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About Alijah

  • Birthday March 23

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  1. Alijah

    srt resignation

    My pc is broken so I don’t think I’ll be playing for a while
  2. plus, i dont even see anything wrong with the clip, it looks like the smoke grenade is at the entrance of the base
  3. yea, it looks like you just got busted
  4. -support bro was body blocking the door so it couldn't open and he was asking for extra money
  5. Name - Alijah Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:516812725 Discord Name - Alijah#8484 Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security) - CI RCT, E-11 RCT List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - 1 warn for teleporting in a wall as 106 Why do you want to join Delta-5? I would like to join Delta-5 because when I'm on the server using a MTF class that you can pay for it really seems like D5 is a fun and interesting branch to be in. Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words)You should let me into Delta-5 because when on the server I can be very serious when needed and I can also be a very fun person to be around. I am also pretty active on the server and being in a branch like this one will encourage me to be more active than I already am. I know all of the rules of the server and I have absolutely no intentions to break any rules in the server. Another reason I should be accepted is because my combat skills are above average and have recontained many SCP's. Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yes
  6. what da hell man how you got da revolva wit da extended clip
  7. Alijah


    Do you know what blue cheese tastes like? its nasty. Anyway, Mozzarella and Cheddar are the best cheeses, I will no longer be hearing anyone out.
  8. +support. literally a copy and paste of Bops DT vice commander app clearly a shock officer will bring DT to it 's apex beans for DT vice commander
  9. +/- I dont think i have ever seen this guy but nothing in this picture shows that he is the one Mass RDM'ing
  10. Travis is the shortest one there
  11. CC's can have 150 armor if you pay, and im sure the super soldier job has 200 armor the only swep that would help is parkour and your not getting that on a CC i can guarantee that and when you say "specific gun" i would assume you mean like a Barret or maybe some SMT weapon such as mp5 the chances of that will be very low
  12. its crazy that you are able to get away with this, this rule is obvious and on the format of the CC it says you cant use vehicles you did not pay for, you should read the rules before making a 100-200 dollar donation
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