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Rivian Galaxy

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Posts posted by Rivian Galaxy

  1. On 4/12/2020 at 7:49 AM, WiN said:

    - Support

    you came on with a friend that had the name of “Dylan klebold” and seeing how that name and your name are 2 of the people who had done the columbine shooting it seems already that your just a massive minge. Also with the warn, even if the warn was from along time ago you shouldn’t just be warned for mass racism you should of been banned in the first place. But honestly having your name as a school shooter really doesn't help your case


  2. 2 hours ago, Connor748291 said:

    The addon comes with a “hacking system”  a keypad cracker. This could be added to the rebel class so they have to actually hack the door open. 


    14 hours ago, Katz said:

    +Support (If we use the Billy's Keycard addon)

    This would cut down on people pressing button that don't have clearance, and would add some more realism. This may also allow for some interesting RP situations in events, as event characters will have to kidnap someone with an appropriate clearance card to activate certain buttons on the ship, instead of having free rein with no extra setup required. We could also use the WiltOS keycard system (Which I own, and could send to who ever).


  3. 1 minute ago, Katz said:

    +/- Support

    There are better Gmod Terminal addons out there then this one, which may be more fitting. The idea of adding some version of this is nice though, +Support to that.


    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Rocco_Rex said:

    And it just happened to launch you over the heads of Shock and straight towards the door? Quite the coincidence 

    No....Jawa's are supposed to be tiny


    Also. I wasnt going to warn him for smacking me with a pan, hence why I called Shock. If I intended to warn him I would of done so then and there. The only reason he got the warn was he then shot 2 Shock with the rocket and used it as a boost to escape

    I didnt use to boost and escape I was defending myself and with max speed if u run over the carpet thing in DB u go up a little its not failrp its called how the game works

  5. 2 hours ago, Blitz said:


    I have an immediate solution to this, just stop scaling yourself then nobody can step on you eh?

    Oh sure let be a jawa the same size as everyone else that makes sooooo much sense 10/10 


  6. I asked you to get off me 3 times like I do every time some sticks on me and no you can not deal with your own cases not sure who told you but no. And no I was in the middle of running from people trying to arrest me for nothing when you warned me

    And I don’t see how when I jumped and shot a rocket that’s not FailRP I didn’t even mean to use it to launch myself..... 


    2. Your In-game:


    3. Your SteamID:


    4. The admin's name in-game:


    5. The admin's steam name (If you know it):

    No idea

    6. What warning did you receive:

    ARDM / FailRP

    7. Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):


    8. Why do you think this warn was false:

    I was standing in DB and boss walks over to me and sticks on my Jawa model and I ask him to get off me twice and he didnt so I hit him with my golden pan to get him off me and he called a AOS on me so I was running away from Naval because it was false and it was his fault for not moving when I asked and I shot a rocket and the name then boss warns me for FailRP for launching myself into the air with a rocket which was a complete accident and the ARDM was his fault for sticking to my model and not moving when I asked

    9. Any extra information:

    He dealt with his own case and didnt bring me to a sit 

  8. On 4/10/2020 at 7:01 PM, thicc rick said:


    + active

    + has helped me lead troops since he was a nco 

    + Has leader ship skills 

    + good guy

    + respected among all purge

    luv you gregger full homo 



  9. 52 minutes ago, TAlila said:


    I've seen you online extremely, and you fit the role of a VCMDR, every time I check in your discord it is you encouraging for you to get online, You have experience as an Admin, an Admiral, and a IC Commander, You also transferred to help 501st and you have! the activity is OUTSTANDING! I think you are completely fit for the role of the VCMDR slot, JJ would've wanted it this way, You are always doing the best you can with callous and it is extremely useful and helpful, I've seen you lead missions, I've seen you host tryouts, I've seen you do all the right things for 501st, You do need more time but that doesn't even matter because everything you've done as helped the battalion extremely! Best of luck man




    sorry for stealing ground commandfrom you LMFAO, I wasn't aware it was assigned to you ;-;


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