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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. Thanks to all of you who believed in me and helped me. What is your in-game name?: Purge Overseer Thompson What is your steam name?: Kreig What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:192294830 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I have been Senior Mod here on PRP and Milrp. I was Game Master on CWRP and was Mod on SCP. I was an admin on a server that was removed. Mod on Smokes RP and i was a Mod on Icefuse. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) About 2 months before Valkyri3 was blacklisted from this community (I think 3 Years) What date did you make your forums account? May 3rd 2019 (My Original account was made on October 20 2017 Email was lost for that Account) Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Darth, How many warns do you have on the server? 15 warns, I do not have a picture as im on my Chromebook. I understand 15 is alot but that is the past me. Please do not instantly - Support because of my warns i have changed and am still trying to change. Have you donated? Yes Sir or Ma'am around 250-300$ on my acc. (105 from me rest from friends) What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines at Yes Sir or Ma'am You will be tested on it: Understood. Timezone: Central Time Zone, I live in Kansas Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I believe I deserve this rank because even though I was a minge at one point I got through it, I changed. I finally did. I got past everything with a positive attitude and helped others while I was at it. I am now an Overseer. I am a very positive person. Although I am not too lenient, I still am disciplinary. I currently like to consider myself a fair person. I know a lot of people but i am not biased. I have had to Strike/Remove people I really liked. As a staff member I cannot be biased and if I am I could get removed, striked or demoted, and I'd rather that not happen. As i have been playing this community for a long time i can see things from others POV's. I can understand if you don't notice something, For instance if you don't see the sign when you walk into a room and you get mad not knowing what it is. I can elaborate and tell them what it is and not instantly get mad for a "False Sit". As an old member of Gaminglight i have gotten way better at roleplay, Even though i sound like a 9 year old boy i do my best to roleplay. If something big is happening on staff and I can help I WILL hop on. I won't just stay Roleplaying. As a staff member I would put 40% of my time into Overseer / RP and 60% into Staffing as some people are not always on. I have a friendly personality and I like to think I get along with alot of people. When i first met Luci we did not get along but now we are good friends. I don't think there are many people who hate / Dislike me. If i became staff i would be able to get on a lot of times to help out. I know a lot of staff get on for events but sometimes do not sits. I would be able to get on during those times and get on and do sits as the other staff are making the server fun for everybody! I have been in many command positions and I think I know how to act better. I have known many managers and they have helped me become what I am today, such as Igneous, Fame, Invaliff, Hotshot, ETC. Without their guidance I would not be here today, Applying for staff. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First I would take them to the top of the ship to speak with them (I would prefer by the engines so i don't bother SF) I would then ask why they are killing people with an invalid reason. I would try to calm them down but they would need a second so I would mute/gag them for 2 minutes to calm and talk to them during that time, assuming they are not calmed i would get somebody to Minge / Jail them for 10,000 until a Staff member who can ban gets on. If they continued to cause problems in either PM's-OOC-Staff Chat-Comms I would then Warn them or Gag them. For former people I know or have known. I will do my fucking best this time. I love all of you. I won't disappoint you again. Thank you for reading my Staff Application. Have a great day, Contact me on discord at Frozty#5501 if you have any questions or concerns.
  2. +support He probboally DID yell when he got scared while he was alive, Distance can be a problem of Mic Delay showingg he yelled AFTER he died when on his side he may have done it before, also IF he flagged off Job onto staff to deal with you it is Taking his own sit if i am correct.
  3. What do you want to see? - New Overseer skin Why should we add it? - As an overseer we look almost exactly if not exactly like the lord skin, I believe we should get another skin to use as there arent many Overseer we dont need many skins, What are the advantages of having this? - You would be able to tell the difference between the Overseers and the Lords Who is it mainly for? - IQ RP in general Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=876356702 Image for possible new Overseer models
  4. I dont play PRP but i used to, i would give myself cash then do a giveaway xd
  5. -support cannot be apart of another server you cant be in staff while developing a server.
  6. Dont get mad we are -supporting just fix your ways, you are a good person but made some bad decisions like I did. No need to delete it's just constructive criticism
  7. Koala + Supports this Cole, IDK if you remember me but say hi to jake croft if he still plays
  8. +/- Support Hello Matz, Although you are a great person and you are very nice the reason i will be putting below is why i an being neutral. +Active +Good officer +very nice -Inadequate response for #15 -Little effort on most of the application. If you become staff you will realize why i said this. This not meant to hurt your feelings but to inform you. Look over other staff applications to check what you did wrong (DO NOT PLAGIARIZE, It will cause an Denied) When i became staff my first time i checked over other staff applications to see how they answered their questions and how mine differed. Contact me at Frozty#5501 on discord if you have any questions Good luck homie
  9. One time i was blacklisted from 106 because people thought i was self breaching but had no proof o.0 it was removed
  10. It ment to be 6 18 19 my bad That would also be 2 months in the future if you didnt realize
  11. Read above text, Files are 16 MB not 221, he mentioned that before
  12. - Support Hello slummy, Although you are a great guy i believe you are not ready for staff because of the reasons i will be posting dwn below. I believe warns do not matter, a person can have 15 warns and still be good, and not a minge depending when the warns are from. "SlummyTrain Member CONTENT COUNT 1" One content count. "Active on Forums/Teamspeak" Is from the requirements for TMOD. I have never seen you on the fourms plus you made this account 16 days ago. That does not count as active on the forums. No Experience, Although that is not required it helps with becoming staff. All you have for your reson to become staff is about you being positive. Allthough i wish you good luck.
  13. No offence to anybody, But half the people +Supporting this are Shock, I am too. I understand hes our commander but what he did was wrong and he lied to staff. AT LEAST 3/5 people who posted + are shock, At Least 1/5 of the people who - Repped are shock. Just because he is your CMDR does not mean you HAVE to support it, In no way can you get introuble
  14. he pulled a pewdiepie -support
  15. What do you want to see? - Map Update Why should we add it? - New areas in the map, The map we have is HUGE and a lot of it is not being used if you could edit the map and add new Rooms for Roleplay such as Sparring rooms for Troopers or Dueling rooms for troopers, Places for 31st to practice their turrets. Could add a Droid RP area such as little holes in the walls for Mouse Droids instead of just Vents What are the advantages of having this? - More fun for Roleplayers, More areas to patrol and protect. Having dueling / training rooms would get them prepaired for combat in Rp would also help trainings and Tryouts for Trooper branches. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - No content
  16. - Support not much effort put into 15 + Support he is active and friendly
  17. I have an immediate solution to this, just stop scaling yourself then nobody can step on you eh?
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