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Everything posted by Nicc

  1. + support Faction leveling is extremely slow in the mid ranks.
  2. -Support Gov aren't allowed to do money printers, bitmining, or weed while on the job. Pretty clear in the MOTD and SOP's. If you see gov doing it just report it to their command.
  3. +/- support I believe this is a good idea for the most part however, I would like to see weapons that are not available to sell by gun dealers added. Paying a premium for weapons that are not usually obtainable sounds like a useful addition and would not take much away from the gun dealers that hop on the server. For the most part there are still a lot of people that hop on gun dealer and follow the rules. Can't punish everyone for a few people breaking the rules. This is why staff are a thing. Just report them and its handled.
  4. Huge lack of effort coming from copying his previous staff app and seems like he just added useless content to make his word count larger. Seen him on the server maybe once or twice within the last 5 months. Huge -support
  5. Nicc

    Bosco 48 hours

    Sad to see you go man. Good luck in your other departments!
  6. - Support. There was something recent up asking for a fire department and it got denied. With the type of stuff a fire department would require to be useful as a department, It would most likely throw server performance down the drain.
  7. Title: (Name) - (State / D.O.C / S.P.R.T) Resignation Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:497588238 Reason for Resignation: Not enough time for the department
  8. + support If complex didn't see the video, logs would only show that you shot him in his car in the replay. Leading to why it may be considered a failrp/RDM warn. If the video wasn't presented during the sit this is what we would go off of but with the provided video I would say it is not a valid warn. Honestly just seems like a simple mistake that a lot of staff make. Warn should be removed.
  9. Also trying to take away a sub department from FBI. State already has 3 sub departments. It doesn't need another.
  10. -Support We are always looking for ways to enhance RP, however adding luck into the situation would make it unfair for EMS. Also adding onto the headshot suggestion, there is no way for us to tell who has been shot in the head. It will soon turn into everyone claiming they have been shot in the head.
  11. Most of the people that come into gunfights against tac play dumb. They stand out in the open and just shoots whatever moves. Just need to learn how to use the provided surroundings to your advantage. Its not that hard to kill tac.
  12. If you know how to kill someone with a shield it is pretty easy. Just gotta learn how to do it. - support
  13. What you want to see? - I would like to see the recently added rule for ERP expanded upon to generalized parental figures. Why should we add it? - Over the past few days I have taken many sits in which the person has their name as mommy, daddy, mother, father, etc. They always try to argue it is only targeted at the four names that were posted and that we are not able to do anything about the other names that now fall under that rule. If we had the rule more generalized to any parental figure / guardian, it would decrease the amount of people trying to loophole the rules. What are the advantages of having this? - Less confusion for players and less people trying to loophole when it comes to the MOTD. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - N/a
  14. Had fun but just can't find time for the department. Thanks for having me.
  15. Name: Nicc Rank and Callsign: EMT 8801 Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? Semi Active Why would you like to stay in the department? It is a fun department and I enjoy the occasional roleplay that comes in heavier RP situations. Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? N/a
  16. Your In-game: Nicc The player's name in-game: Billy Grodon The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:595684463 What did the player do: Reached 30 Warns Evidence (REQUIRED): https://imgur.com/gallery/E81LPx7 What do you believe should happen to the player: 1 month ban per ban guidelines Any extra information: N/a
  17. - Support Great Lakeside is essentially one big loop and doesn't have as much drivable roadways as Rockford does. Great lakeside was a good map but got boring for a lot of people real quick. As much as I liked it, there are definitely better maps out there and in our current rotation than GLS.
  18. +Support Most active EMS don't report illegal items in base anyways but will help for the few that do.
  19. Nicc

    SRT Rolecall

    I, Sir Seargent Nicc, have seen and ackenewelged this posting of the high command.
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