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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Pie

    pie bane apele

    finger slip
  2. Pie

    pie bane apele

    Steam Name:  probably pie SteamID: i forgot Ingame Name: PIE COMMITS MASSRDM Ban Length: idk Admin that Banned you: wees and ignoose Reason for Ban: massrdm x36 Dispute: my finger slipped
  3. +support Welcome to the Kool Kids Klub
  4. +Support only if Dr. Bright gets it too. For "RP" reasons of course.
  5. munus sooporte!! i wan to do interogate as dr bright But yeah +Support
  6. Holy shit this was very well done. Le plus supporte
  7. +Support Active, great at combat, and a very nice person.
  8. +Support but red +Active as hell +Great head clicker +Knows the rules, and follows them. +Knows how to roleplay
  9. Just chuck a nade in there, problem solved
  10. -Support but green The hole goes both ways.
  11. +support unban this man and get him into 05 :pog:
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