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Rivian Galaxy

Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Rivian Galaxy


    - Previously Fleet Admiral And 501st Commander
    - Super Active
    - One of the nicest guy I have ever met
    - Dedicated And Hepful
    All around I have been friends with thermite{Dan} since the day we met and he was honestly one of the good ones in the world.
    100% Deserves a chance at Purge/IQ Command

  2. LSPD.thumb.png.697b8a9f8dda3c4fde40de6edb81c1d2.png

    Los Santos Police Department
    Current Senior High Command

    Colonel - Johnson Lych
    Lieutenant Colonel - Henry Forge
    Major - Pablop Frog

    Current High Command
    Chief Of Police - John Lance

    Assistant Chief Of Police - N/A
    Deputy Chief Of Police - Rivian Galaxy

    LSPD Standard Operating Procedures
    LSPD Roster


    • Dislike 1
    • Skull 1
  3. In-Game Name: Galaxy

    Steam Name: [GL] Galaxy

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80070469

    What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Moderator | ImperialRP [Granted Permission To Apply By Rux]

    How often are you online on the forums? Quiet often, when I'm online I normally check the forums every few hours as well as check it while I am at work.

    Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? I believe I am qualified to serve as a Forums Diplomat for many reason. First, I believe I am well known in the community as I play on Imperial and SCP. Secondly, I have held the rank of Admin on Imperial as well as two command positions previously. Finally, with all my previous experience I know what will be expected of me as a Forums Diplomat and with 100% confidence believe I will be a great addition to the Forums Diplomat team. I am not know how to do everything right away but I am a quick learner and will pick it up in no time.

    Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision? Yes! As I stated previously I have held two command positions previously and Admin on Imperial and I do not believe I would of reached these ranks without having good judgement. I have handled many tickets on Imperial where I had to make a difficult decision such as who was in the right and who was in the wrong or whether someone deserves a formal warn or just a verbal. I have also dealt with ticket regarding members of a battalion I was in and I had to remain unbiased in those tickets. I've also had to warn people who I considered friends as even people close to be need to follow rules as I'd expect to get the same treatment from them. I have also experienced difficult decisions in the real world with work.

    How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers? First I would DM them on the forums politely asking them to stop spamming the forums or harsher punishment may be taken. If they continued I would hide their posts and send them the ban appeal forum for their respective server. If they still continued to be a problem on the forums I would hide their posts and send all my evidence I gathered to the Head Diplomat.

    How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal?

    I would first send a Forums Diplomat message in the thread stating to stop the arguing at once and to keep it to + and - supports only. If they continued to argue I would lock the thread and report it to the Head Diplomat then let SMT/Head Diplomat handle it from that point on.

  4. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :


    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    Pyke Syndicate

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    There are many reason why I wish to become the underboss of the pyke syndicate. 

    I wish to assist the other command members in creating documents and keeping them up to date in the future. I wish to use my previous command experience in Nova and IQ to better the battalion as a whole. I want to join the command team so I can lead and support the pyke syndicate and everyone in the battalion. I want to help select officers that will effectively lead pyke's now and in the future, while also setting an example of that they can become. I have enjoyed my time a lot in pyke syndicate so far and I believe many people are missing out on not trying it out and I wish to show everyone pyke syndicate is enjoyable and worth getting on everyday.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    2,310 Hours

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    A vice commander has many "Main Purposes" within a branch.

    Leadership - A vice commander should lead the battalion by example. Vice commanders are someone the lower ranks look up to. The command team should guide officers to help them become command themselves one day. Vice commanders along with the other command team members overseer the whole branch and make sure it is running smoothly.

    Dedication - I have put in a vast amount of hours towards this battalion. I am not always in Teamspeak or In-Game but I try to check discord so much as possible even a work. I do flag ups constantly to try to get players online so pyke syndicate can do raids and trainings to make sure everyone is having fun while on the pyke job.

    Experience - I believe my previous experience in Nova as a vice commander and IQ as a vice commander would make me a valuable asset to the pyke syndicate command team. I know the do's and dont's of being a command member and what is expected of me. I use my knowledge to offer suggestions to the pyke command team on how to better pyke syndicate as a whole. 

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    There are many reason why I can be trusted a vice commander. Firstly, I have held two command positions previously and reached the rank of admin in the staff team earlier this year. This show that I can be trusted with power. Secondly, in all my previous command positions I only received a strike for failure to meet quota. I have never been received a strike abuse of power or anything along those lines. Finally, I love pyke syndicate and want to be there every step of the way as it grows and evolves.

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    Wednesday - Saturday: 4-8 Hours
    Sunday - Monday: 10 - 16 Hours

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
    ARDM | FailRP


    Thank you for reading my application!

    Feedback is much appreciated.

  5. 1 hour ago, Imagine Dragon These said:

    + MASSIVE MASSIVE + Support: I personally would love to show off my legend weapons
    This would make the server stand out as it would be accurate in lore as equipment would show and would definitely increase the purchasing of perm weapons as everyone would be able to show them off 


    3 hours ago, RussTime said:

    Ok just to start off with, picture this: as a DT for example, having a gun on their back like the E11-D would look amazing while holding out cross arms or another gun. Another example could be with pistols actually holstered on the persons hip. Legend weapons could be more visible for others to see and show off. Then another thing is holding out a gun while having a shield on your back (shock having their riot shield or Sarlacc for example with their deployable shield). In all this would make pictures for battalions look 10x better at least but also just add a great aspect to the game.



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