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Rivian Galaxy

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Posts posted by Rivian Galaxy

  1. 7 hours ago, ♛.dembi.♛ said:


    -Extremely active I personally see in game a lot

    -Never had a problem with you and you seem friendly so there is that

    -Overall pretty chill so i believe yes you could be a good staff member!

    Good Luck!


  2. 1 hour ago, TAlila said:


    It was not a misunderstanding, You were shit talking me and Thermite's event with no constructive criticism, and before you left the TS channel, you said "Learn how to do your fucking job and give us the weapons we want", That is NOT ACCEPTABLE, and the reason I banned you. I have to host a FAIR event to the entire server, You also JOINED THE GM DISCORD to complain about an event, and started an argument with an event host. we have stuff that is NOT suppose to be seen for normal players, If you want to appeal it contact a SGM and Thermite and I will speak to you and decide whether it will be appealed. I've also seen cases were you've been extremely biased to people and flat out lied. like right now, It is NOT a misunderstanding, There was two GMs hosting that event and we both heard and decided to ban you because of your behavior. 


  3. 5 hours ago, WiN said:


    - First off it inst your job to get rid of the LAAT, another GM could of just deleted it and overall by deleting it and freezing you it was fully justified. Now you claim he also called you a C*nt" buy you have 0 evidence of this action unless owl will admit. 

    The only thing I would of done differently is I would have warned you for FailRP not minge.


  4. I was in Turbo lasers waitng for boss and I'm not sure what happened with the RDM and stuff but I did hear Sev yell at the shock something along the lines of "you fucking piece of shit do your job next time" and the Imperial Dark Trooper reported in about 3 minutes later and since I personal heard him say it I warned him.

  5. On 3/11/2020 at 8:11 PM, TAlila said:

    +Support: Application says it all 

    -Has experience and is a Original player

    -Active staff member and always determined to help the playerbase

    -Overall a good person

    -Has a good reputation 

    -Knows what to do and handle problematic situations


    Highly suggest he gets this position, especially how he’s been a OG member and one of the most determined staff member I’ve seen

    Best of luck


  6. +++SUPPORT

    -One of the most experienced IQ at the moment having 3x the time the other lords have

    -Extremely active

    -Can take a leadership role and be effective in it

    -Overall 100% qualified for the role


  7. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    Lord Brody / K2S3 SFC Brody

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    IQ / Lore Character

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    There are many reason I would like to become a lore character in inquisitors. First, the biggest reason is that it seems the current lore characters {Smeg and Nikita} could use some assistance managing IQ as they seem very stressed and could use a few more hands. Another, I would really like to help out Inquisitors in anyway I could I believe my next step to helping is becoming a lore character. Furthermore, both current lore characters trust me and I love the work I put into Inquisitors and both believe I'm ready for the next step. I believe when I become lore I'll be able to do more such as better lore session, dueling tournaments, and IQ sims with purge. I would do everything I could to make IQ and Purge the best battalions while working along side Purge and IQ commanders. I want to help make any necessary changes require to improve IQ so they all the Inquisitors enjoy their time on the job. I would work closely with Nikita and Smeg in Sims as a have a few good ideas for some Purge and IQ joint sims. Also, I will host lore/dueling session very frequently so the Inquisitors who are going above and beyond get the ticks they deserve. I believe with me beside Nikita and Smeg we can take IQ to places its never been. I believe my experience In other Roleplay community makes me very qualified for this leadership position. I just want to thank everyone for taking the time to read this and everyone feedback means a lot to me.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    Around 500 hours / Just in the last two weeks I've put in 330 hours

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    To help lead IQ and Purge to new heights and make other the best battalions by working closely with IQ and Purge commanders such as Purge and IQ joint sim.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    I have earned the respect and trust of both the current lore characters and I currently have no strikes in any battalion or any warns.

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    7-12 Hours a day


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :


  8. On 2/27/2020 at 4:11 PM, [GL] Ahegao said:


    + One of the most active Shock as well as one of the nicest & most understanding

    + He knows how to both lead & discipline his troops

    + Personally my top Candidate for the position 

    + He also actually knows not to AFK at checkpoint & block IF/DT trying to cross



  9. 20 hours ago, PhoenixWildFire said:


    Keeps minging  all the time

    still getting other people in st to minge 

    has gotten REAL Warns about the bad things he did

    does not rp currently 




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