Name: Danielsem
Rank: EMT
How Active Do You Think You Are (Be Honest): Inactive
Why Do You Want To Stay In EMS?: To help educate people on the EMS service
What Could Change In EMS?: Eduction/actually useful training
What is your in-game name: Danielsem
What rank are you in CERT (CERT not State): Specialist
Are you active? Yes/No why: Not currently! EMT class, Fire Department and work!
Why should you stay in CERT: I should stay in CERT because I can be a great team leader and asset!
What Specialties do you currently hold? (Breacher | Medic | Rifleman): Breacher
Should we add a training date separate to state? Yes/No why: No! I am very busy as is! Another date and I would have to leave!
Name: Danielsem
Rank PFC
Activity (Active, semi-active, LOA): LOA as of now! ends Sunday(tomorrow +=)
Recommendations for department: Shout out to CERT Command! They don't get much appreciation! Thanks for keeping us in line!!!!
I don’t understand. There are many RP servers like our that do it with no lag. No to mention they have a bigger map and a lot more stuff! I thick if we do it right it can be done!
I would love this to be implemented into the game! Its not hard to implement dynamic fire that times out within a certain time limit! Personally if this would go through it would draw me and others onto the server a lot more! We don't have to worry about people to run it, thechallenger88 and I are firemen and would have no problem running this(Sion Too:)! I know there are people in the community that would love this in the Gaminglight RP experience. This will also help EMS get to people before the re-spawn timer is up! It will help give the server a more REALISTIC feel! Maybe implement a rule that only allows 3 or 4 trucks out the door! Yes there are loopholes that need filled but its nothing we cant fix! If all else fails all I ask to to give it a chance! ITS WORTH A SHOT!!!!!