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Shock STFAL COL Sully

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Everything posted by Shock STFAL COL Sully

  1. I believe you should wait to get regularly promoted to NCO, if u do an App u will be on a trial period and have a 1 week DNP.
  2. Pending (other OSC was accepted, he is now on a trial period, if he fails to make OSC appealing then this app will be considered.)
  3. Yes, Marshall Commander Blizzard as well as General Stone.
  4. What do you want to see? A Sub-division addition to the Starfighter Corps, the Sentry. Why should we add it? The Starfighter Corps Sentry is a subdivision to the SF battalion, The job of the sentries are to both guard SHB during events (Both to decrease lag from more LFS ships in the sky, also to hold off enemies while other SF deploy), as well as guarding our Vice Marshall and Marshall. The members of this subdivision will be under strict watch by a lead, following a SOP, and a rigorous Tryout as to weed out any unprepared members of SF. The battalion will have certain tasks depending on what is going on and who is currently on. During events the subdivision will watch SHB, Moonpool, and Tie Hangar Bays to clear them of any enemies coming from other parts of the ship and from dropods, so SF dealing with air combat can launch with ease. During passive rp depending on who's online, The sentries will have at least one guard with the Vice Marshall and Marshall at all times. If no starfighter command is online or we have more sentries on then needed for the VM and M, then the sentries will protect SHB Doors, SHB Control room, and Command Office (These are areas of high minging when SF are doing things). The Sentries will be prepared for anything: Spamming SHB buttons, running in bunks, stolen TIEs, RDMing STs, and any other thing that can be thrown at them. What are the advantages of having this? The first advantage of having this subdivision is that Starfighter Corp’s insane amount of activity recently proves that sometimes during events, we can’t have all 12+ of us flying at the same time. An easy fix is adding this class, a unit which doesn’t have to fly, but has the ability to if activity in SF is lack-luster. A second reason this is an advantage is because this gives some SF more passive-rp, being stationed at an sector or an VIP, as well as making SF a more serious battalion. Who is it mainly for? Starfighter Corps, as well as helping out security for SHB, as there usually isn’t Shock stationed there, when the occasional minge goes into SHB Control Room the Sentries will have it handled. This also can help SF during any important time, when we are deploying they can make sure there isn’t any minge ready to steal our TIEs, as well as protect Training Officers when doing tryouts from any disturbance. Links to any content: N/A Job Name: Starfighter Sentry Model Path: models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_01/pilot_imperial_orig_01.mdl Weapon Kit: rw_sw_bino_dark alydus_fusioncutter Keys rw_sw_scoutblaster wos_inventory rw_sw_e11 rw_sw_e11_noscope rw_sw_tl40 rw_sw_dlt20a garde_a_vousv1.1 dradio cross_arms_swep Health: 450 Armor: 200 Slots: 10 Entities: kingpommes_tie_interceptor Description (Optional): N/A Extra Information: - We also have an entire SOP + Tryout Guideline as well as an lead for this sub-division ready. - - Hotshot replied to the Tactical Intelligence Division, that if we changed the name it would have a higher chance of being accepted, we did that and created everything ready for this to be added. - -If this gets accepted, Starfighter Captain+ should be able to whitelist
  5. +Major Support -Ran SF when there was no command -Shown he can handle leadership -Not a minge no clue what these people are on about, serious guy
  6. What do you want to see? - Add more job slots to Starfighter Engineer + Starfighter Ground Armor jobs. Why should we add it? - SF's activity has been popping and we need more NCO slots so they can actually play the game. What are the advantages of having this? - Being able to have more SF on at once. Who is it mainly for? - Starfighter Corps. Links to any content - N/A
  7. You also arrested an SF a week ago for shooting our own ties after we land I dont know if you are experienced enough to be an aviation officer, sorry
  8. Accepted Talk to me or Frank when you get the chance
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