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Rivian Galaxy

Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Rivian Galaxy

  1. What is your in game name?


    What is your SteamID?


    What is your current rank?

    Sergeant First Class

    How long have you been in Nova?

    1 Week

    How will you assist command with this rank?

    Three Main Things I Can Assist Command With
    I Will Assist Command In Increasing Activity Within Nova.
    I Will Continue To Host Tryouts And Recruit As Many New Nova Troopers As Possible.

    I Will Continue Host Sims To Keep Everyone Enjoying Life As A Nova Trooper As We Don't Always Have A VIP.
    I Can Assist Command In Making Documents.

    I Will Answer Questions Questions Lower Ranking Nova May Have So Nova Command Can Focus On The More Important Stuff.

    Nova Is My Only Life And I Will Continue To Be Dedicated To Nova And Do Everything In My Power To Keep The Battalion Alive.
    I Will Work Closely With Nova Command And Offer My Suggestion To Keep Making Nova The Best It Can Be.

    I Will Work With All Nova To Make Our Teamwork The Best It Can Be.
    If We Can't Work Together In Sims We Can't Be Effective On The Battlefield.

    Why do you want to become an Officer? 

    I Want To Leave My Mark In Nova And This Is The Next Step In My Journey.
    I Want To Help Each And Every Single Nova Trooper Be The Best The Can Be.
    I Want To Help Make Nova The Greatest Battalion!
    I Want To Assist Nova Command With Day To Day Activities.

    Do you have any experience leading / being an Officer? 

    [Ninth Sister] [Naval Captain]

    What is the purpose/duty of an Officer? 

    There Are Many Duties Of An Officer.
    Hosting Sim To Keep All Nova Enjoying The Battalion When We Don't Have VIP And To Keep Every Nova Combat Ready.
    Hosting Tryouts To Increase Nova Activity.

    Handling More Advanced Questions A NCO Doesn't Know How To Answer.

    What qualifies you to be an officer?
    This Is My Only Life And I Am Fully Dedicated To Nova And Making It The Best It Can Be.
    I Strive To See "Nova RP" In Chat.


    I Would Consider Myself Extremely Active.
    Wednesday - Saturday - 4-6 Hours
    Sunday - Tuesday 12-20 Hours

    In my previous time as Ninth Sister I learned a lot that I will use to lead nova in the right direction.

    Do you understand you will be on a 1-2 week trial period?
    Thank You For Reading My Application

  2. Your In-game: Galaxy

    The admin's name in-game: Brody


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): Maple Mcron


    What warning did you receive: "Test"


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):


    Why do you think this warn was false:
    Listen I Was New To Staff Two Years Ago And Was Like Oh I Wonder If I Can Warn Myself


    Any extra information:
    I Gave Myself A Warn


  3. What is your in game name?

    What is your SteamID? 


    What is your current rank? 

    Lance Corporal

    How much time do you currently have on the server? 

    6 Weeks

    How long have you been in Nova? 

    3 Days

    How will you assist Nova with this rank?

    I will assist Nova in many ways. Firstly, I will host tryout with hopes to make the regiment active and/or keep it alive. Secondly, I will host sims to improve teamwork and skills. If Nova can't work efficiently and effectively in a sim we can't do our jobs properly on the battle field  Finally, I will be active and do whatever I can to help improve the regiment.

    Why do you want to become an NCO?

    I would like to become an NCO so I do my part in making Nova the best it can be. I wanna leave my mark in Nova and this is the first step to doing so. I wanna help Nova command in anyway I can so they can focus on the important stuff. I wanna guide enlisted and help them understand what it means to be a Nova trooper.

    Do you have any experience leading / being an NCO? 

    Ninth Sister | Naval Captain | 31st NCO | Havoc NCO

    What is the purpose/duty of an NCO? 

    NCO's should start to show leadership and take charge with required. They should also be recruiting and hosting sims. But it's also much more than that. It's helping guide the enlisted to be the best Nova troopers they can be. It's helping command by answering simple questions so they can focus on the important stuff. 

  4. Name (which you most commonly use):  Zendo

    Position I am applying for:  Shock Vice Commanderr

    Do you have any command experience? If so please explain: I was IQ Command on ImperialRP.

    How active can you be? Depends whether im working or not. 3-5 Hours days I work. 5-12 Days I don't work.

    Are you familiar with the Star wars universe and have played other Star wars related servers? If so please explain: Yes GamingLight's ImperialRP I was shock on there.

    Why do you want to become command?

    I would like to become shock vice commander for many reason. I believe I could help lead the battalion into the right direction and make it the best on the server. I would love to work along side Chow and Echo to make the battalion great.

    What qualities can you bring to the position? Dedication, Loyalty, Activity, and Hard working. I will give the battalion my %100 effort everyday.

    What makes you different from other players?

    There are many things that make me different from other players that make me a good fit for Shock Vice Commander. I have shock experience and worked with some of GamingLights best Shock Commanders/ViceCommanders (Arson/Stone/Smoke/Felix)

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. I like to keep it short and sweet. 

    Thank you for considering me for Shock Vice Commander.


  5. 1 hour ago, Nimo said:


    You just came back a day ago and need to prove to SMT that you are willing to become Staff again.

    You are right nimo I plan to be more active! Thanks for the imput! I deffinitly wont be minging with my golden pan an more ruined my rep last time.


    Steam Name: Brody

    Ingame Name: Zendo/Brody


    Date You Were Restricted: Not Sure April some time i think

    Staff Restriction Length: Perm i think idk i wasnt told a set time

    Staff Member that Staff Restricted you: Zeeptin

     Reason for Staff Restriction: Charge Back

    Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better):  I believe I should be un staff restricted because I now realize that it was wrong to take my frustration from the situation on ImperialRP out on Zeeptin and community and im deeply sorry.  I would like to become staff and possibly GM again and start helping out the community again.

  7. In-Game Name: Brody/Zendo

    SteamID: Not sure

    Rank: Senior Mod/ gamemaster

    Reason for leaving: Waste of my time

    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? Nope banned for 5 days

    Do you agree to contact your manager once your 48 hour notice is up? Sure

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