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Everything posted by Azir

  1. Job Name: Starfighter Cadet Model Path: models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_01/pilot_imperial_orig_01.mdl Weapon Kit: alydus_fusioncutter , rw_sw_e11_noscope, garde_a_vousv1.1, dradio, keys, rw_sw_bino_dark, wos_inventory Health: 300 Armor: 100 Tie Fighter: kingpommes_tie_fighter Job Name: Starfighter Cadet Why it should be added: The whole point of having this job added is to reduce the ability to minge for newly enlisted SF, It would only have the Tie-Fighter available on the job unlike the regular pilot job which would be AM+ which is when you're able to be trained for DX9 and VTOL.
  2. Denied Must have permission from VM+ to apply Officers Apps are closed.
  3. Pending (Wanna see more from you and App is lacking.)
  4. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Vice Marshall Azir What is your Steam name : [GL] AZIR! What is your SteamID : STEAM_0:0:526851212 How much in-game time do you have on the server? : 5 weeks! How active can you be on the server? : I'm on the server everyday for about 3-4 hours and I spend most of my time interacting with my wonderful SF, however if I get Fleet Admiral position I'll spend more time with the Naval Battalions! This is my BattleMetrics report https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/934859634?servers[4604844]=3M The big chunk in the activity is when I was on a beefy LOA for, family/personal Issues. Why do you want to become Fleet Admiral? : Naval I want to become a Fleet Admiral to be come a even better bridge between all the Naval Subdivisions and I really wanna help improve Naval and all the other naval sub battalions within Naval Command and assist them with anything they need help with, I also would love to work with all of the wonderful people in Naval and I like to think I'm in good status with all of them. I want to be able to assist Win and Classy with anything they need so they don't have to be bothered with the little things a lower person could handle. I like to think I'm trusted with SF and trusted by other people on the server and feel like I would be a great asset/command member for Naval. I'm like to think I'm a nice guy and very approachable to everyone and I'm willing to help anybody with anything they need help with, I feel like I'm a pretty fair person and keep my decisions/opinions of others out of game when making a decisions. Since I am a GM I would do lots of Sims for Naval and make sure they have fun when they are on Naval and make them enjoy all the RP that naval has to offer. I'm also on late at night (EST Time) when sometimes there are no naval on or a short amount of naval on where there may not be a supervisor/higher up on. I'd make sure Naval hits a good amount of tryouts everyday make sure the flow of Crewman keeps going up and up and promoting/recommending people for promotions if they are working hard in Naval. I go on my Lieutenant Naval reserves given to me by Senior High Command often, I spend my time when on those reserves seeing how naval operates and learning more about it. I like to think I have a pretty good understanding about how naval works on a day to day basis, I also have access to read through the Naval SOP and read through it when I am on my reserves to keep my knowledge of it up to date and know it well, unlike some other candidates who aren't familiar with the SOP and who break it time and time again and get striked/punished for it. I feel like I also have a general understanding of what its like to be as Naval, as I often hop on my LT reserves in the branch, overseeing Enlisted, and helping out supervisors, not to the mention the access I have to their SOP which I can assure I've never broken unlike some other Naval Command members. considering I'm also command of a Naval Trooper Branch, this is a great opportunity for me as I have experience in not only naval, but Naval branches, and could easily assist other command members, and answer, train, and help them when needed. Death-Troopers I would work with DT in improving their PassiveRP , and activity's and make it even more fun for the people within it. I really enjoy all the people within DT and see that they work hard for their positions and deserve them. I would frequently work with DT Command on assisting them with any Naval issues they have or need help with. I believe they are in a really good spot right now, I would just give them so more to do If I'm their VIP at the time such as more Missions, Sims, Assassinations , Interrogations etc. They have amazing command and would love to assist their command members with anything they need. I would also work with SD and Agent Kallus and help him with anything they may need. Seeing as I was also in Death-Troopers, I fee like I have a general understanding of how they operate, how they work, and some areas of improvement, If I am accepted into this position, I would survey Death-troopers seeing what they want to see from their Naval VIP's. Especially since they are a battalion with the only purpose of protecting Naval Command. Not only this but something I've also wanted too cooperate is better communication with Death-trooper, Inferno, and other special forces groups. This would help them communicate more effectively, overall helping the relations of all battalions involved. Inferno Squad I'll actively work with Garrick Versio and Iden Versio on giving them more stuff to do and improving their activity it's pretty good right now but there's also room for improvement. I know most of IF fairly well and like to think I'm in good status with all of them. IF is seen as a bit "mingey" by others and I would love the opportunity to help them improve that seeing as many of them are already working on improving it. I would also like to work on giving them more stuff to do like Sims, Missions, and overall PassiveRP. I would also have IF and DT work together more on missions and such. One thing that could also be worked on is activity, and ethic of being in Inferno, When the old Iden was in command Inferno was 'brainwashed' into thinking they're army, and constantly had issues with other units. Now that there's new command, this is a great opportunity to make Inferno a well-liked battalion, as beforehand their reputation was ruined by the constant arguments that a certain commander started. One way to achieve this is battalion vs battalion sims, and other activities for them to do. Starfighter Corps Seeing has I'm already a Vice Marshall I'm already working hard PTOB and Soph on improving SF in anyways we can and I would like to think we're doing really good on improving SF, I would just make myself and even better link to SF and Naval and work with the CAO, and command team on improving SF in anyways it can be improved. SF is also doing really good right now, we're working on working on improving the seriousness of the battalion seeing as we're seen has minges as of right now. Subsection: What I have done with/for SF Improved overall Seriousness Reducing "minging" Working with SF Command/Officers 24/7 Helping SF in/out of game Army After Hobbs got Vader, It became clear that Army would now have jurisdiction removed on certain Branches and give naval high command and inquisitor high command more to do, Those Branches were, Death Troopers, Inferno, Star fighters, and all branches of Inquisition, I completely agreed with this, as I believe Army should only have jurisdiction over their respective branches, and I understand the changes completely. If Accepted into the position I would not interfere with Army unless needed, giving my opinion only when asked. I have no intentions of being 'power hungry' and will stick within my respective branches, and act presentable as a High Command Member. What Makes me different The reason I applied for Fleet Admiral is because I believe I have the experience of being not only a Navy command member, but a Naval too, I've gotten experience as SF Command, Being a Officer, and I've gotten the proper qualifications to reach my rank, I've NEVER had a COMMAND STRIKE, unlike some people, and I've never gotten any repercussions in my time on Imperial,, and I don't "simp" for promotions. I have good relations with my Superiors, and I've never been racist, or homophobic. I believe I'd make a great High Command member because I've not only put the work in, I've maintained a good professional attitude for the position. I can handle situations well and stay unbiased during them. I have no problem with helping anything they need and I'm willing to answer any questions people have. I easily adapt to situations when I may not completely understand them or may not know how to handle them. High Command Subsection 1: Communication I believe that communication is a very big part of the server I would help improve communication within all Naval Branches, As SF Command it's also one of my duties to be in good contact with all my SF members such as Officers and NCOs. I believe with proper work ethic I would be able to transfer this into a more bigger picture style, communicating more effectively with IF, DT, SF, and Naval as a whole. Subsection 2: Professionalism. Professionalism. One of they key factors of high command, I believe I have a professional attitude as I have trained dozens of Officers and NCOs within SF and made sure they know how to properly do their job as such. Not only that but my history on the server has been nothing but straightforward with other command members and people. I've never been one to hide corruption in the command team, and I have always called people who've either broken command SOP or done something morally wrong for what rank they are, not only this I've always followed the Command SOP to a "dot" and I'm always looking for more constructive criticism for my branch, myself, and my officer team. I can go more into this with Subsection 3. Subsection 3: Diligence Steady, earnest, and energetic effort : devoted and painstaking work and application to accomplish an undertaking. Not only have I been straightforward I've also been a team-player and considerate of the server as a whole, hopefully proving myself with this application I take matters seriously with my branch, command, and the server as a whole. I believe I've proven myself as a high command member I've worked with Sully, Ptob, and Soph as a officer and proved myself to be trusted with a VCMDR role. Here's a list of my accomplishments within SF and the server: - Assisted command with the new branch of "Sentry" Guided Sentry into a suitable position Kept the tryout document and SOP up to date. -Kept the SF Tryout Document up to date. As well as picked a competent AHTO to assist. -Attended weekly meetings. -Attended Weekly Command Meetings -Shown activity on TS & Discord. -Maintained a professional and mature attitude at all times. -Kept subordinates active & engaged. -Promoted those who show activity & dedication. - Shown good leadership and communication skills. Not only have I accomplished all these things I plan to accomplish many more and improve on all these things in anyway I can. What is the main purpose of Fleet Admiral? : The purpose of the Fleet Admiral is to oversee all Naval High Command and report to Naval Senior High Command (High Admiral+), not only that they are meant to be overseeing Naval, Naval Specialties, and the battalions that are in the Navy's jurisdiction. They also train newly appointed VCMDR+ and on rare occasions and Specialty Chiefs as well as Accept and deny specialty applications. The Fleet Admiral is a member of naval who oversees the operations of the ISD and beyond and is the last member of lower high command. They are to act on behalf of the Grand Moff and Grand Admiral themselves in their absence and will make sure that the entirety of the navy is running smoothly. They have large amounts of power and sway and must be able to use this properly and to better naval as a whole. They can promote Supervisor and Low Command Members. They should also be communicating their opinions with army high command members when needed.
  5. ACCEPTED!! Speak to GC+ for training.
  6. Gonna help Jello host his first event!
  7. Accepted! (Please speak to GC+ to be trained for officer!) Welcome to the officer team!
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