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Everything posted by Rookieblue

  1. Accepted! After reviewing the evidence and testimony in the appeal I am accepting it. While the appellate in question could've been more clear about his situation and the need for getting off line, he did at least take steps to inform the staff member handling the sit of the situation. Additionally, the appellate has a relatively clear record with no previous LTAP warnings. As such, you will be unbanned from the server, but the warning and ban will remain on your record.
  2. Everyone has already linked the corresponding player report and screenshots, so I don't have much to say.
  3. Accepted Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  4. Accepted Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  5. And that's fair, just offering my counter suggestion.
  6. In general, the first offense for racism/homophobia/etc is a one week ban unless it's classified as mass racism/homophobia/etc. Mass conduct is generally classified as saying it in OOC/advert/crash screen or shouting it at a bunch of people. Mass of that conduct is an immediate permanent ban. I'm the first one to advocate for harsh handling of these offenses, and in fact was the one that standardized how these offenses are handled. However, I do not think an immediate permanent ban is necessary, because some people do make mistakes, and some people don't know how these words affect others. Educating the people that are open to being educated ensures that we're keeping people in the server that we want to keep that made a mistake, and get rid of the bad apples we don't want. - Support
  7. I'd maybe consider changing it to the radio that PoliceRP uses. Their radio system is set up with various specific channels that different people can access. Much more realistic, and easier to use.
  8. APPEAL APPROVED After reviewing the evidence and testimony in this case I am revoking the warning that had been issued. The clip provided by the appellate shows that the player was already chasing the CI member prior to running into the MTF group. It is completely reasonable for the player to chose to continue to attempt to capture the player he was already going after, regardless of whether the MTF personnel may be closer at that point in time or not. There is no rule that 106 is required to go after people based on proximity, only that he act equally hostile to all branches. Further, teaming is understood as two or more people working together in an unauthorized fashion that results in an RP advantage. If the player had been rolling in a group with the MTF and was snagging CI members on the way, that would be an appropriate use of a teaming warning. However, happening to run into an MTF group while already chasing a CI member is not teaming. The warning has been removed from your record, and no further action is needed on your part.
  9. DENIED Based on the evidence and testimony provided in this case, I am denying this appeal. The key facts considered in this case were the following: The appellate previously received a verbal warning about mass spamming props and that a repeat of that would result in a permanent ban. Despite this warning, the appellate engaged in the same conduct again, mass spawning props which contradicts MOTD rule: You should only use props to enhance an RP situation. Depending on the size, complexity, and position of the props, they have the potential to crash the server regardless of the population size. Furthermore, the population of the server at the time of the incident has no bearing on the level of punishment given. Just as there is no such thing as minge hour, and how using racial or homophobic slurs are never tolerated during different times of day, mass spawning props is also not tolerated. The appellate is a long time player of the server, and well aware of what is considered acceptable and not acceptable. Being verbally warned by the Head of Staff not to do something, and then going ahead and doing it again is a clear violation of the rules, and in my opinion the level of punishment issued is sound. The appellate is free to appeal this ban again pursuant to the permanent ban appeal policy listed in the appeal section.
  10. The crash screen is useful because it lets people know exactly what is happening, and allows them to still communicate with others on the server.
  11. Ahh, I remember your exact words. You were constantly spamming, "Fix your server" over and over again.
  12. While we were having some crashing issues with the server you, among others, were disrespecting the server by calling it unsaveable, a dead server, etc. Others that engaged in the same conduct were banned if I was able to note their names down before the crash screen went away.
  13. While we were having some crashing issues with the server you, among others, were disrespecting the server by calling it unsaveable, a dead server, etc. Others that engaged in the same conduct were banned if I was able to note their names down before the crash screen went away.
  14. Accepted! You have been unbanned from the discord.
  15. I need your numerical one.
  16. Please provide your Discord user id number.
  17. An admin is fully within his power to send you back to your CC if you break out unlawfully. That's not abuse, that's holding you accountable for your actions. That's like saying, "I stole $1000 from the bank but the cops wouldn't let me keep it, they're corrupt."
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