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[DPG] Bennet10 the Pigeon

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Everything posted by [DPG] Bennet10 the Pigeon

  1. ACCEPTED Please speak to your Security Director (Spectre) for training & whitelist.
  2. This post has been approved by Navy High Command Member: Grand Moff Tarkin Battalion Name: Naval Job/Class Name: Naval Officer - Current loadout: Binoculars (White) Arrest Baton Unarrest Baton E-11 (no scope) EC-17 Cross Arms - Add: RK-3 rw_sw_rk3 Voice Amplifier voice_amplifier Se-14C rw_sw_se14cc - Remove: EC-17 rw_sw_scoutblaster E-11 (no Scope) rw_sw_e11_noscope Job/Class Name: Aviation Officer - Current loadout: Binoculars (White) Arrest Baton Unarrest Baton RK-3 CR-2c Voice Amplifier Cross Arms Cross Arms (Infront) Wrench - Add: Se-14C rw_sw_se14cc Job/Class Name: Security Officer - Current loadout: Binoculars (White) Arrest Baton Unarrest Baton RK-3 CR-2c Voice Amplifier Cross Arms Cross Arms (Infront) Elastic Restraint - Add: Se-14C rw_sw_se14cc Job/Class Name: Medical Overseer - Current loadout: Binoculars (White) Arrest Baton Unarrest Baton S-5c RK-3 CR-2c Voice Amplifier Cross Arms Cross Arms (Infront) Bacta Injector Bacta Grenade Health Stim Shot Armorkit - Add: Se-14C rw_sw_se14cc - Remove: S-5c rw_sw_s5c Bacta Grenade weapon_bactanade Job/Class Name: Naval Gunnery Officer - Current loadout: Binoculars (White) Arrest Baton Unarrest Baton RK-3 DC-19 Cross Arms DP-23 Smart Launcher F-187 Fusion Cutter Cross Arms (Infront) - Add: Se-14C rw_sw_se14cc CR-2c rw_sw_cr2c Voice Amplifier voice_amplifier - Remove: DC-19 rw_sw_dc19 Job/Class Name: Chief Aviation Officer - Current loadout: Binoculars (White) Arrest Baton Unarrest Baton S-5c RK-3 CR-2c Voice Amplifier Cross Arms Cross Arms (Infront) Wrench - Add: Se-14C rw_sw_se14cc Job/Class Name: Chief Medical Overseer - Current loadout: Binoculars (White) Arrest Baton Unarrest Baton S-5c RK-3 CR-2c Voice Amplifier Cross Arms Cross Arms (Infront) Bacta Injector Bacta Grenade Health Stim Shot Armorkit - Add: Se-14C rw_sw_se14cc Job/Class Name: Security Director - Current loadout: Binoculars (White) Arrest Baton Unarrest Baton S-5c RK-3 CR-2c Voice Amplifier Cross Arms Cross Arms (Infront) Elastic Restraint - Add: Se-14C rw_sw_se14cc Job/Class Name: Tenn Graneet - Current loadout: Binoculars (White) Arrest Baton Unarrest Baton RK-3 DC-19 Cross Arms DP-23 Smart Launcher F-187 Fusion Cutter Cross Arms (Infront) DC-15X Voice Amplifier - Add: Se-14C rw_sw_se14cc CR-2c rw_sw_cr2c S-5c rw_sw_s5c - Remove: DC-19 rw_sw_dc19 Job/Class Name: Admiral - Current loadout: Binoculars (White) Arrest Baton Unarrest Baton RK-3 Cr-2c Voice Ampifier Cross Arms Cross Arms (Infront) - Add: S-5c rw_sw_s5c Se-14C rw_sw_se14cc Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): Naval's Weapon change quite Drastically between Naval Jobs, with this suggestion Naval Command wants to establish a tier system that gives the Player better weapons with every new job. Compared to other battations Naval is still far below in Firepower. All but one Weapon are already in use by Naval, and with that there would not be a big shift in how Naval fights, if they get forced to do so. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes, as these Weapons are not Bosting Navals Firepower, they will not change Naval to a fighting oriented battalion, but gives Member another Reason to join a Specialty, and a clear Understanding what they will recive with the Next Job.
  3. DENIED Naval Command does not see you fit for this position. You may apply again in one week.
  4. ACCEPTED Please speak to your Chief Aviation Officer (Zack) for training & whitelist.
  5. DENIED Naval Command does not see you fit for this position. You may apply again in one week.
  6. ACCEPTED Please speak to your Security Director (Spectre) for training & whitelist.
  7. ACCEPTED Please speak to your Chief Medical Officer (Bean) for training & whitelist.
  8. ACCEPTED Please speak to Tenn Graneet (Bepiks) for training & whitelist.
  9. ACCEPTED Please speak to your Chief Medical Officer (Bean) for training & whitelist.
  10. DENIED Applicant does not fulfill the Rank Requirements anymore.
  11. Battalion Name: Naval Job/Class Name: Tenn Graneet - Current loadout: - Add: voice_amplifier - Remove: N/A Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): This job will now be equivalent to other Naval Specialty Command Jobs Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: YES, Tenn Graneet is a leading personnel in Naval and for that sometimes need to convey information to a large group, where the voice amp. can be helpfull.
  12. Thank you all for the Great Time on GL, I noticed that the last few Weeks i lost that what is the Most important in Gaming, the Fun, so i decided to Leave my Position as Admiral. Classy: You are a Great Grand Admiral and im Sure that you can be a Great Vader if you want it. Win: Thank you for everything you have done for Naval, at the Beginning i was sceptical if the old Havoc Commander could be a Good Naval HC but you showed me otherwise. Ducks: Continue to Quarck for me Buddy Mikey: Sadly your Promotion showed me that im not Playing for fun Anymore, but you deserved the Promotion you did mutch for Naval and im sure that with you as Fleet Admiral Naval will only become stronger Not Jeff: One of the Best GM i know and a Great Naval, keep up that good work Joe: Great Event Planner, you should probably join the GM team your Event planning was great for all Naval Battalions Adam: Keep up the Good work. Matrix: You are probably the Best CAO i have ever seen. Jenson: The Grand Mafia Thanks you for your donation Naval: Naval as one of Your Admirals i can say that we have many Great Naval on this server, you maybe think we dont notice you, but trust me we probably just had no chance to promote you for your great work. IF: IF i was probably not the Best Versio you had, but i tried my Best, make sure to stay the best. Admiral Pigeon Signing OFF
  13. + Support He Is doing mutch for Naval and probably the entire Server, and many dont even know it. so this application is Bird Approved
  14. + Support All our specialities are filled and im still getting asked for permission to join them
  15. What do you want to see? - The Option for the Naval Officer Job, to Whitelist to the Naval Enlisted Job Why should we add it? - It would greatly help our Naval Supervisors to do Tryouts and it also got accepted 4 Months ago but never got implemented What are the advantages of having this? - Naval Supervisors would not need to open an report for whitelisting and it would give staff the possibility to deal with other Problems Who is it mainly for? - Naval and Staff Links to any content - N/A
  16. What would you like to see: A CCTV System, with cams in all important rooms How would it help the server and/or the player base: Shock could watch the Ship and with that keep the whole ship safe and in events command could use it to give informations to the ship for enemy movments, it also could be placed in the command Center and give this room another feature. Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: It will Help Shock out of events and the whole server in events, there could be porblems with lag but there are other maps with CCTV system and they dont have a lag problem.
  17. + Support Maybe they could also add some point defense Turrets for fighting against Starfighter
  18. What would you like to see: A Vent system all around the map with acces to every room (Bridge, Medbay, Bunks etc.) How would it help the server and/or the player base: With that we would have more options in events, as Rebels could go in there and reappear in any room, Havoc and Naval would have more work with patrolling and maintaining them and they could also be used in some kind of a sim Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: Yes i think it will hekp the server, with RP and Events Note: yes i know Minges could use that to get to areas they are not supposed to enter but with that Shock, Havoc and Naval would have more work.
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