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Apple Apple

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Everything posted by Apple Apple

  1. -Support From what I know one of your sub branch's is already struggling, This would just make the situation worse for all of your sub branches as Medical isn't really a extremely large battalion that requires that much. Adding a 3rd sub branch would just kill of your sub branches including the "new one" after a few weeks. And the job you are trying to have that sub branch complete may sound interesting but you only said like 2 things that they did and those would require a fair amount of planning each time. As I see this it would just make things much worse and harder for your command and if you really want something like this to be than take on of your current subbranches and add a specialty inside of it like have people deal with the kind of stuff you brought up and they get to do their own thing over there and the current researchers for example can continue doing what they are doing already. This may be vague as it is weird to explain while not face to face so if you want me to go more in depth message me on discord whenever.
  2. +support nice application, But make the poll private and go on a website like grammarly to fix any spelling mistakes
  3. What is your biggest fear? Mine is insects. Shape, Size, Threat level. I don't care insects are the nastiest thing to ever walk the earth and I will stay as far away from them as possible.
  4. pretty sure you got the wrong community my man, I have searched your steamID and no bans or warns came up, Unless the steamID you provided is not correct
  5. Happy Birthday Zefer! To many more, Birthday party event soon?
  6. What would be your dream vacation spot/hangout spot. Insert photo if u like Mine would have to be
  7. Favorite cereal? Mine is currently Frosted Flakes
  8. +support Zeus Gaming Events Coming Back?
  9. how many hours of sleep did you get last night? I got 4
  10. ye, I didn't eat breakfast today either
  11. Denied. Re apply in 2 weeks. Imperal RolePLay will be claiming this
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