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  1. Name:McMac Rank: CPL Steam ID (Example: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:0:528649530 Discord ID (Example: Gucci Bucket Hat#9588 OR "ceyx." if discord updated your username to the new format): CrabberGames#5582 Current Sub-Branches you're in: Warden Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 100+ words): N/A Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: N/A
  2. Clearance Level: 2 Rank Required Too View This Document Researcher Anyone Who Has Had This Document Placed In Thier Hands Without Proper Clearance Stop Reading Now You Have Been Warned Class: Euclid. SCP:1265. Reshearcher In Charge: McMac Rank of Reshearcher: Reshearcher Participants: Jimmy, Versa, Goal: Too extract DNA from 1265-A and find his links too fossils Test Summary: Test began with placing the D Class-1 in a dinosaur costume. The D Class was then giving a syringe too extract dna from 1265-A and placed in the cell with 1265-A. The test started smoothly at first begining with a call emitted from the d class similiar too the ones 1265-A uses, but the test then took a turn. SCP-1265-A began sniffing the D Class which was not accounted for and led too the d class being killed. With the first attempt fail D Class-2 was suited with a similiar costume but his time was sprayed with a pheromone perfume. With preparations concluded D Class-2 was placed in the containment cell with 1265-A where things went smoothly. The test took a turn when the D class attempted too extract the dna and was then killed by 1265-A. On conclusion that using a D class was too risky Researcher McMac sent a drone into the containment cell with 1265-A. The drone being controlled by Reshearcher McMac successfully extracted the DNA but upon exfilling took damage from 1265-A running over it. With what remained of the blood Researcher McMac returned too his lab and ran it under a DNA Analysis Machine. The results came out very similar too prehistoric fossils but slightly changed formation on the way the DNA was formed. Conclusion: SCP-1265-A might've at some point been turned from a prehistoric raptor too what it is today. Relation of how this process was done is currently unknown but further testing may reveal more information. When this was done is unknown and wether 1265-A was turned into a SCP from a fossil or from a live specimen is unknown. Conclusiong further tested needed.
  3. . D.Host name: Crabber Rank: LCPL OA Participants: Prime Test Purpose: SCP 066 is known too react too anyone who says the name Eric, to test the extent of his nature and powers we test the reaction under various tests. What Happened: OA Crabber first starts the test by placing a speaker in the containment cell then exiting. Once exited OA Crabber presses play on a remote where the speaker placed in the Containment cell begins playing Eric in a loop. SCP-066 showed no reaction too the sound played through the speaker. Upon the first test being concluded that SCP 066 does not respond to Eric through speakers OA Crabber started the next test. Test 2 began by writing on a piece of paper where OA Crabber wrote Eric and then had a fellow CI walk into the containment with the paper. SCP-066 showed no visible reaction too the paper. With test 2 concluded OA Crabber then had the CI say Erica, which the CI then did. SCP-066 responded too Erica the same way SCP-066 responded too Eric. Conclusion: It is shown that SCP-066 does not respond too Eric if written or voiced over a device. However, SCP-066 does respond to Eric regardless of the full word. How Is This Helpful: This test allows us too understand SCP-066 more and avoid safety hazards. With tests concluded while in the presence of SCP-066 it is highly recommended too never say Eric, Erica, or any other versions of names or words with Eric begining or ending in word/name. Test Concluded Clearance: OA Safety Risk: Euclid
  4. Lore Rank/Name: Junior Reshearcher MCMAC SCP #: SCP-082 Test Idea: Figuring Out SCP-082s Origin Background Research: Reading SCP-082s Test Logs Done By Other Reshearchers Hypothesis: SCP-082 Became What He Is Today By A Unknown Source Observations (what happened?): D Class Subject A Was Placed In Containment With SCP-082 They Shared A Meal Together But Due To The Stress The D Class Was Under, The D Class Ended Up Spilling His Food Whereas SCP-082 Devoured D Class Subject A. Due To Subject A Being Devoured Junior Reshearcher MCMAC Requested A Second Subject, For Our Sake We Will Call The D Class Subject B. D Class Subject B Was Then Placed In The Containment Cell With SCP-082 Where They Shared A Conversation With One Another. Subject B Asked SCP-082 How His Life As A Child And Being A SCP. SCP-082 Stated That He Wasn't Born As A SCP Or At Least He Didn't believe He Was. Junoir Reshearcher With The Test Concluded Order For The Test To Be Ended But Before Succeding On Pulling Subject B Out Subject B Asked Another Question. The Question Subject B Asked Lead To His Death, The Question Being How Did SCP-082 Become Bald. When Asked The Question SCP-082 Became Notably Angry And Responded With 'Stress, Why Is Being Bald A Bad Thing'. As Subject B Stammered To Save Him SCP-082 Devoured Him. With That The Test Was Concluded. Evidence/Visual Stimuli (Images): N/A Analysis/Conclusion (was your hypothesis correct, why or why not, how can this discovery benefit the foundation?): . Conclusion Of Test States That There Is A Source To Making SCP-082 Benefits: The Discovery That Their Is A Source To Making SCP-082 Is Notable Due To The State SCP-082 Poses. If There Is A Source To Making SCP-082 It Is Noted To Maintain It And Stop The Spread Of More SCP-082.
  5. IN Game Name: CrabberGames SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199017564788/ DiscordID: Crabbergames#5582 What Division Do You Want To Join: Military Why should you be in chaos insurgency: Because I want to work towards freeing as many d class and get them to safety. I understand theres guidlines to doing this and am prepared to follow them. I believe im a very funny person but I can also take things seriously when needed. I also wish to have a good experience on the server and to do this I need to be in a group and id prefer ci over scp organization. How Would You Rank Your Knowledge Of The Lore: I know most scp by picture but i do not have the numbers memorized but i do have most of their codenames memorized. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants: My hate for the scp security and organization is very deeply rooted. I also have a higher work ethic and ability to follow rules to a tee than others do. How active can you be: I can be active for the most part but im usually off and on due to work and other games Do You Have Both Teamspeak And Discord: Yes
  6. <RND EYES ONLY> <Using Optic Scanners To Validate Personnel> <Clearance Validated> <Welcome, Authorized User> RND Research Report Accessing Case File: #[XXXX]-Gamma-Bravo-Alpha Take. All. SCPs. File Name: Code Synthetic Full Name: Code SCP-682 Synthetic Armor Current Position: [Chief Agent] <WARNING!> <VIEWING THIS DOCUMENT AS A NON-RND COMMAND MEMBER WITHOUT EXPLICIT PERMISSION WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION!> Date: 05/28/05 Location: [Redacted] CI Personnel Involved: [CI RND JA Niko] [ CI PFC bawls] [CI RND IIN PryingTree] SCP’s Involved: [SCP-682] SCP Class: [Euclid] Overview: Developing synthetic armor Hypothesis: Develop Armor For Combat <Further Identification Required> <Fingerprint Scanner engaged> <Access Granted> Researcher: [CI RND CA IFS Crabbe] Supervisor: [CI RND CA IFS Crabbe] Observation 1-A: SCP-682 was obtained from the SCP Foundation under name Code Synthetic. SCP-682 was moved to containment under Chaos Insurgency command to be tested on by RND. Tests began by taking samples of flesh with CI RND CA Crabbe and CI RND JA Niko, five samples were obtained unsuccessfully while ten were obtained correctly. CI CA Crabbe began analyses of the ten samples where 5 succeeded in DNA sequence. CI RND CA Crabbe B=v=began the armor synthetic which succeeded in one sample being developed into synthetic armor where one sample was not tested but was instead tested on by CI RND JA Niko which was successfully turned into synthetic armor. CI PFC Bawls was used as the first subject for the armor which proved to not show any side effects but instead was absorbed into the Soldiers clothes. Sample two armor was used on another soldier which proved to be effective just as the first. observation 1-A: The soldiers wearing the 682 Synthetic Armor proved to be very effective even assisting the soldiers in battle. Error/Safety Hazards: No hazards occurred during testing future tests needed. Conclusion: Effectively developing 682 Synthetic Armor and safely utilizing the armor for our soldiers to use can give us an edge in battle against The SCP Foundation. <End of Log> [CI RND CA IFS Crabbe] [CA] Area[REDACTED] Location Unknown Research Log Filed
  7. I'm not here for an English lesson the point is to have active members not writers.
  8. No I'm just bad at grammar and I didn't copy the love at all. All of the love was from what I experienced.
  9. I'm not know for my creativity or grammar I enjoy writing but I'm not good at it.
  10. <RND EYES ONLY> <Using Optic Scanners To Validate Personnel> <Clearance Validated> <Welcome, Authorized User> RND Research Report Accessing Case File: #[XXXX]-Gamma-Bravo-Alpha File Name: Code Brainwash A Full Name: Code Brainwash Alpha Current Position: CI RND OA IFS <WARNING!> <VIEWING THIS DOCUMENT AS A NON-RND COMMAND MEMBER WITHOUT EXPLICIT PERMISSION WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION!> Date: 4/25/2020 Location: Site 50, *Location Unknown* CI Personnel Involved: [CI RCT Jeter Peter, CI LCPL CQOP Soggy, CI RND OA IFS Crabbe] Foundation Staff Involved: [Security PVT Angusttdm90] Hostage Branch: [Security] <NOTE: IT IS POSSIBLE THIS INTEL, BRANCH, NAME, OR RANK CAN BE FALSIFIED, IF THIS IS THE CASE, LOG IT BASED ON WHAT WAS TOLD BY THE HOSTAGE, EVEN IF IT MAY HAVE BEEN A LIE. IT MAY HELP IN THE FUTURE> <Further Identification Required> <Fingerprint Scanner engaged> <Access Granted> Researcher: [CI RND OA IFS Crabbe] Supervisor: [CI LCPL CQOP Soggy] Activity 1-A: Hostage was brought into interrogation room and tied up where RND began negotiation tactics. Questions began with asking hostage their branch which hostage replied security. Hostage was then asked rank and name which hostage replied PVT ANgusttm90. The hostage then begin to talk about a gift from his superiors which when asked he replied that his was given a gun. This sparked interest so hostage was asked who gave it to him which her replied High Command Mind. Hostage was then asked his role in the foundation which he replied he took points which consisted of as follows, D-Block, Heavy Containment Zone, Medbay, and garden. The hostage was then brought to be brainwashed which was unsuccessful and ended with brain splatter on the wall. Result 1-A: The hostage died due to failure upon being brainwashed. Error/Safety Hazards: More testing on brainwashing is required to use it to its full extent Conclusion: Security lookout points consist of D-Block, Garden, MedBay, and Heavy Containment Zone. We also learned of a high command that goes by the name and rank of High Command Mind. <End of Log> [Crabbe] [RND OA IFS] Area[REDACTED] Location Unknown Research Log Filed
  11. <RND EYES ONLY> <Using Optic Scanners To Validate Personnel> <Clearance Validated> <Welcome, Authorized User> RND Research Report Accessing Case File: #[XXXX]-Gamma-Bravo-Alpha File Name: Code The Ringing Demon Full Name: Code SCP-513 The Ringing Demon Current Position: CI RND OA IFS <WARNING!> <VIEWING THIS DOCUMENT AS A NON-RND COMMAND MEMBER WITHOUT EXPLICIT PERMISSION WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION!> Date: 2/26/2024 Location: Site 50, *Location Unknown" CI Personnel Involved: CI RCT Jeter Peter SCP’s Involved: SCP-513 SCP Class: Euclid Overview: What's the test about? Testing the effects of SCP-513 Hypothesis: Goal of the test is to find a way to utilize SCP-513 <Further Identification Required> <Fingerprint Scanner engaged> <Access Granted> Researcher: CI RND OA IFS Crabbe Supervisor: CI RND OA IFS Crabbe Observation 1-A: Test on SCP-513 was short and resulted in no deaths. Test on SCP-513 began by having the subject ring the bell no effect happened at first. After 30 minutes the subject and any that heard the bell began to see hallucinations out of the corner of the eye these hallucinations proved to be unharmful but did jump and startle those who saw the figure. The effects of SCP-513 seemed to only be visible when in motion or any changes to visual perspection. Observation 1-A: The Effects of SCP-513 proved to continue even after the test was over Error/Safety Hazards: No physical harm was affected but phycological effects may be seen later Conclusion: We could utilize SCP-513 against CI as a way to distract and startle security <End of Log> [Crabbe] [RND OA IFS] Area[REDACTED] Location Unknown Research Log Filed
  12. <RND EYES ONLY> <Using Optic Scanners To Validate Personnel> <Clearance Validated> <Welcome, Authorized User> RND Research Report Accessing Case File: #[XXXX]-Gamma-Bravo-Alpha File Name: Code Beneficial Full Name: Code Benefits Of SCP-303 Current Position: CI RND OA IFS <WARNING!> <VIEWING THIS DOCUMENT AS A NON-RND COMMAND MEMBER WITHOUT EXPLICIT PERMISSION WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION!> Date: 3/25/2025 Location: Site 50, *Location Unknown* CI Personnel Involved: CI Recruit Jeter Peter, CI Recruit Prox SCP’s Involved: SCP-330 SCP Class: Safe Overview: Testing The Effect Of Adhering To The SCP-303s Warning Hypothesis: Was suspected subject would die <Further Identification Required> <Fingerprint Scanner engaged> <Access Granted> Researcher: CI RND OA IFS Crabbe Supervisor: CI RND OA IFS Crabbe Observation 1-A: SCP-330 was successfully obtained from the Foundation and was placed in a research room to experiment on. Test begin by having each subject take 1 candy which seemed to have benefits to the their health. The test subjects were then instructed to take another one where once again there was benefits to their health vivid. Ignoring the warning on SCP-330 one test subject was instructed to take one more candy which resulted in the subjects hands being chopped off and later the subject bled out. Observation 1-A: SCP-330 has great benefit when taking two candy's but taking anymore results in death. Error/Safety Hazards: SCP-330 is safe class but upon adhering its warnings it results in death. Conclusion: SCP-330 can be used as a way to heal quickly in battle but will have to be handed out in small portions. <End of Log> [Crabbe] [CI RND OA IFS] Area[REDACTED] Location Unknown Research Log Filed
  13. <RND EYES ONLY> <Using Optic Scanners To Validate Personnel> <Clearance Validated> <Welcome, Authorized User> RND Research Report Accessing Case File: #[XXXX]-Gamma-Bravo-Alpha Take. All. SCPs. File Name: Code Tea Time Full Name: Code Tea Time With 049 Current Position: Junior Agent <WARNING!> <VIEWING THIS DOCUMENT AS A NON-RND COMMAND MEMBER WITHOUT EXPLICIT PERMISSION WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION!> Date: 2/25/2020 Location: [Redacted] CI Personnel Involved: CI RND JA IFS Crabbe, CI RND Deputy Director Neo, CI RND IA Jonky SCP’s Involved: [SCP-049] SCP Class: [Euclid] Overview: Tea Time Chatting With SCP-049 Hypothesis: Figure Out SCP-049s purpose <Further Identification Required> <Fingerprint Scanner engaged> <Access Granted> Researcher: CI RND JA IFS Crabbe Supervisor: N/A Observation 1-A: SCP 049 was contained by the military from the hands of the SCP-Foundation and was brought to [REDACTED] to be tested on. The test began by using a subject captured from the SCP-Foundation going by the name of Assistant Researcher Reedman according to prior interrogation. The test began simple the SCP-Foundation Researcher was inserted into the room with SCP-049 where they began to chat. SCP-049 began asking questions most of them we deemed unimportant so were left uninserted here but one did catch are eye. SCP-049 asks the researcher if he had in big plans coming up where the researcher then replied by saying he does but he can't explain any what he means by this we do not know but it is a good idea to take not of this. SCP-049 then expresses he wishes to have a drink which we then deliver his request with some tea. The researcher in the cell expresses he dislikes tea and would rather have coffee hence scp-049 requests coffee for the researcher which we delivered safely. The researcher and SCP-049 begun talking again then abruptly throws his cup onto the table. SCP-049 expresses great concern expressing the researcher as friend, then becomes more erratic as the researcher begins to cut into himself with a piece of ceramic slicing at his artery. We immediately call for medical and safely take him out of the cell but to our disappointment at the good test subject by the time medical made it over he had already bled out. After the sudden death of the researcher SCP-049 expresses wishes to return to the foundation which we reply that we will let him right after talking with him some more, where I then offer to him for me to come sit down and continue chatting with him which SCP-049 he would enjoy that. I began by sitting down with SCP-049 and asking SCP-049 how the Foundation treated him. SCP-049 replies that the Foundation treated him horribly and all they brought him was cows and that cows and humans were nothing alike. I then proceed to ask SCP-049 what was the goals of his experiments were, SCP-049 then expresses his desire to weed out a unknown disease inside of everyone. I then proceed to ask SCP-049 how our military treated him, to this SCP-049 replies that we treated him horribly and that we had guns pointed on him as if he would kill us any moment. After chatting for a bit longer SCP-049 expresses his desire to fix the desire inside of me, which alerted me as I signal the team outside the room to get ready to pull me out, I then tell SCP-049 if he wishes we can prep him for release tomorrow back to the foundation. SCP-049 distracted on the new topic turns away and agrees as I quickly escape the room to prep the negotiations with the foundation, but in the morning when personal went to escort SCP-049 to the foundation to sell him back SCP-049 was gone where later raid teams reported he was now once again in the Foundations custody. Observation 1-A: Nothing further happened afterwards. Error/Safety Hazards: Test subject killed himself which could have been prevented by a quicker response by the medical team. Conclusion: SCP-049 has a desire to to change humanity and remove an unknown disease which may in the future be used to extort benefit from SCP-049. The SCP Foundation is currently working on an unknown plan that if we obtain more information we could foil. [Crabbe] [*Rank*] Area[REDACTED] Location Unknown Research Log Filed
  14. Name: CrabberGames Rank: IA Steam Id: on my phone filling this out so I don't know What is your activity: I just posted a research log two days ago for the most part I'm on every two days
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