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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Piller

  1. Accepted After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided to accept you into the staff team! Please speak to an SCP-RP Senior Admin within 72 hours in TeamSpeak to get started! If you cannot get in contact with a Senior Admin within this time, please message the SCP-RP Head of Staff to determine next steps. Thank you, and welcome to the Gaminglight Staff Team! ~SCP-RP Senior Management Team
  2. Accepted To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  3. Hello, I'd be happy to address this report. First off, and the main reason why you received a formal warning instead of a verbal, you were incredibly rude from the start. It is entirely unnecessary to start screaming "admin abuse" when I simply physgunned the prop to see why no one could shoot in or, from the 610s around, infect the people that were within range. Your attitude it the situation was equally rude and did little for your benefit. Additionally, your friend in there prop blocked the door, so there's no way anyone would be able to shoot in, get in, or infect anything. How on Earth this ever got approved is beyond me. I did speak to the senior admin in question and explained in detail how that should not have happened. I've also added more specification in that section of the rules to help remove any possible confusion. At the end of the day it was prop block. It contributed nothing to RP and prevented D-Class, SCPs, CI, and GOC from entering. Though, while this was an obvious case of prop block, you are ultimately given bad direction. With that in mind, I have decided to remove the warn as a courtesy despite your poor attitude. However, I would strongly encourage you to change how you interact with people in these types of situations because as it stands you're not doing yourself any favors.
  4. Progress update: No. I'm not sure why you used an AI text generator to help you write a multi-paragraph report that contained no real substance. Not only did you fail to follow the format, but you failed to provide any evidence. Also, he can't even be in godmode unless he's on one of the staff/ET jobs.
  5. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
  6. Please ensure you have 2FA enabled.
  7. Denied After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided not to accept you for staff. This can be because of your application, experience, behavior, feedback, or other unstated reasons. You may re-apply in 1 month.
  8. Denied After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided not to accept you for staff. This can be because of your application, experience, behavior, feedback, or other unstated reasons. You may re-apply in 1 week.
  9. Denied After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided not to accept you for staff. This can be because of your application, experience, behavior, feedback, or other unstated reasons. You may re-apply in 1 week.
  10. Accepted! Please Contact Omega-1 HCMD, or a member of the Ethics Committee, for your Initiation.
  11. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
  12. We'll give you another chance, but if it happens again it will be far less likely to get appealed.
  13. Upload it to imgur and post that here.
  14. Denied Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Omega-1 Command Team and those above have decided to deny this application.
  15. Denied Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Omega-1 Command Team and those above have decided to deny this application.
  16. Denied Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Omega-1 Command Team and those above have decided to deny this application.
  17. Denied Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Omega-1 Command Team and those above have decided to deny this application.
  18. Denied Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Omega-1 Command Team and those above have decided to deny this application.
  19. Denied Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Omega-1 Command Team and those above have decided to deny this application.
  20. Denied Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Omega-1 Command Team and those above have decided to deny this application.
  21. Denied Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Omega-1 Command Team and those above have decided to deny this application.
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