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Everything posted by LilGoat

  1. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU BACK ON BROTHER How long do you think it will be flooded for??
  2. GG toxitman if was fun with you on the server have a great life
  3. LilGoat

    Ban Appeal

    =Support I feel like you know what you did active on the forums on this post We can always ban you again if you minge
  4. I just wanted to say and thank people for being respectful and awesome RP on the server keep it up guys
  5. Name: Kale Haaland In-Game Name: DD Boss Lil Goat How many warnings to do have: 6 in total Why do you want to be EMS (150 word minimum): I want to join EMS because A lot of people die on the server and when it is in a RP mode they can re spawn and not get arrested because not a lot of people are EMS. Another reason is I want to help the government in this game besides being a police officers and get heckled by others. Last but not least there is a small amount of EMS online so I want to get on and make sure people do live and if it is a crime reason they can go to jail and not be let off the hook. Can you attend the meetings on Saturday at 6pm EST? (Mandatory): Yes I should be able to unless something comes up and I can give a heads up if I have to. (I live in that time Zone) If you have any questions please let me know. Once applied for, please wait for a command member to review your application and accept/deny you!
  6. If you clean up your act a little fix grammar errors and show that you are capable of being a MOD that all might change
  7. +support really nice helps everyone always active He would make a good Admin
  8. +support always active has been on awhile Low warns
  9. +support knows what your doing friendly always on ts
  10. Lmao looks pretty great to me!!
  11. I think that the server should have a day and nigh cycle also the PD should have a battery place so we can buy it when are cars get broken
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