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Everything posted by phrog

  1. my eyes hurt from the green + support
  2. bonus points from me is for staying calm while doing a test with pablo as the scp he was doing a test w/
  3. RIP mr otter man, you'll be missed alot.
  4. is huge minge likes killing people/ regardless of them being non combatants or combatants never a dull moment around him feel like he could bring more fun to the nu7 branch, but also bring some professionalism minor grammar mistakes with application but i'd take skill over typing abilites huge +support
  5. Pros: isn't that big of a minge friendly to members of community is serious when needed is a creative person Cons: Event idea isn't that specific. Feel like 914 event would be hard to coordinate. Overall +Support
  6. +Support Pros: deserves it is decently active have seen you alot in game, and you've been nice Cons: your binds
  7. +support is huge minge, but when needed is serious has been with maintenance for quite a long time has bullied multiple scps by fixing their cc on last attempt
  8. +Support You can hear the uncuffing audio in the clip.
  9. ngl you were one of the most helpful people to me when i first joined the server and its sad to see you leave, ill always remember you mr beast.
  10. More on the newer side of the server, but has experience on being a staff so overall +support
  11. +Support -is active -good at bullying scps
  12. phrog

    POV: D-class

    best story i've ever read ngl
  13. sad times bro, hope you succeed in whatever you're planning next.
  14. Have seen online during offhours which is pog
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