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Rivian Galaxy

Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Rivian Galaxy

  1. 6 hours ago, Theta said:

    - support

    I don’t really see the need for this job, even if it is pretty damn cool. Purge/IQ is CQC based as for fighting Jedi, the Jetpack in my opinion is the opposite. Just feels unnecessary to me. Still, best of luck with it being accepted <333


  2. On 5/15/2022 at 8:16 AM, 99 dead raccoons said:

    + Support

    - Active

    - Responsible

    - Understands expectations and future responsibilities


    Azrael, you would do incredibly in this position, and I am excited to see what you do with it if given the opportunity, best of luck mate!


  3. 16 hours ago, Theta said:

    - Massive Support

    I can say without a doubt in my mind, you should remain banned. When you played the server you had a tendency to be very rude to others.
    More recently, despite having no activity on the server (I do not know if this was prior to or after you were banned) you entered my Discord DM's to tell me I wasn't allowed to thumbs down things you were saying on the forums, and from what I recall I wasn't the only one who you said this to. Furthermore, you called me a minge. I will say you did admit your fault at the end, but the point stands that you have had ego issues and thinking you are always correct.



  4. 11 minutes ago, Kio said:

    Huge +Support!!

    -Knows what he's doing

    -Knows a lot about Navy Battalions 

    -Helps his Troopers

    -Shows dedication 

    -Overall really good man for this Position 

    -Inactive asf within the server



  5. In-Game Name: Galaxy

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80070469

    Rank: Moderator

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 7 Days 4/5 - 4/12

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Private

  6. 9 hours ago, alaric said:

    + Support

    + Active

    + Extremely dedicated 

    + Approachable

    + Read Below

    Racc is an exceptional officer and member of DT. He actively communicates with all ranks of DT and outside of DT. He consistently is the first to want to train new NCO’s or get people certified despite being a command officer. He expects the best of you and will make sure you turn into what he expects. He is extremely approachable and will have a conversation with anyone. In my time in DT, I have never once had an issue with Racc nor heard of any issues. Racc is an exception pick.


  7. 8 hours ago, alaric said:

    + Support

    + Active

    + Exceptional Leader

    + Sets amazing standards and is an amazing role model

    + Not Jpackis

    + See Below

    Since his inception into DT, Bonnie has been a role model for what DT is, and has always stood for. Excellence. No matter your rank or experience, he is not only there to help you, but also do it in a way that doesn’t demean or belittle. He knows the SOP like the back of his hand — sometimes I swear the dud actually has it there — and is constantly engaging others to have the same behavior. Bonnie is an amazing pick for this battalion.


  8. 9 hours ago, alaric said:



    + Responsible and coordinated

    + Understanding, but firm

    + Long time member 

    + See Below

    As the current Commander of DT I can confidently say that AX5 is an amazing pick for the spot. She currently acts as one of my right hands when it comes to assisting me in day-to-day activities. Here recently, with her help, I have made command officers a bigger part of this battalion and she is a huge part of handing out command officer responsibilities and checking in with lower officers, NCO’s, and enlisted. She voices concerns not only about the battalion, but it’s members. If someone hasn’t been on recently, she checks on them. This isn’t someone who just cares about the battalion association or the rank, this is someone who cares about the battalion and those in it. She’s extremely active and interactive with people inside and outside of DT.


  9. On 3/21/2022 at 1:14 AM, SawickM said:


    From my memory and the memory of @Keegan you didn’t just use that derogatory language towards Igneous you threw it as insult to multiple members of the community. Also you yourself have said you no longer wish to play on the server so I can’t understand why you still stick around, even more confusing when you cause issues like the one you got banned for. I think you should stay banned just due to the fact you seem to only want to stir the pot and hurl insults when you do come on. 

    This is your previous appeal for this issue and after reading the comments and knowing how you behave I’m sure not much has changed and you don’t actually believe what you yourself are saying.



  10. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    Galaxy / Lunar

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    I have been in my current command position for not a very long time and I have enjoyed every single minute of it. I want to continue guiding nova in the right direction to be wonderful. I want to show officers how to be role models for the lower rank and guide them in day to day duties. I will work everyday with my other command members and officers to bring nova out of the rough patch it is currently in and make it the best it can be. Myself along with the other command members we were able to make nova quite active and I will continue to work hard to make nova active. I learned that as a spec ops battalion vice commander I have to be serious. As a spec ops battalion we must be professional at all time and I have learned in my short time as vice commander how important this is. Currently I believe nova is looked at as a knock off version of DT and I wish to change this. If we want to be more serious we need to act serious. I believe our tryouts are far to easy for a spec ops battalion and I wish to change that. I want someone to be exited to jump on the nova job and not feel like they have to, to avoid being removed. I believe I am the person that will lead nova out of its dark days and into the glory it should be and deserves to be.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    1,325 Hours

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    Commander is the spear head of a battalion. They are a role model to everyone within the battalion. The commander should be making all the major decisions along with the vice commanders. Commanders should be enforcing all rules within the SOP on ALL troopers even vice commander and especially on themselves. If a commander does follow the rules why would the lower ranks, they look up to that person. A commander needs to be serious but also friendly, no one should be scared to speak to the commander. If someone is nervous to be around the commander that person is doing something wrong. They should be interacting with all troopers, constantly getting feedback on how things are being done. Most importantly the commander needs to be dedicated to their battalion, strives every single day to make their battalion great and enjoyable for every single member within said battalion.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    There are many reasons I can be trusted as commander. First, I have pervious experience in command, I was Inquisitor command for some time. Second, I am currently a member of the staff and gamemaster teams. Third, In all my time on the server I have never received a strike in any battalion at any rank. Finally, I am dedicated to nova I want to see nova on the top.

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    (Work Days Wednesday - Saturday) 5 - 10 Hours | (Days Off Sunday - Tuesday) 10-20 Hours
    All depends if I am at work or not. Everyday when I get home from work I immediately.

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
    FailRP  2/24/2022
    ARDM - FailRP 4/16/2020
    LTAP - RDM 5/03/2020
    RDM 4/5/2020
    RDM 10/12/2020
    MRDM 4/24/2020

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