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Everything posted by Mary

  1. +Support Claer evidence of breaking the rules (along with the other reports as well).
  2. A very big yikes to see from an Admin and a SCMD of GENSEC. I get wanting to have fun during off-hours, but having your friends breach you as 682 at low pop is just unfun to literally anyone else. +Support
  3. a chill ass member of CI, good luck!
  4. Hello! You can do this by going to the top right of your screen -> click on your name/the little down arrow -> account settings -> sigantures! There is a limited amount of words/lines you can have but there is the basic way of doing it!
  5. Yeah, I’m getting kinda tired of people using the “you ain’t on the roster ” bullshit to metagame. Had this happen to me on maintenance and it’s very annoying. Roster is an OOC thing, so as fair as in RP, they are just a normal member of your branch. +Support
  6. In-Game Name: Mary Steam Name: [GL] Val SteamID: STEAM_0:1:519066521 What is your staff rank and the server you work in?: Admin & SCP-RP. How long have you been apart of the Gaminglight community?: I have been around since 2020, taking a few breaks here and there until coming back a few months ago. How long have you been a staff member on Gaminglight?: 3/4/23, 3 ish months ago was when i joined staff, however, I was a Senior Mod back in 2020 and 2021. How often are you online on the forums?: I check it once every few hours. Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat?: I believe that I am qualified to become a Forums Diplomat because I have been around this community for a long time, and I am not someone to mess around or minge and break rules. I like enforcing the rules when it needs to be done, and I would love the chance to be able to do it on the forums as well, a place that starts/brings a lot of toxicity and drama. I have wanted to apply for a while now, but the chance to was always slim (due to current Staff Rank) or the applications were just not open at the time. Now that they are, I believe that I am ready to take on the tasks of a Forums Dip and better the Forums in any way I can. I am on the Forums almost every day, looking at the different suggestions, reports, etc. making sure everything is okay and that no one needs help. While my recent posts may be a little low in numbers, I am very active in just viewing all the different posts (mainly SCP-RP). If given the chance, I would love to serve as a Forums Dip and help in any/all ways I can and I would try my hardest to be even more active on the forums than I already am. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision?: I have been on many different servers throughout my time on GMOD, and one of them I had to warn and ban a few of my closest friends because of their actions. I am not one to be bais towards anyone when the time comes to be serious and make very hard decisions. I would consider myself to have good judgement when the time comes to it, I have had to even strike and remove some of my good friends as well for inactivity, breaking rules, etc. I know that rules are rules, and no matter who they are, they are still subject to them just as much as I am. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?: I would firstly try to read some of the spam posts to try and gather as much info as I can on the situation. I would then lock and hide all the posts that they are posting while logging all of this within the right channel in the Discord. I would then send a messge to the user via the Message System on the Forums, the message would be as such; "Hello! You are currently breaking a rule on the Forums about spamming posts due to being banned. If you conintue doing so, you are at risk on being warned, or even banned from the Forums. You may appeal your server ban at [Insert ban section link of that specific server] and if you have any trouble, please contact support." If they conintue, I would contact a Senior Forums Dip about everything, and let them handle it while locking and hiding the spam posts. How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal?: I would start by reading all the posts between the 2 to find out more of the situation, then I would post a message that would go as the following; "Forums Diplomat message! Please keep all replies to a + or - Supports. Any other messages that are conintuing the fight, will be moderated and futher action with be taken." I would then look over the post for a few hours to make sure everything has stopped. If they had not, I would then hide the messages, issue the correct punishments then log everything in the correct channel within the Discord.
  7. +Support Pretty chill in game, always engaging in Events and trying to make stuff happen when it’s down time. Good answers for the questions and okay activity. Good luck!
  8. I would suggest cloaking be removed from ALL CCs that have it as well.
  9. Cloaking should be earned based off of how annoying it is. All of the non-dono classes that have it are either handpicked, earned through a mech raid with more rules, or a very hard tryout/even harder handpicked selection.
  10. “I don’t wanna apply for Event Team.” *Applies for Event Team* +Support
  11. What tazza said. +Support
  12. +Support Good app, amazing member of E-11 Command. Good luck!
  13. Mary

    unban appeal- Denied

    Don’t give your friend your password? That’s kinda on you if he had the password in the first place and used it to log in. Next time, have 2 Step On or don’t give out your account details.
  14. Mary

    unban appeal- Denied

    You are responsible for what happens with your account, dawg.
  15. The A-1 Class that has defibs already have very strict rules when it comes to them, so if you have the names of the A-1 that were doing it, please hand them over.
  16. Post name: “General Suggestion - A Change to Civis” What are you suggesting? - I am suggesting to lock the Civi classes behind a whitelist for the sake of RP, players of the server, and mental states of Staff members. Currently, everyone is allowed to get on the job, even fresh new players that have NOT read the rules what so ever. With this change, CIvis would be locked behind a whitelist (that would be earned by escaping as D-Class and maybe here be another thing never CI Base that is like "!freedom to be whitelisted for all Civi jobs!"). How would this change better the server? - Honestly, these unwhitelisted jobs just allow new players to come onto the server and minge by RDMing, not following NLR, Raid CI base/Foundation at will without reading, again, the MOTD before hand. With this change, it would put a stop to that and help better the RP situation on Surface, and everywhere else. This would also make Staff and their lives a little bit easier. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - I would be amazed if someone could find a downside to this. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
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