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Posts posted by Nucleus

  1. On 8/18/2019 at 10:08 AM, Sion said:


    -Basic grammer issues

    -No poll

    -Last question is vague

    -No idea why your talking about PD LT

    -Low forum activity 



    Advertising application

    replying to own application

  2. On 8/18/2019 at 3:23 AM, Max Holland said:


    active member of the community 

    good app 

    active on fourms from what i can see

    nice guy 

    knows the rules 

    honestly i think weasel would make a good addition to the staff team, hes a very nice guy who always cheers me up when im down.

    good luck ~max 


  3. 18 hours ago, [GL] Nick said:


    Rank and Call Sign: FBI SNR SA KGB99


    How active are you? (be honest please) I am usually on FBI if no one is one but I'm active.

    This role call ended months ago

    -FBI EAD Nucleus



    • Gaminglight Love 1
  4. 1 minute ago, tcoops said:

    I think he should be allowed to appeal it.


    18 minutes ago, Kitty. said:


    I never really understood why Josh got banned, did so much for the community and actively in my eyes, helping to improve it, and for such a loyal member to just be blacklisted on the spot is quite frankly unjust. If, which with evidence proves not the case but for a balanced argument, Josh did say what he said, I still don't think the blacklist was really justified as the harshest punishment was given to him for what is essentially a warnable/strike able offence. Thank you ?

    I found some blacklist appeals in the accepted section so I think they are allowed. I may still be wrong. 

  5. I have posted this on behalf of Josh as he is banned from the Forums. It turns out Josh plays on a community I also play on and so we got chatting and I said if he wanted I'd put a post up for his appeal if he DM'd me the appeal (Just some extra info if you wanted to know how I spoke to Josh again)

    Steam Name:  Josh

    Ingame Name: Josh

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:181545127

    Ban Length: Perma/Blacklisted

    Admin that Banned you: Snar

    Reason for Ban: None given “Blacklisted”/ Never explained


    The first thing I like to say is I never planned on making this appeal. I simply accepted what happened and moved on from GL for past few months. However, discussion with other people and friends has persuaded me to at least attempt this appeal. I tried to appeal the minute I got banned, but I was banned from forums, discords and in-game within minutes. Unable to give a side of my story or appeal, a huge thank you to Nucleus for helping me out and risking his position in the community. I am sure he wouldn’t risk this without believing in the appeal.


    My blacklist was fully recorded by myself at the time I started speaking to Fame. I knew this wouldn’t go well and prepared, as I have had bad experience with SMT in the past. This will be important further into this post, so do keep in mind. The video is here: https://youtu.be/4XXFj-feDXQ I would highly recommend you watch such video before making a judgement. The comments on set video are not my own views, except the one which I pinned. 


    Point 1- Armyguy Situation

    Referenced in the video, Fame talks about how Armyguy was in the TS when he was blacklisted and I supposedly “helped him”. Whilst I make clear what happened in the video I will explain further. Armyguy randomly connected to GL after being banned for months to see what would happen. On this occasion it must of glitched and he was allowed into TS. At which point he rang me on discord (far as I was aware talking to blacklisted member was not a rule although might of changed) and started yelling how he get into TS. I then talk to him and he starts yelling for me to help him. I thought the situation was funny and went into TS support to try get into the room Armyguy was in which was a Support room, filling up with staff very quickly. There was no way I could help nor would I have helped. I simply wanted to watch him freak out and peoples reactions to seeing him. This happens a lot to other people when they are in trouble so I fail to see why I should be punished for such actions.


    Point 2  - “Your Opinion Matters”

    Those who may remember back in December/January, Fame created a post called “Your Opinion Matters” which he explained to the community SMT care about opinions and people won’t be banned or punished for them. Well no longer being staff after my opinion got me DNP’d. I reacted to the post with a laughing emoji on the forums to express my displeasure with the post. I had in my mind that this possibly could cause SMT to react in a negative way, as I was public going against them. However, I simply was doing what the post said I could do, and I didn’t agree with recent bannings that had occured. Which related to the post even being created. I was quickly pm’d by Snar on the forums telling me to remove my reaction or there would be consequences (bare in mind this went against the post AND happened 

    5-6 months before my blacklist even occurred). I agreed to take the reaction down to prevent further escalation. Not only did I not break a single rule, but I was silenced. 


    Point 3 - Going Against SMT

    This point was brought up that I ‘constantly’ go against SMT in the community. This is totally false, I have had a few runs ins with SMT. This was because I disagreed fundamentally with some of their decisions. I wasn’t afraid to be public about it and cost me a lot during my time as staff (some of you will know why). However, after the opinion post I did not talk about SMT actions nor things on the server for months after. I even gave praise to SMT for implementing bug fixes and suggestions in March/April time after a long break of work being done. I point out the truth and it’s important people are given criticism so they can improve themselves and ultimately the server. This was also not a rule but used against me. 


    Part 4 - Fame

    So I am going to be honest here, I haven’t liked Fame for a long time. That's 

    ok because you don’t have to (it isn’t a rule). However, in the video I point that out to him and it appeared to be wrongly interpreted. I explain to him although I didn’t like him in SWAT (he was a SA/HA at the time) I did not stop him from being promoted. As the same with others I disliked in SWAT because that’s not how you run a department. He was promoted when he did a good job, I could easily blocked his promotions but I didn’t. Because I wouldn’t want that to happen to me if I was in his position. I want to make it clear, no point did I try to hurt fame or get him in trouble etc. I simply just didn’t like him and opinions of others no matter how good or bad is allowed and can be expressed if appropriate.


    Part 5 - The blacklisting

    As you can see from the video, Fame started to either purposely or through his own fault misquote me infront of Snar. This annoyed Snar when I tried to defend myself and banned me without hearing my side. I like to point out as high ranked staff members, I felt that lacked professionalism in the way the situation was handled. As staff, especially higher ups you need patience and willingness to listen to people you may dislike or not agree with. I was given neither and banned within a minute of Snar joining the TS, without knowing exactly what had happened as he admitted in the video. This isn’t the bash Fame or Snar, but this is to point out I was not given the chance to speak and give my side. I was banned and silenced without any explanation. That simply isn’t justifiable and wrong, it simply makes the staff team look bad. 


    Point 6 - What I did for this community

    At this point I would of had 2 years since joining the GL community. In that time I have helped countless players and staff members in the smooth running and operations of GL. I have helped bring in new players and give advice to current ones. I helped build and grow departments on the server, bringing joy to hundreds of players. I spent over a year in SWAT expanding and transforming the department from a mingefest to one of the most respected on the server. I single handedly wrote all the update codes, updated and kept track of documents/rosters, created new initiatives for training, wrote new handbooks and rules and kept loyal throughout it all. Those that knew me in the community, I worked hard and never gave up to achieve those goals. Whilst I made mistakes, I owned up to them and continued to try to improve the server. I was a staff member for over a year, spending countless hours everyday staffing and making sure players had an enjoyable time on the server. I had the highest staff hours and claims in the entire staff team and had an open door policy when I became SA to help those in need at any time. I dealt with abuse daily but continued to do my role as staff to help the server and it’s players. I never lost my patience with a player and never had a staff report on me during the entire time I was in the staff team. I donated personally to the server to help it gain funds to bring in new updates and addons to better improve the server. I also had 0 warns at the time of the blacklisting. 



    Overall I feel my blacklisting was wrong, not only was it unjustified but SMT refused to even attempt to communicate with me. I tried through discord, snapchat and others but simply ignored. I didn't want to make this post and go public, but I had no other choice to get my side and appeal across. I understand blacklisted players are normally not allowed to appeal, but in this extreme circumstances I feel it’s justifiable. I also like to point out other players have done MUCH worse things and been allowed second chances after perma/blacklisted bans. I feel that in all evidence and situation, I should be unbanned.

  6. 3 hours ago, Shmoopy_boop said:

    Massive - Support

    I've had many interactions with Masterking. Some of my favourites include, but are not limited to

    • Multiple verbal warnings, only to watch Masterking go right back to doing what I asked him to stop
    • Multiple recorded warnings from myself, and a multitude of other staff members to which Masterking shows no care
    • Watching Masterking spam links during a PD meeting, days after IP grabbers were found being spread. It took Calamity, Voxis and I threatening a demotion to make you stop, and when we spoke to you individually, you showed no care/remorse for your actions.
    • Personally banning Masterking myself for mass rule breaking, and watching him get banned by other staff for similar reasons
    • Incredible amounts of Playerdissing in OOC, including telling somebody to kill themselves IN A STAFF SIT

    After doing a little digging, Masterking has also directly copy pasted his reasoning for wanting to join the Gaminglight staff team into applications for 3 different communities (If you want to check, copy paste question 15 into google search), If he gets accepted to any of these other communities, he will not be eligible for a Gaminglight staff rank.

    On top of these reasons, From the times that I've spoken to Masterking, he shows no care for the rules and refuses to follow them. He is incredibly disrespectful to players and staff alike, and in general I feel does not deserve a place in the wonderful PoliceRP staff team.

    ~ Shmoopy

    Also kept replying to own Application.

    multiple bans

    Definately a -Support from me

  7. In-Game Name: Nucleus

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147290095

    Rank: Executive Assistant Director | Interpol Head of Investigations

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 10 days - 8/10/2019 to 8/19/2019

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Family Holiday.

  8. In-Game Name: Nucleus

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147290095

    Rank: Support

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 10 days - 8/10/2019 to 8/19/2019

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Family Holiday.

  9. 17 hours ago, Dredgen said:

    - Support
    Not much effort in appeal.
    Snar puts in a crap load of work into this server. And for your to disrespect him and then leave ain't right. If you wanna insult or disrespect the man that has helped shape this community into what it is. I'm sorry, but in my opinion you have no place here.
    Also from what people are saying on your appeal you have multiple acts of Dissing others.
    You haven't even been banned for 2 months yet.


  10. 10 hours ago, Bog said:


    -Created the TeamSpeak guide that was approved to use

    -Knowledgeable with Teamspeak



    -Has a lot of experience 

    -Was recommended by Igneous when it came to Teamspeak


  11. 10 hours ago, Catsro said:


    He is a respectful guy inside and out of the game.

    He is pretty fluent with Teamspeak 3.

    Went into more detail of how he would greet the user and what comes after.

    Would love to have this guy as apart of the TeamSpeak Support Team.


  12. 1 minute ago, Sion said:


    Zeeptin himself said there won't be a FD unless it a serious RP server

    Map is a bit laggy and average frame rate has dropped. Last thing we want is more lag

    Would be cool to see work

    Ask EMS to make it a sub dept?


  13. 7 hours ago, Sion said:


    Staff on multiple servers/communities 

    Last question is wrong in some parts

    Forums activity is low

    Your PD rank has nothing to do with staff

    Advertised a discord server in application 


    Sorry Will but I had to give you a  -support for the reasons above. Yes you are active and mature but to me it looks like you haven't looked at the staff handbook.

    Good luck ~ Nucleus


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