amazing at both normal staff and ET active member and deserves senior admin
  8. Hey enable public access so we can check it and appove the post Also moved to test log forum - Silence
  9. +Support Always need more qualified staff Good app
  10. +Support Was an admin before he left Great at staff
  11. +Support Good App would be good for the staff team.
  12. talking to you and prored in hlpr vc was my peak as foreman
  13. Hope to see you around at some point, you were always an amazing person to talk to
  14. +/- Support I feel like it would be cool but a bit broken.
  15. +Support I feel like MC&D should be able to sell special weapons but not super OP ones. I feel like it could be a way to buy heavy weapons but at a highly increased price if done right.
  16. + Support Yes please, i more reasons to go rogue help the foundation
  17. +Support This seems like a change that wouldnt be a detriment at all, I think it would be good to enhance RP, while it is a semi serious server more RP is what we need right now.
  18. Yeah i agree with ecto here, when i was on the server back in 2021 you did nothing but minge.
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