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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Rookieblue

  1. This will be handled by the Forum Diplomat Team, as this occurred on the forums. As these complaints occurred on the forums, and not the server, no server punishment will be administered. Head Forum Diplomat @Nimowill move this as appropriate once a decision has been made.
  2. We're examining this bug! If we find a fix for this bug, or we find that it is unfixable with reasonable attempts, this post will be updated with an appropriate response.
  3. We're examining this bug! If we find a fix for this bug, or we find that it is unfixable with reasonable attempts, this post will be updated with an appropriate response.
  4. Not a Bug After looking into this, we have decided that this is an intended feature of the game and NOT a bug. If you think this should be changed in the future feel free to make a post in the suggestions section of the forums for that server.
  5. ACCEPTED! After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided to accept you for staff! Please speak to Senior Admin+ for SCP-RP in TeamSpeak to get started!
  6. ACCEPTED! After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided to accept you for staff! Please speak to Senior Admin+ for SCP-RP in TeamSpeak to get started!
  7. ACCEPTED! After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided to accept you for staff! Please speak to Senior Admin+ for SCP-RP in TeamSpeak to get started!
  8. We're examining this bug! If we find a fix for this bug, or we find that it is unfixable with reasonable attempts, this post will be updated with an appropriate response.
  9. We're examining this bug! If we find a fix for this bug, or we find that it is unfixable with reasonable attempts, this post will be updated with an appropriate response.
  10. Just so it's noted, if this appeal is accepted, and he receives 3 more warnings it'll be the 40 warning threshold ban, which is not appealable.
  11. DENIED. After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided not to accept you for staff. This can be because of your application, experience, behavior, feedback, or other unstated reasons. You may re-apply in 1 week.
  12. Rookieblue

    Kvalax Ban

    Staff always have permission to record sits and on duty for evidentiary purposes. No specific request needs to be made. Also not true, see statement above.
  13. We're examining this bug! If we find a fix for this bug, or we find that it is unfixable with reasonable attempts, this post will be updated with an appropriate response.
  14. We're examining this bug! If we find a fix for this bug, or we find that it is unfixable with reasonable attempts, this post will be updated with an appropriate response.
  15. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
  16. Accepted! Please allow up to a couple days to get unbanned from your respective discord.
  17. You aren't banned on the SCP, ImperialRP, nor PoliceRP discords. I have unbanned you from the main GL discord.
  18. Please update your post with the correct format within 48 hours.
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