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Rivian Galaxy

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Posts posted by Rivian Galaxy

  1. 10 hours ago, Daze said:


    You should be aware of what your binds are, let alone having a bind like that is not to be tolerated anywhere. If you need to check what binds are currently bound and to which key, you can find it in the console by typing key_listboundkeys. Racism on the server should not be tolerated on the server for any reason. If you knew your past, you should know your binds that you had set. Take this time to remove those binds, or just do unbindall in the console and then go to options and set everything back to default



  2. During the whole event I was constantly getting shot by people for no reason. I thought I saw shots come from behind me and so I believed you were shooting me and I was annoying at that point cause I had been dealing with friendly fire all event. I apologies for killing you when you did nothing wrong.

  3. 13 hours ago, Jimmy N00Btron said:

    Starch and I have talked this update through and it should be a pretty easy change to add. The Medica Droid having its Bacta Grenade removed would lessen minging incidents and having it within the fold of the Medical Corps would make people be more serious on the job. This would further be ensured by only allowing Senior NCO+ on the job as well as having no more than 2 job slots. The Droid would be of extensive help in surgery RP and would give extra incentive to perform them.


  4. 19 hours ago, Stitchchips said:

    + Support
    +Indeed he was an 1LT in 2021
    +as his higher up at that time he did a good job and i think he can do the same now


    +know what he is doing

    -can be a bit none serious but attemts to make it more fun



  5. 12 minutes ago, Bub said:

    + Support 

    Pie is an amazing entertainer and im sure the gamemaster job will suit you well. You are open to learn how to do ULX commands and events which is importand

    But you forgot to describe an offship event.

    Good luck pie, hope to see you on the gm job soon!



  6. 2 hours ago, SawickM said:

    As someone who has had to deal with Manjini many different times in many different mediums I can say this report holds true. Also although the subject is still up for debate Manjini lied and fabricated evidence against previous SMT members such as Rice and Luci. In all honesty I don’t think this will result in his blacklist/perm ban but hopefully it does result in some form of punishment. Also for the sake of others who have been wronged by him I think he should be questioned by SMT in connection to his other miss deeds including but not limited to recording staff meetings, attempting to bribe/blackmail SMT and boosting on the old Rust server. 



  7. On 5/27/2022 at 6:16 AM, Bub said:

    - support

    The application is very short and you seem to be very new on the server.
    Make sure when you do application you explain well why you deserve the position and also how to deal with the sit.
    I reccomend you to take a look at other applications so you can see how other people wrote their applications.

    But dont let the minus supports disencourage you for trying to become staff! 


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