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Everything posted by Crease

  1. +support He would be a good assistant chief.
  2. - support based on RussTime's video.
  3. +support would be a great colonel
  4. Crease

    CeCe 48 hours

    Cece you will be missed. You were a great SWAT member.
  5. +support Active in-game and in teamspeak Constantly training new cadets and is a role model for PD ranks Has 0 warns and follows rules. Familiar with PD protocol and handbook. Reasonable with punishments--willing to talk to reported player before issuing strike or demotion
  6. +support Would be an excellent asset to the support team.
  7. +support Former JMT and support advisor. VERY active in-game and TS Impartial staff member in-game-- looks at evidence/listens to both sides.
  8. +support Knowledgeable long time SM. Willing to train cadets and be a role model for lower ranks. Familiar with server rules and government protocol.
  9. +support Unacceptable harassment and bullying. You didn't deserve this. --SWAT SSGT Crease XB97
  10. -support Provided evidence does not show Ion did anything wrong.
  11. +/- support. could have gone more into detail on why they would make a good staff member. Leaning +support. He has experience on the server and follows the rules.
  12. +Support Familiar with the server rules (has 1 week and is in 3+ departments.) Very active--on almost every day. Respected member on the server. Decent application and deserves a chance at trial moderator. Good luck Nicc!
  13. - Hacker and kidnapper are pointless jobs in my opinion. - The truck bundle was one of the first donate items. Removing it now could create frustration. That being said, the taxi and truck could be added to a regular car dealer. Of those 3, the tow truck job is the only RP job and I recommend keeping it as is. - The bailer is very rarely used. - The prostitute is pointless but a staple of many RP servers. - Don't know how large the city worker addon was but not a huge fan of that type of RP. Seems similar to tow truck driver. - The frag grenade (doesn't do any damage and only a few classes have it.)
  14. +support Knowledgeable about the server rules as a Mod. Actually knows how to show respect to lower ranks and when to discipline/reward. Active every day and in TS parol rooms. Is an excellent up and coming PD low command member ready for a more senior LC position. If you've ever done a ride-a-long with Spoon, you'll know what I'm talking about. Good luck!
  15. +support - Knows the rules and what it takes to be command. - Active. Trains cadets. Frequently found in TS. - Great role model for lower ranks. Good luck Windu!
  16. +support Nice person. Respected and long time community member Knowledgeable with the rules and actually knows how to RP. He took a picture of his screen with another camera. That is the most OG thing ever. Good luck Pimp!
  17. Hey everyone My time has come to step down as Colonel. I can’t thank you guys enough for the the honor and responsibility to be your Colonel and department head. To command, I appreciate getting to know each and every one of you. I have complete faith in current command to do an awesome job and represent the department in a positive way. You guys are awesome leaders and I couldn’t trust this department to anyone else. To the troopers that I did get to know really well, I appreciate each and every one of you. The scribbl io games were fun. To the new troopers, you guys are doing great. There is a reason you were accepted and are in the department. At least 1 person saw something in you. Whether it be myself or someone else. We appreciate ya. Now for the subdepartments; for all the SPRT members, you have a special place in my heart as former CERT TL HM. SPHP is equally as good, lol. Same with DOC—even though some inmates ruin rp. And lastly as former head FTO, please carry on with the quiz legacy. You guys are awesome. With the pandemic coming to an end and school starting up—I saw this situation inevitable. I’m starting school soon and I can’t spend as much time on the sever as I want to. It would be unfair to everyone else for me to be inactive. I’ll still be on from time to time, if anyone wants to RP. I’m not doing the typical, “tag a lot of people” post because I didn’t want to leave anyone out. For those of you that have been kind and respectful, thank you. For those that we had disagreements with, I’m not a perfect person and I hope we can still be on good terms. Thanks again for for allowing me this opportunity. Shabbat Shalom guys Edit: Added in shotouts now that I have more time. This isn't goodbye forever, but I'm trying to reach out to those that made a difference to me. More will be added soon! @lildrummerdude-- You've been a great friend and awesome SPRT commander. Hope you get State high command. wolf/tip--A true friend. Still down for that meetup. @rick sanchez-- You'll always be a senior admin in my mind. Thanks for being a great Major. @balloonhail4979--One of the best DOC warden's. Thanks for being there for me. @Toxic_Wolf10-- An inspiration to all State's members. I will miss you Bryce. @frog milk--Thanks for being there for me. You were always a respectable person and great leader. @behappy-- Best doctor in the game. @Doggo-- Stingray is that you? I will miss you very much man. @Towelie-- He's been here for 5 years. The best SPHP Deputy Superintendent ever! @pittman-- Thank you for being a good friend. @JakeSnake--A great friend and nice person. One of the nicest in the game. @Beans --The biggest State minge. In a good way lol. @sabek-- Thank you for being a nice person and respectful, even though we've had our differences . @hanxi-- Thank you for always repping state. @RaZe -- Good luck with PD HC and becoming SMT one day. I love our inside joke, eggplant parmesan @quavo-- Wish I got to know you more man. You've been great. @magic-- You pulled an all nighter the first night in the department. I'll never forget that. @doomnator-- You are an awesome person and great friend @Raven-- State comedian! @mrivers-- Muffin man @MiniEpic-- One of the more animated and respected state troopers. @King-- Wish I got to know you better. But you were a great person the times we did hang out. @rhammer-- One of the best DOC personell ever! Loved the RP dude. @Romero-- Love you man. Always there to talk. @ConradBearJEW @windu-- A rocket league god! Always down to be your friend. @Hammy-- Awesome guy. @Max Holland-- Best support member ever. I loved our convos. I forgive those comments you made about you-know-what in the suburbs. @voxis--Great guy. You will go far places in life Voxis, respect. @SCU Director smith--Thanks for being a friend to me and for hanging out in discord. @Igneous--The best manager in GL! I will miss you, and so will Papa John. Our mutual friend Goat would've been a great State HC member. LOL @Masterson--Dude, so many memories don't know where to start. Best deputy Head FTO. Awesome department member. @Jimmy James--Thanks for allowing me in HRT and the opportunity to be in FBI. I appreciate you and @Phil . @Havocc, wish you the best man. Sorry for any troubles I caused you at first. @CJTheGorilla-- You got the grunt of a lot of my frustration. Wish you the best dude and I apologize for all the reports. @Cammy--I appreciate you and the things you did for State. Thank you. @Yobo-- I know we didn't always see eye-to-eye, but as you said in the comments you were Colonel for a long time. I respect that. @maddog-- You were one of the nicest State HC members. Thank you for being so nice. @Echo A true friend and best fire marshall. Thanks for everything. @WinkleStink_69 -- God tier human being. @Chip&Dail-- One of the nicest people you will ever meet.
  18. Derek you are currently banned from DOC. Not sure why a CC was helping with DOC RP if they are banned from inmate job and blacklisted from State (DOC is a state subdepartment)... You are banned from participating in DOC RP in any respect--I made that very clear when I left the server yesterday and now I see this. The laughing part was bullying. Scruffy and Raven, you laughed at another players expense. Especially when, it appeared in the video, that Nikolas said "bitch" for RP purposes. It's unacceptable. I'd like to talk with you guys also.
  19. Cammy it is a very sad day for State. You will be missed as my Lt Col and friend. Feel free to hop in TS and hang out with us at any time!
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