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Rivian Galaxy

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Posts posted by Rivian Galaxy

  1. -Support I dont see how this would possibly help activity. Most the time if there is anyone on there is atleast 1-2 cops on.

    5 hours ago, Chineseman said:

    +support we could really use this so criminal can do like either robbing a bank or the jewelry store


    So criminals can farm Bank and Jewelry and get unlimited money?

  2. -Support
    If the player is new yes staff should tell them not to do something before issuing a punishment but as Crunch stated you have 1/3 of a year on the server and you're EX High Command you know very well it is VCMDR+ on radio unless event which it's then MAJ+. "OSHA Inspector" isn't either of those ranks so you 100% deserved the gag.

  3. In-Game Name: 

    Steam Name:
    [GL] Galaxy


    What is your discord username (Ex: Bon#1922):

    What is your staff rank in Gaminglight?

    How often are you on Teamspeak?

    How often do you use Discord?

    Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum)?
    When I joined the staff and forum diplomat teams, I set out to help the members of the community to the best of my abilities. I believe joining the support team is the next step in my journey to help the members of Gaminglight. I have plenty of experience with Teamspeak, Discord, Garry's Mod, and FiveM to effectively help anyone having issues. I also have experience with most of the donation options on the store such as Custom Classes, Custom Clans, And ranks and can answer any question someone may have.  If something comes up that I am unsure how to answer with 100% certainty I know the proper chain of command to get the answer. I am active in discord and the Teamspeak every single day and can answer any question anyone may have. I wanna make sure everyone knows that it is okay to ask question whether they are brand new or veteran player.

    Why should we trust you to become a member of the Support Team?
    First, I am currently a member of the Forums Diplomat team and I am trusted to moderate the forums. Second, I am currently command of a department on FiveM and I was previously command on ImperialRP in three different battalions. Finally, I have been a member of the community for three years and am dedicated to the community and willing to help in anyway I can.

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels?
    Hello! My name is Galaxy how can I help you today?

  4. What do you want to see?: A new riot shield that can't be used to stop cars and push them around.

    Why should we add it?: Riot shield currently can be easily abused

    What are the advantages of having this?: Better shield

    Who would it benefit?: SRU and SWAT

    Links to any content:

  5. 3. Roleplay
        Leaving the server once downed/killed to avoid being robbed or arrested is not allowed
    If EMS had me and was taking me to hospital then I wasn't gonna be arrested nor robbed therefore it wasn't LTAP

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