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[GL] Spoon

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Everything posted by [GL] Spoon

  1. Denied feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks. Just kidding, cya around Raddish.
  2. +Support -Could encourage more people to buy clans -Agree with Phil, it kinda sucks that you gotta scroll through 100 CC's just to get to your Clan CC.
  3. +Support from me, it seems the that this was a clear misunderstanding. I think this warn should be appealed because accidents do happen on the server, from Drako's perspective he was under the impression that the sign was still up. If the sign was a KOS Loitering sign then it also depends where this base was which was not specified. Like I said before accidents do happen and Drako isn't someone who breaks these rules willingly. Everyone deserves second chances.
  4. -Support I agree with Max Holland here, as a man in Raze's position anyone would have done the same, solve the issue then ask questions later. CC Car's are also inaccessible to anyone who did not purchase said vehicle. Secondly, I see evidence of Raze deleting the vehicle but I don't see any evidence of Matthew approving the use of this vehicle.
  5. [GL] Spoon

    Spoon SWAT LOA

    Name: Spoon Rank : CDT Date Leave 3/3/2021 Date Return: 3/10/2021 Reason: Private
  6. Name: Spoon Departments going LOA on: DEA/FBI/HRT Ranks in these Departments: COS/SSA/CDT Reason: Private Length: 1 week 3/3/2021-3/10/21 Any questions shoot me a dm.
  7. Conrad is still bad at Kahoot but a good addition to the team
  8. **Note this Format is only applicable and available for Supervising Special Agent+ looking to apply for future ranks** Supervising Special Agent-Special Agent in Charge only have to wait 2 Weeks between applying for each rank. Special Agent in Charge-Deputy Administrator have to wait 3 weeks between apps Anything above DA is selected by High Command. -Name -Steam ID -Date of last promotion? -Why do you think you should be promoted to the next rank? (150 Word Min) -How would you rate your activity in DEA? (1-10) -How many warns do you have? -How long have you been at your rank for?
  9. +Support -Mike is active,dedicated, mature, and ready for this position. -Mike Demonstrates Leadership capabilities everyday on the job. -Mike leaves his mark on those who come around him in a good way with most aspiring to be the same as Mike. -Mike is LC Ready.
  10. [GL] Spoon


    SYP is dope and we were already taking care of you today much love fam find what you love.
  11. +Support -First off no need to have such vulgar language Jacky. Secondly, if what Abu is saying is true and factual, there are no rules stating that you cannot do so. Nevertheless, I do not feel a warn was anywhere near necessary for this as you could have just simply asked him to delete it. Which he had done on his own accord without being questioned. He wasn't even brought to a sit or told he was getting warned till after he was warned which in my opinion is a tad unprofessional
  12. +Support Before you begin to -support because you dislike Prada, I'd only ask that you look at what he is saying. I have seen many many many people take a car and advert it after driving a foot or two, binded or not. Not only that, I would deem it coincidental that while this warn was being handed out/sit the moderator in question was in a teams peak with the people who were nearby. If I am not mistaken moderators if they are in TeamSpeak should be in the Staff Channel where, if necessary, they can seek counsel from other staff members. It would be wrong to assume he sought counsel from the people in the state TeamSpeak as it would be biased clearly but it shouldn't go unnoticed. Nevertheless we still need to hear smiths side of the story. I still think this is a valid report anyways.
  13. Wouldn't throwing smokes a sign of a commenced raid? If not why throw them?
  14. I'm pretty sure that its still Fail RP, the way I think of it, yes even if you were affected by outside sources, you still got revived so that you would be full armor and full health to face the situation which would be like combat healing. Nevertheless this is a question about whether or not this situation is considered FailRp and not how SCO19 was treated before or after.
  15. +Support Video Proof of Revival
  16. Major +Support -W3ndu is not only active but dedicated -Puts all of his time on ImpRP to helping others get a grasp of the game -Strong Willed and Smart -Overall W3ndu is more than deserving of this Commander position as he has proven himself worthy time after time.
  17. We have read through the applications, if you are named below please contact a Command member of the DEA to get trained. Wheat DrDuck Yeeterson Robert Thanks to those who applied. -DEA COMMAND
  18. Indeed magic the only reason I come off that way is because it appears that the sides are only heard for specific people but when its for other people often the sides aren't heard thats all.
  19. +Support Don't know why we are waiting on this one its clear evidence. Clearly took a sit while not On-Duty and then tried to cover it up by switching On-Duty. Evidence shows enough! You're a moderator so this type of behavior isn't expected Malicious or not. Sorry Bro.
  20. +Support Clear Evidence Definetly not recommended Got caught in 4k?
  21. You've guessed it! Your favorite Rockford Family has finally returned after spending a long time in exile. We are looking for new members to join our family! Granted, if you are prone to minging and rule breaking then this isn't the family for you! But if you are a player who is looking for some new friends to ride with and looking to have fun then this is the place for you! Below you will find our application and roster! Hope to see you guys in game! Application: https://forms.gle/EZvvoEQqVKs2U6sSA Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FwXS0mcQne3yyprTg-9v7GpOojecYZFoGvv3hCFRSmM/edit?ts=601e0668#gid=0
  22. Definetly join a Family, this is a good way to make some friends and have some objectives to do while on crim.
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