Based on the evidence and testimony provided in this case, I am denying this appeal. The key facts considered in this case were the following: The appellate previously received a verbal warning about mass spamming props and that a repeat of that would result in a permanent ban. Despite this warning, the appellate engaged in the same conduct again, mass spawning props which contradicts MOTD rule: You should only use props to enhance an RP situation. Depending on the size, complexity, and position of the props, they have the potential to crash the server regardless of the population size. Furthermore, the population of the server at the time of the incident has no bearing on the level of punishment given. Just as there is no such thing as minge hour, and how using racial or homophobic slurs are never tolerated during different times of day, mass spawning props is also not tolerated. The appellate is a long time player of the server, and well aware of what is considered acceptable and not acceptable. Being verbally warned by the Head of Staff not to do something, and then going ahead and doing it again is a clear violation of the rules, and in my opinion the level of punishment issued is sound.
The appellate is free to appeal this ban again pursuant to the permanent ban appeal policy listed in the appeal section.