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Posts posted by Yamato

  1. In-Game Name: Yamato

    Steam Name: [GL] Ethan06 sups.gg

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101762856

    Discord Username: Atago#2794


    Other Experience with Staffing:  Yes and No. I do not fully understand the question.
    No being I have not been a staff member of any community until recently.
    Yes being that i know how being a staff member works, What their jobs are and majority of their responsibilities and majority of their restrictions.  I've had more than enough experience with multiple staff members to know that they have to deal with alot of people on a daily basis while representing their community.. 
    (I have no evidence to back this up so i hope that trust can lead me through that.) 

    What date did you join the community: Roughly around February of 2021
    What date did you make your forums account: March 2, 2021

    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers: 2 (SCPRP.  RDM: July 1 2021.   Server diss: July 19 2021)

    Donor Rank: Bronze


    Are you a Staff member in another Community:  Yes.  No.   (changed to No after leaving staff team, of previous server)

    Have you read the staff handbook:  More than once. 

    Timezone: CST/CDT

    What rank are you applying for: TMod Obviously but i think Senior Mod would be the farthest I go before losing faith in myself.

    Why do you believe you deserve this rank/job: I personally don't think I deserve anything, but its the thought and confidence that counts. Just saying that you can do this or that, doesn't mean anything. Confidence wins over most cases. . sometimes. .  I'm Hoping this may get accepted, I also have doubts of being accepted, I doubt I'd be able to keep up with any quotas or activity times due to (for now) only being able to be online friday through sunday.

    Now I believe I deserve the rank because I can get my job done and I know how to deal with trouble makers. I rarely ever minge and I normally remind people of the rules and other things a staff would normally do.  While i don't think I have the potential to be a successful staff member, I have the patience and mindset of being one along with the investigative skills of higher staff.  
    - Generally I've friendly with anyone I encounter unless there's something about them that bothers me, a personality thing, but i won't let that get in the way with my duties as a staff member.
    I take most of my jobs seriously and maintain a goal of getting them done as effectively as possible. 

    Another reason perhaps is my activity when I can get on, while I'm currently weekends only i get on the server for 8+ hours at a time so activity is in an okay area meaning more opportunities to show my worth as staff.


    Q1: I'd first attempt to speak with them politely and patiently if not, i will jail them for an appropiate time to give them time to cool down. If they continue to cause issues while after being jailed Id then speak with other online staff and decide to warn or kick them as they'll have a negative affect on the server if they are let go without punishment.

    Q2:  Initially I'd separate all of them through either jailing or keeping them in a temporary prop cage, then Get all of their sides of the story. If they become uncooperative, I'll begin to reason with them saying things like: "The faster you tell me what i need to know, the faster you can go back to playing the game". or similar words.  If they completely refuse to help the case,  I'd have to warn or kick some of them as All I've been asking is their sides of the story and wanting to get the sit done as quickly and as effectively as possible without failing to represent the staff team and the server.

    Once i find the main trouble maker(s) i'll release the others and decide the punishment of the trouble maker(s).

  2. Lore Name: Takao
    Rank: JR
    SCP: SCP-005

    Question / Idea: Can it open doors that don't require keys?
    Background Research: The Key so far fits into any lock that requires a key.
    Hypothesis: the SCP would slip into the keycard door but the card scanner would not read the key.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): 005 morphed into the shape of a Keycard and we then pushed it into the slot. the Slot denied it multiple times. 
    Then after 5 attempts the keycard scanner accepted 005, the keycard locked door opened as if i had put in a keycard instead. 

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The anomalous ability of SCP-005 allowed it be be read as a keycard instead of a key
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No 

    (:)this is my first test so please don't go too harsh on me

  3. On 2/15/2022 at 1:47 PM, Some Weeb said:

    because then everyone just plays them and every class below 150 150 is insignificant.

    I mean, Most tank classes are never played due to dying faster than other units. Not to mention they have limited slots to avoid the issue of too many of them.   BHM has either 4 or 6 slots and is also a extremely slow class, slower than the CI heavy and most of the other "tank" classes. BHM also has the same hp as most lower nu7 and gensec ncos. about 175/150 or 150/150 or even 150/125.  Not very high at all despite being called a "Behemoth". 


    On 2/15/2022 at 3:26 PM, Diz said:

    I believe the jobs you mentioned should just get new weapons or something.

    Most weapons define what the job is.  Nu-7 Behemoth & Goliath is recognized by the auger. 

    CI Heavy is the Ares (and it's PM)

    G9 is the Hier Apparent.

    Jugg would be the M60

    Taking those guns away from the jobs would completely change the jobs. 

    This goes for the D5 branch in general. The Destiny weapons and other things Define the branch for what it is. Without them D5 wouldn't feel like D5.. . 


    foundation "tank" classes die pretty quickly despite being chonky.    Nu-7 Behemoth dies nearly instantly in every scenario..  dclass jugggy lives for a long time but when that good riot party comes around or ci pops up its pretty useless cuz it'll be dead.

    CI military is full tanks it takes quite a while to kill just a alpha op, don't get me started with the command job, things got more life than an scp, I swear.

  5. +Support

    I'd legit rather fighting a mingey 912 rule breaker than fighting this hilk of mass that takes 5 minutes to kill with 15 mtf shooting at it. 

    Multiple instances where 354 just plows through crowds of combatants MTF and gensec and still taking a while to kill.     912 was atleast easier to kill and also better to role play with. can't roleplay with a 682 level keter scp

  6. +\-  Support 

    1. I did the calculations and if you really did get shot by each weapon for 11 hours then you would've gained 1320 hours in Gmod.  


    I can't say much about it. I'm quite Conflicted on the suggestion. I wouldn't mind a higher TTK, but low HP classes would die quickly which would be unfun for non-combatants when Dclass(mostly Dclass Mains) literally only prioitize Non-combatants. 

    For MTF and CI, I'd have to see it for myself currently CI can mow through a Group of 7-9 MTF and still be able to clear Dblock and Exfil with 40% of their raid party, Mostly CMD members exfilling..    <<depending on the size of the raid party.   

    I get that with 3 MTF branches CI is buffed to oblivion but when you realize MTF is always scattered doing separate jobs and have the be nerfed to keep "balance" You can realize how much.  Not Balance there is.  which the TTK and skill comes in more damage done to CI means happier MTF and a lesser chaotic Dblock. 

    Gensec would be Happier except the less experienced Enlisted. Luckly Gensec has the funny Crossfire which makes them extremely lethal to everything in Dblock. 

    There can be alot of problems from this change (IF all guns get the listed changes) or there can be alot of good things from this change.  

    Now for i believe 1stSavagerYs sub-suggestion aka the KF2 Katana and HSU chainsaw. .  I can't say much with the Katana but for the chainsaw, Increase the range by atleast 1 point and buff the damage by a couple points, Chainsaw is good but if everything else gets buffed it needs its buff too  or HTF would lose faith in their Favorite weapon.


    Overall if this gets accepted> completed, I'd have to see it for myself.

    Man helped motivate me to apply for RRH in the first place and has been someone i've known since i joined the server.  Respect to him always

    Great ranks
    great at doing his job
    Makes sure all punishments are properly given
    and has kept security in check for the time he's been in service

  8. In-game Name: Yamato


    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101762856


    DiscordID: Atago#2794


    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D):    R&D

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?:  1-10: 7

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum):  Well it's something different from my other lives in mtf and such,  I've tried the heavy trooper a couple times and CI seems pretty fun!.  But why.  hmm well I'm Yamato!!   I've managed to get into the fun mtf which is slowly getting boring.  I'm good in rp situations and follow the rules the best i can!  Plus I think R&d is abit declining on the member side of things, rarely see any r&d online, I can change that 🙂  or atleast make it so there's an R&D on alot more.


    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?:  I'm the floating Hotel Yamato  the floating coral reef  THE LEGENDARY YAMATO!!    but uhh anyways  i've been in all 3 main MTF branches  lvl 63, and alot of combat and roleplay experience.  been in Research for abit


    How active can you be?:  Depends on my mood, along with school being a b*tch and many other problems. Meetings will be hard to get to.  I mostly Main Nu7 so mid-level activity 


    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord:  Yes

  9. In-game Name:  Yamato     [Donation rank: Bronze]
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:101762856
    Designation of Squadron joining:  Guardian Squadron
    RP Ranks: 
    Gensec MSGT (all branches [K9, Sniper, RC,]) {Retired}
    NU-7 "Hammer Down":  2nd Lieutenant  [FTO, FE, TR, MCU, DHBHM,  HSU M1]
    Delta-5 "Front Runners": Sergeant
    {void}Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox": Recruit{void}
    Maintenance: Junior Maintenance

    Preferred O5 to guard:  -12  Sparkle 
    {No Available Test logs}

    Currently 2 Warns on the list

    Why do I wish to join:  
    I wish to join because it's something new to tryout,  Something new to do,  All MTF branches seem to do the same thing,  the only difference is, Spawn location, Weapons, and Restrictions.  Yes there's more Restrictions and different weapons with RRH but at-least it's something new to enjoy compared to other MTF branches. Another reason I wish to join is to feel the experience of being redacted,  Special forces is hand-picked, meaning it's stupidly hard to get into, even then the only Special Forces that are Redacted are D4 and G9, Here I can Apply and have more hope of joining,  I know the tryout portion is gonna suck but at-least I can always try again.  Third Reason I want to join is because, a couple friends wanted me to join it, so I gained the courage to make an application,  1st one failed, here's my second attempt.   Most Encounters with RRH have been a fun experience,  I expected them to be Stuck-up, 100% strict on everything, 100% dedicated to their job,  Buut I was wrong, They're really chill and cool people. 😄 

    Why Should you accept me:  
    Tough question but I can answer easily.    I believe I should be accepted,  Not only because it's something I have to take a couple hours out of my time to make an application for but for other reasons,  I believe I qualify to become a member of the RRH.   
    I'm Well disciplined and good-mannered, I follow the rules and enforce them when I can, Reminding people what's a rule and what to do in certain situations.  When given a order by a higher-up I seek to complete it immediately without question unless I miss-hear them or get confused.  

    I take escorting a-bit seriously, staying with the person I'm assigned to escort until they dismiss me, or tell me to break-off from them, Going on-guard when a threat is nearby.  Carefully watching anyone getting close to the person I'm escorting, and doing my best to keep the person safe whatever the situation is.    

    When it comes to roleplay, I try my best, may not be perfect but I roleplay when I can.  I follow rules of engagement and rules of roleplay, I point out any Failrp I see and immediately fix myself if I end up doing something that's considered Failrp.  I do my rolls and even assist with tests when needed. Sadly most Roleplay Areas have been removed from the map but that won't stop people from roleplaying. Even me.  
    My Combat skills are good enough, I hope, I aim the best I can and I utilize any cover when available, I get non-combatant personnel out of the way and hold my ground until reinforcements arrive.

    #NU7s most active behemoth

    All in all, I have doubt of getting into RRH but I believe that with enough attempts and dedication,  I can get into it easily.
    [First Application]: 



  10. 14 minutes ago, mixtru said:


    Whilst I do not think that Yamamoto would be a bad fit for RRH in general, he does not currently hold a rank in a Utility-branch.

    (1. not the general.  the Battleship.)


    2.  Am i able to fix the Application to be more fit for guardians if i have to be in utility?

  11. 21 hours ago, Sprink said:

    +/- Support

    Now here me out here I am fine with 912 being removed as a level based SCP but, what if Security could make it a sub branch? Make it a one slot job hand selected like 7101, we could give it a new SWEP possibly around the same HP, but actually give it fare SOP rules. What does everyone think?

    I honestly think this is better than completely removing the entire SCP since, it's actually very useful for gensec and LCZ as a whole. Give it Rules that people that the 4th graders that play the scp can understand and not make it seem like a bad scp. I realize i've called myself a 4th grader but to be honest I'd be a chad 4th grader then because I follow MOTD and Rules from other sources such as MTF SOPs and SCP guides. I've never cuffed a non-combatant for having a gun out and have only given them a warninh obviously they don't listen but if gives me a good rep as a 912 player compared to others. Maybe increase the NLR to 4 minutes instead of 2 and decrease the stunlock duration.  then i'm sure it'd be better than what it is now.

  12. In-Game Name: Yamato
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:101762856
    Squadron Applying for: Guardians 
    Current RP ranks Held:  Gensec MSGT, NU-7 MSGT (FE, TR, SBHM), D5 PVT
    If applying for guardians preferred O5 to escort:  N/A (doesn't matter, a job is a job, and order is an order, If i am told, or requested to escort them, I will do so without question)
    If applying for analyst notable test logs:  N/A 
    How many warns do you have (with screenshot proof):  2   |   The server diss warning was from me really having a bad night despite it being meeting day and getting promoted as well, and I honestly am disappointed with myself with what i said that day.  

    Why do I want to join the amazing Red Right Hand team:  Well My main reason for wanting to join is because @Former LR Monika Returned sorta bugged me to join it. But I have other reasons, mainly one of which is I want to not necessarily feel special but to have some sort of specialty about me.  RRH seems to be the opportunity that I can take to become something I possibly could never become. They seem like a cool branch to join despite never seeing any online and when i do see them online its fun seeing them in action, protecting and escorting their [Redacted] personel, sometimes doing tests and even sometimes even having a small conversation with them, in and out of roleplay. 
    I know this section isn't really large or with the effort that I would want but I hope its enough. 

    Why you should accept me into the Red Right Hand:  Though i am heavily doubting any possibility of being accepted I believe that i have a chance. I dedicate myself to any job or order I'm given and I follow the rules the best I can, as far as i know any kind of RDM I've done has been 100% accidental and i sometimes help enforce the rules or give a quick reminder to someone who's about to break one. I wouldn't say I'm a good Combatant, nor a good role-player but I do my best in both fields even if its poorly done..  In Nu7 at some point i was one of the best Field Experts and sometimes did more than maintenance, Also Possibly one of the Only BHMs left in Nu7. (#buffBHM) I would say I'm fairly decent at combat, far from the best but deffinetly good enough to show that i'm doing my utmost best at protecting whoever or whatever I am assigned to escort. I Believe I'm reasonably mature and well behaved in most situations, though i tend to minge sometimes I quickly correct my behavior upon knowing that I'm needed somewhere for any reason, for whatever reason. Activity will be high from me, I do my best to stay as active as possible in every branch I'm in, regardless if i find it boring. Inactivity is rare for me and the only reasons should be for school, medical reasons/emergencies, Real life personal problems. I find myself a trustworthy person and generally logical and reasonable, if i find myself in trouble, I will explain the entire side of my story with 100% accuracy and add abit of extra facts and evidence to help support myself.

    (I generally hope this is a good amount of evidence and is long enough to be worthy of acceptance.  I still doubt it'll be accepted due to my nature but I gave it my best shot and i think that earns some slight respect)

    I personally thank @Former LR Monika Returned and Security COL Assassin for giving me the motivation to make this application, without them i would not have been able to muster the mental strength to take the time and create this application. 

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