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Posts posted by Nucleus

  1. +Support

    I tend to have alot of problems with General just in general. He often causes problems for me whether I'm rping or I'm on staff. 

    Personally, I feel maybe a day ban or upto 3 days so they can think about what they are doing and so hopefully they realise they could rp better on the server. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Owen 287 said:


    no poll 

    link to warns doesn’t work 

    not very active on forums 

    seen in game seems like a nice guy 

    you seem like a good guy with good intentions but need to work on your app because it’s lacking small things that are very important i would suggest looking trough the staff handbook and post on how to better your chance of being staff to help you with your app. You should Try get more active on forums and in game 

    Good luck  



  3. I don't know why it flickered, I can't explain it unless I did tap it by accident when I moved my mouse but my family pressed the code in the keypad for me. I told them to put in the code and run as we had no defenses on that base and so we all would have been destroyed. There were several of my family there who left. You didn't even breach and staff came after I went afk apparently by which point I was up the hill which was about 30 seconds after I entered my base. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, ExoTic Maddog said:

    I was there and there was no one else in the base 


    We all had left via the back door by the time you entered as we have a toggle button by the door and we all drove out by the time you got in so there was obviously no one left there. 

  5. I can see it flickered but I did not press any keybinds or anything for that door. I was in discord voice channel with my family and I told them to open it via the keypad as one of the members was inside. Although it did shut soon after I got in I looked at my keypad settings and I did at some point accidentally knock it to less than 5 seconds which I do apologise for hence why it wasn't open for as long as it should have been.

    Even though this happened, you had opportunity to arrest me a couple minutes after as I was just stood and you stopped and chatted then drove off.

  6. 2 hours ago, ViperKing said:


    -Active in game

    -Haven't RP'd with you much but we've had a few conversations and you seem like a great guy

    -0 Warns

    -Knows the rules

    -Has experience staffing

    I'm glad to see you applied for staff and I definitely think you deserve a chance at TMod



  7. The day has come that we hate to come to... My Resignation from EMS High Command

    It has taken a lot of thought to think about doing this and I feel it is the best for me...I'm sorry guys.

    It has been a huge honour to have been able to work with you all in EMS and across the departments but it is time for me to go.

    You all have great potential to go so far in this department. I remember when I first joined EMS on 12th December 2018, the EMS tac team invading the PD basement on the old map, such great memories in this department that I will never forget.

    Alex - Alex, where do I start? The biggest minge I know (jk love you), you have always been one step ahead of me in ranks and you have done so much for this department. You will do so well for EMS and I hope you continue to keep striving forward with me out of this High Command.

    Mjay - You were a great High Command member and I wish you the best in your future endeavours.

    Seb - It took you awhile to get into High Command but you got there! Mom get the camera! You have amazing potential and you are a good leader.

    Struftdot - All the threats you made to resign, and here I am resigning before you. I win! Haha, don't resign because I did. Keep up the good work and good luck with the job of SS Director.

    BeHappy - You're a great guy and I hope you keep doing well in your departments, you always find a way to make me smile no matter how I’m feeling.

    South - You put so much effort into being the first EMS tactical paramedic in interviewing candidates and creating a sophisticated roster. You have put so much time into the department and I thank you for that.

    PBSpiralgamer - We have had our differences and fair share of arguments but you have great potential so keep up the good work.

    Cheeto - It was great to work with you in the early days before you left for a while, I hope we'll both remember the EMS Tac Unit invasion of PD for a long time.

    Ecott - You have amazing potential, you work so hard by putting so much time into being EMS and that effort will get you so far. Keep up the amazing work.

    Qasmoke - You have banned me twice from the EMS Discord, You are a utter pain and nuisance. You will not survive.

    Razonix - My original Chief when I joined in December 2018. I remember when Low Command fell apart and you managed to bring it back together again. There is so much I have to say and I can't say it all. You were an amazing Chief as you tried to keep us all working hard together, even when we disagreed and when things went south after you left as we all predicted would happen. You left us but I still need to add you on here. This was a late addition but I had to add it as it was bugging me that I didn't write a bit for you. You inspired me to strive for the best I could, I have been through so much in EMS since I came; I have been removed, reinstated, blacklisted and unblacklisted from EMS which is quite an achievement I guess but you gave that determination. Thank you. 

    And to all the Medics, do good, be active and you will go so far in this department!

    Alex, I hope you'll accept my request to  become a Reserve High Command if that is possible, if not don’t worry about it.

    • Sad 3
  8. 15 hours ago, Sion said:

    +/- Support

    - wrong steam id

    - low forums activity

    - never really seen in-game 

    -16 is a bit wrong

    + No warns

    + BST/GMT member


    I'm currently on LOA so I might be wrong but I have never seen you in-game and I'm in BST.  For q16 you should always place minged people in the minge box but normal players aren't aware of the box since it under the map and it isn't included in the handbook.  If this gets denied PM me on the forums or discord and I'll happily help you 

    Good Luck ~ Sion



  9. 3 hours ago, [GL] My Pet named Steve said:



    You are applying for trial moderator, not moderator 

    You completely left out the last part

    No poll

    You say you have strikes for stupid things, RDMing on EMS with a fireaxe and combat reviving arent stupid reasons

    I would consider the discord thing to be staff on another community 

    You can literally see when you made your forums profile in your profile section


    Good luck...you'll need it! - PoliceRP Senior Moderator Nucleus


  10. 9 hours ago, BigJohnny said:

    if someones moving i wouldnt be able to mug them yet theres really no rule against it

    From my perspective after hearing both sides, it looked like the trooper was moving in his vehicle and to me anyway, it wouldn't make sense to mug someone who is driving.

    Furthermore, just because it isn't written in the MOTD doesn't mean it isn't explicitly a rule as this is Semi-Serious RP so would you go out in the public and pull a LMG out on someone to mug them whilst they are moving at 20mph?


  11. On 6/25/2019 at 11:57 PM, arollin96227 said:

    Right, As EMS Chief I thought I should directly adress this.

    Our Medics and Command are NOT authorised to move into an active situation however sometimes situations can form around our Medics and command meaning that this rule cannot be kept. In this circuimstance we tell our medics to remain inside their vehicle and only move when it is safe to do so.


    Personally I do not really like how people who have not been EMS as of recently trying to change the rules of EMS and how we operate and highly reccomend that people join EMS to get a feel for it and understand how we operate and how we work is usually hard especially with alot of outdated equipment of which most of our ambulances are extremely hard to drive meaning that EMS usually get alot of bad press for driving. I really do want people to come to EMS and understand that we try our best with the limited resources.


    Thank you for understanding,


    EMS Deputy Chief C2


  12. In Game Name: Nucleus
    Name and Numbers (EX: JohnDoe#1234): Nucleus#0496

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:147290095

    Forums Profile Link: https://gaminglight.com/forums/profile/29392-nucleus/

    What is your staff rank? (Senior Mod+): Senior Moderator on PoliceRP

    How many discord warnings do you have: 0

    Have you ever been muted, kicked, or banned from the Discord? No

    How often do you check discord? Few times a day

    What timezone are you in? BST

    Why would you like to be a Discord Moderator? (100 Word Minimum) I would like to become a discord Moderator to join the team in enforcing the rules in the public discord making sure that it is kept a clean space for everyone and to help people in the discord if they require it. Furthermore, sometimes earlier in the day Discord Mods aren't available and so another member of the team who is of the BST timezone is available to help in the early mornings.
    I enjoy helping people and so becoming a discord Moderator would help in widening my better availability to help people more than just ingame and teamspeak as I'm also ts support.
    This is a great community which I enjoy being apart of and hope to expand my experiences and ability to help.

    Have you read the Discord Moderator GUIDE? Yes

    How would you deal with someone who is spamming? If they were spamming I would mute them for 10 minutes and check for previous spam infractions. If it was their first time spamming I would warn them and then DM them what they did was against the rules and advise them to re-read the rules. If it was their second time spamming I would issue them a discord warning and kick them from the server again informing them via DM to make sure they know why they were kicked. However, if it was their third time spamming and they had previously been warned and kicked I would contact a Discord Admin to issue a Ban from the Server.

    Additional Information: None, thank you for looking at my application.

  13. On 7/4/2019 at 8:35 PM, Shmoopy_boop said:

    +/- Support

    + Nice Guy

    + Good application, just go in to more detail for the final question

    + Great forum activity

    + Longtime member of community

    +/- 10 is a decent chunk of warns

    - Technically, you are staff on another community

    I think you'd be a good fit in our staff team (again lol) but since you are technically staff on another community, I am unsure if that will happen. I'd recommend speaking to Fame (Our wonderful Head of Staff) in his teamspeak room about it, as he can give you a concrete yes or no.

    As always, Good luck! ~Shmoopy


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  14. On 7/4/2019 at 12:24 AM, Quangasaurusrex said:


    I don't feel as if your ready to take a position in low command.

    You seem to joke around (in a bad way) and argue on the radio *a lot*

    Above reasons too


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