1- Name : Killer
2- Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:108296102
3- Staff Rank (Must be Moderator) : Moderator
4- Have you Donated? If so, how much? : Yes, $317
5- How long have you been staff? (No Less than 1 month) : I've been staff since 3-13-2020
6- What is your general knowledge on the rules? (Both Staff handbook and MOTD): Pretty Good, and If I have an question I'll make sure to ask
7- What can you bring to Event Team? (50 words+) : The things I can bring to Event Team, is Semi-Good Building *Not The Best, but not the worse. I'm also pretty active so i'll be there for most of the events that happen and I can help out as an extra pair of hands since we've been pretty low on event team members and there hasn't been many events recently and with an extra pair of hands Event Team can maybe get more events out to the players and everyone can have fun. I've been playing Garry's Mod for an while ever since 2015 so over the years I've gotten pretty good at building.
8- How many warns do you have? (No more than 10) : 19 *Game Theorist Gave Me Permission to Apply*
9- Why do you want to join event team? (100 words+) : I want to join Event Team because, I've seen many events that could be better but I know they try the hardest and it's hard when its only like 2-3 people hosting / helping with it and I would like to help out for people that need help, and to make sure the players on the server have fun during the event, instead of getting bored of the server and leaving, especially since player count has been low recently although its due to a different situation but why not try to get as much player count as we can, I'm also pretty active on the server so I can host events most of the time, unless i'm busy like I said below, I also enjoy building most of the time and with event team you get to build and have fun building.
10- If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? : Mainly Anytime, If i'm not busy / Sleeping or doing schoolwork
Monday - Friday : 4-11 PM EST
Saturday - Sunday: 8-10 pm EST (Mainly because I have a lot of meetings for Saturday, Sunday I'll have more time *For Monday-Sunday It may depend on when I have to do school work*