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Everything posted by Beelzebub

  1. What you want to see? - All non sliding doors in hospital being lockable. These doors being the the quarantine door, and the two doors leading into the back of the hospital, not any of the sliding doors since they do not lead into any place people shouldn't be and have no problems. Why should we add it? - To stop the mass amounts of people that run into the back of hospital for either shootouts, hiding from the cops, or just to annoy EMS, since shootouts are pretty frequent at hospital. What are the advantages of having this? - Hopefully shootouts or the overall presence of people at hospital will go down, causing EMS to not be interrupted or shot. Who is it mainly for? - EMS Edit: The front office and back exam room are both lockable
  2. +/- Support + Friendly and good at the Job. +Been Lead Paramedic for a good amount of time. +/- Knows most of the rules/SOP but has had a recent issue - Hasn't been very active in the recent month (stated by yourself). - You state that a promotion would improve your activity. In my eyes, that doesn't seem like a good thing to say, since it makes you seem like you are going to go inactive, wait for a promotion and be active and repeat. -A lot of application seemed to be repetitive, saying the same things or close to it I think you should become more active, and get into the swing of things before you get into LC ~ [LT] Niko Bellic [LT-1]
  3. Hope you get the position.
  4. Mostly + Support +Friendly and good at the job. +Understands the SOP and rules +Active -Has only been in the department for a month (1 month and 1 Day when the app was posted), and only been at his current rank for a quarter of that. ~ [LT] Niko Bellic [LT-1]
  5. +/- Support + Friendly and good at the Job. +Been Lead Paramedic for a good amount of time. - Hasn't been very active in the recent month. (From what I've seen) - Application doesn't follow the outline. Used PD outline not EMS outline. -You mostly talked about the community and RP, but not how you being a LT can help/better the department as a whole. I think you should redo your application to follow the outline and talk more about how you can better the department, not just the RP and experience for the other players. ~Niko Bellic
  6. Thanks for your service, 48hr has been noted. There will always be a spot if you want to come back.
  7. Name: Niko Bellic Rank: Advanced First Responder How Active Do You Think You Are (Be Honest): Active Why Do You Want To Stay In FR?: I would like to stay in FR because it has a faster pace then EMS, making it a different experience. What Could Change In FR?: Possibly more people in FR being active within normal EMS.
  8. Good luck Tonto, hope you get it!
  9. In-Game Name: Niko Bellic SteamID (If not available put N/A): STEAM_0:1:53932668 Rank You are Applying For: Lieutenant Current Rank: Lead Paramedic How long have you been in your current rank?: 1 Week, 4 Days How long have you been in EMS?: Since October 25th, 2019 What timezone are you in?: Central Standard Time How many Warns do you have? (Show Proof): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1977100557 Why should you be promoted (150 words minimum): I would like to become a Lieutenant for several reasons. I have not been a part of EMS for that long (Only about 3 months in 2 days) but I have seen a lot. For only being in this department for a short time, I have been pretty active. But I can't say I've seen a lot of people on during that time. Most of my shifts have been by myself for all or most of my shift. I think I could make this change. Getting the word of more people joining EMS, holding tryouts, and making people want to enjoy this department. I would say from what other people say about me is that i'm an enjoyable and professional person when it comes to dealing with situations. If someone isn't doing what they should be, I'll help them to make sure they don't get in any trouble for just being confused. I hope you take my app into consideration and give me a chance and see how much I can help. Do you agree that Command can remove you, or punish you any way they see fit for any negative actions?: Yes Do you agree that you will attempt to stay active and help in any way?: Yes Do you agree to be professional and mature?: Yes
  10. Name: Niko Bellic Rank: Lead Paramedic How Active Do You Think You Are (Be Honest): Very Active Why Do You Want To Stay In EMS?: I'm an active person within this department. I have a lot of fun within the department as well. I also would love to see the department grow into a more active department then what it currently is. What Could Change In EMS?: More activity
  11. Damn, how does someone manage to stay on with that many.
  12. Staff wasn't on at the time of it happening, otherwise I would have
  13. Your in game name: Niko Bellic Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53932668 The player's in game name: Tru The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:15966823 What did the player do: RDM'd me while being on EMS Evidence (required): https://youtu.be/-7KDJ1KsE-s What do you believe should happen to the player: Warned for it Any extra information: He had RDM'd the president at the time and went off on other people
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