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Apple Apple

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Apple Apple

  1. Denied. Command has decided to deny you for now. Please continue to work hard and move up through the ranks.
  2. very sad to hear, I hope you feel better soon and I look forward to working on Regimental Engineers with you sometime in the future.
  3. Accepted! Please speak to a member of Shock Command for your training if they are in game notify them of your presence.
  4. Denied. At this time Command does not see you fit to be a Officer, Please continue to work hard in NCO for the time being.
  5. Accepted! Please speak to a Command Member for your training if they are in game you may notify them of your presence.
  6. Apple Apple

    Palpy time

    shed reveal when????????????
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
  8. Denied. At this time Shock Command does not see you suitable for Officer. Please do not be discouraged as you are a very good NCO and we wish to see you learn some more.
  9. You have 24 hours to make this look somewhat presentable. Copy and Paste the format provided and look in the archived section for other Applications for how they are supposed to look.
  10. Very excited to see these changes in game, Can't wait!
  11. +Support I do very much like Hotshot as a person however most of these points brought are not excusable, There has been multiple suggestion up for months that are not some type of large update but instead of responding you decide to delete the post, This is a clear sign of you not bothering to take community feedback and are just slacking off as in the latest few months. You also refuse help when its offered which is weird because you don't do it yourself. The excuse "I don't have enough time" is invalid due to you refusing the help offered to you by "trusted" members of your own staff team. Also the topic of the removal of Keegan, Keegan was a great member of HC but you ignored that you simply decided to refuse most of the points he credited and just removed him. This is a clear sign of you just removing anyone who goes against you. At this point if you "don't have the time" please just resign peacefully if you deem yourself uncapable of managing a server which you have in your own points than leave and let others move forward and keep the server thriving.
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