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Everything posted by Chombos

  1. +Support - Research CMD Member - Has a decent amount of experience - Tests look very flashy but also pretty good
  2. +Support - Test logs are very long and detailed - Has some experience with research, could work well. - Needs to diversify tests, but overall alright.
  3. Personally, I would consider making the application at least 50+ words for each short answer based question.
  4. Massive +Support I like the new jobs and the rework looks good It gives a better aspect to the subbranch I also like HexG as a friend
  5. Come on man On god bro, you better visit us every once in a while
  6. Name- Sullivan Discord name: Chombos#1349 Rank- Senior Archivist, MSGT, RRH Analyst Subdivision- R&D, E11, RRH Length of LOA - 12/26/22 -> 1/3/22 Reason- Spending this week with my family and close friends so I won't be able to get on.
  7. +Support Due to the circumstances, Prox should not have been punished because what he did was not abuse. I do not believe Prox is at fault because he didn't know if this was allowed or not, so it's not fair to put him in the blame. And as of right now, there is no rule against stacking the same elixir.
  8. +Support - His former experience with ULX command proves he is trustworthy even with the 30 warns. - Active member of the community shows his contribution - Has a substantial RP rank to back up his trust - 4 years of dedication to Gaminglight,
  9. o7 Had no idea you wanted to resign man, sorry to see you go.
  10. ACCEPTED! Please request an FTO On SCPRP Discord in the #Requesting FTO and Link this Application. Thank you for applying and hope to see a lot from you!
  12. Yes! YES! YES! Finally. Nympha has been great to work with, always helping with rp and generally a good MTF.
  13. + Support - I've seen this guy around a lot and I believe he is pretty chill - He seems nice and has his moments when on the job.
  14. Agreed. Without a doubt in my mind this guy will go far.
  15. + Support - Awesome has been really nice to work with within E11 and I believe he deserves a chance at RRH. - He's a well rounded individual and is decent with callouts.
  16. +Support Iced has been a pleasure to work with in E11 and even though he isn't high ranking, I believe one day he could achieve even Senior Command
  17. In Game Name: Sullivan Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427) STEAM_0:1:15336419 Discord ID (Ex. Pinbal#5433): Chombos#1349 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Analyst Current RP Ranks Held: CI RnD Senior Archivist(Senior Command), E11 SGT Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): Nah If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: I've been back for about 2 months and don't have any current ones but I have 2 old ones which i'm working on another chapter for. These were from back when I first applied for Analyst. Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I used to be an Analyst back in May but because of the Summer, I had to resign and take reserves. I was unable to claim back my analyst title and want another shot at being analyst. I've had a few months to recuperate and understand the rules again after I left for a good while(I Resigned on May 21st because we had to travel across seas, and other reasons). I mainly want to come back because I know I've missed a lot and really want to see what has changed. From what I've seen these past few months, lots of stuff is different and people I once knew are gone. I want to be able to meet new people as I've seen an abundance of new RRH on the server at a time. Why should we accept you: Like I said, back In May I used to be in RRH as an Analyst. Though I was only a Analyst for about 2-3 weeks. As of right now, I am back in senior command again in RnD. I have been in the community for a bit longer then 3 years, and I used to be staff on multiple GamingLight Servers during my time here. I haven't been back for that long though, so a lot of people won't know me. So I'm hoping that this might help me meet new people. To summarize, I've done a lot in Gaminglight and have had the time to really get acquainted with people.
  18. You aren't suppose to leave man, I just came back :'''''''(
  19. ACCEPTED! Please request an FTO On SCPRP Discord in the #Requesting FTO and Link this Application. Thank you for applying and hope to see a lot from you!
  20. Grade: 100/100 Lore: 25/25 Creativity: 25/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 25/25 Test quality: [Exceeds Expectations] Extra Notes: Extremely Well made The idea that 049 can kill someone with their Indirect touch is really cool. Amazing presentation and use of Gifs Very detailed writing and explanation. Good Work and Congratulations.
  21. Grade: 99/100 Lore: 24/25 Creativity: 25/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 25/25 Test quality: [Exceeds Expectations] Extra Notes: :)
  22. Grade: 75/100 Efficiency: 20/25 Insight: 15/25 Presentation: 20/25 Writing: 20/25 Overall: C Test quality: Exceeds Expectations] Extra Notes: Information not really that useful Decently short on questions Not very thorough Decent Information on LR Laggy Could use better presentation but its fine No rank of the subject. Very quick answers and decent questions
  23. Grade: 90/100 Efficiency: 20/25 Insight: 20/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 20/25 Overall: A- Test quality: [Exceeds Expectations] Extra Notes: I enjoyed the color Information was gained pretty quick, nice job Wardens aren't part of research but that's fine Good presentation and formatting is pretty standard Could've done more to gain info but its not bad.
  24. Grade: 90/100 Efficiency: 20/25 Insight: 22/25 Presentation: 23/25 Writing: 25/25 Overall: A- Test quality: [Exceeds Expectations] Extra Notes: You don't need to put if they consent to a brainwash in the Log Could use some color around the names in the audio log Decently good work, good writing Information gained was satisfactory Good work!
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