Name: Brendan
Rank: WO
SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:0:543652342
Current Sub-Branches your in: Wardens, FTO, Riot Control, Sniper, Juggernaut
Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I feel I should keep my rank of Warrant Officer because I feel I led well and I understand what it means to be command. I've proven myself in many ways, i.e I'm wardens command which is pretty cool. I also feel I should keep my rank because I feel I can/will be a very active command member, I feel I show leadership. I feel I can show that I can really change security piece by piece with me being in command. I feel I can be that command member that you can go to ask a dumb question or just any question in general. I've worked my ass off to get Command and I feel getting removed off a role call is not very pog. I hold myself as a command member to a high profile, I will do my best and I give only the best as a command member. As a command member I feel I've shown that I can lead and do well.
Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Security GO BRRRRRRRRR