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Posts posted by Nucleus

  1. On 6/13/2019 at 10:57 PM, Shmoopy_boop said:

    +/- Support

    + Good Application, it show's that you've read the staff handbook

    + You're a nice dude, I don't have too many sits with you 

    + 0 warns is always a huge plus

    - You're still very new to the community

    - You're somewhat active ingame and on the forums, but I rarely see you in Teamspeak

    - No poll (You can edit one in, its not a big deal)


    Overall, I just think you need more time in the community before you're ready for staff. Its not that you aren't currently ready, but I feel that some more time in the community so current staff members and other players can get a better gauge on the type of person and the type of player you are would help out. From the times that i've seen you ingame, you're nice, respectful and mostly mature (you slip up sometimes but who doesn't) I'd recommend joining PD (if you haven't already) and a sub department such as state trooper to get yourself more well known out there! Becoming more active on the forums (responding to and making posts) would also help you out a bunch, and If you haven't already, go talk to and introduce yourself to Fame (our Head Of Staff) in his Teamspeak room! it definitely helps if he knows who you are. If you have any questions about anything I've said, feel free to message me.


    As always, good luck! ~Shmoopy


  2. 13 hours ago, Unkn0wn_F1R3 said:


    Read the info and apply in the correct way 

    Your also gonna more detail 


    5 hours ago, Sion said:

    You were removed for being a minge on EMS

    You need to follow the link on another topic named EMS Application and wait upto 1 week where the result will be posted on the accepted thread. 

    Also the fact that you minged on EMS which ended in your removal 15minutes after you attended in tryouts will also affect your chances of acceptance. 

    ~EMS Deputy Chief Nucleus C2

  3. 8 hours ago, David Charleston said:

    - Support

    Never seen you before

    Still a lot of grammar errors

    You cant have 2 at one time

    Last one is still wrong which leads me to believe you haven't read the handbook.

    In my opinion you arent ready for staff


  4. Charlie, it has indeed been a good run and I look forward to seeing you around in other departments working hard as always. 

    Please come and talk to me about not feeling a part of command as I want to improve that even if with your resignation as there is always room for improvement. 

    We thank you for your service with us, Char of the Lit.

    ~EMS Deputy Chief Nucleus C2

  5. Links work now (for me anyway)

    For me, I like the idea of this as it adds a more specific job type for things you wouldn't really do as any other job such as Judge and Witness Protection. The ideas for convoys for High Value prisoners I like as it adds a protection detail to ensure or at least increase the chances the prisoner will get put in prison. Id just say check through SPaG on the SOP and application. 

    But overall, I like the idea of it.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Matthew said:

    I think you should change the warn to "RDM x2 | LTAP"


    10 minutes ago, Shmoopy_boop said:


    what an actual power move by Spection lmao 


  7. 4 hours ago, Voxis said:

    I just looked at the ban panel. You have no current bans at the moment.

    This is true, I used your steam ID to get your steam ID64 and search it on ban panel and there is no such ban. Unless it hasn't updated which I doubt. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Jeff Junior said:


    did not fill out the format 100%


    1 hour ago, Logan said:

    - Support 

    didn't fully fill out the format. No evidence. Calling stuff “dumb dumb” and saying you want someone else that’s not a trial mod is pretty disrespectful in my opinion.


  9. 3 hours ago, Willy said:

    Massive -Support

    - You were very rude to Snar during the sit when Snar was trying to explain what you did wrong

    - We don't tolerate your attitude within the server

    - You clearly broke the rules, many saw it with their own eyes

    - It was only a day ban, until your friend decided to make it worse and disrespect Snar even more.

    Some Quotes said by you and your friend:

    "Enjoy your rank while you have it"

    " I'm going to shove your taser up your *** "


    Lucky you aren't perma'd bud.




    3 hours ago, Zeeptin said:

    -Support. Don't be a jackass to my staff.


  10. On 6/2/2019 at 9:41 PM, Rookieblue said:

    + Support

    Looking through your application, I see a lot of really good experience from other areas that will help you in your duties as a trial moderator here, if your application is accepted. Experience is always great, and looking to further get involved with our community by becoming a moderator is a good goal to have. You have one warning on the server, which is nearly a month old, so I'm not too worried about that. Regarding your post count, we generally like to see that someone is interested in engaging the community here on the forums, as well as on the server. While I understand your concerns about places in the forums that aren't utilized as fully as they could be, one of our more used sections of the forums, which allows you to propose new additions to the server or provide your thoughts on other people's suggestions. This would be a better way to engage with the community, rather than replying to older forum topics.

    For question 16, I'm not sure if you've already rewritten it at the suggestion of the other moderators, but I don't personally see any major problems with the response you provided. As moderators we are empowered to take enforcement action of issues that we see with our discretion, so something that I may think warrants only a verbal warning, another moderator may think warrants a server warning. The major things that I look for in response for this section are that the candidate takes control of the sit, which you did by gagging the person who was swearing at you and interrupting you. I then look to see if the candidate considers a variety of options available to them, or if they just look at one option. I do really like that you checked his warning history, as that is something that I don't think enough moderators do, because someone's history can absolutely have an influence on what action you should take. Finally, I like to see that the candidate looks to receive support from more senior staff, in this instance the potential administration of the 10,000-second minge, or longer minge, which you did. Personally, I probably would've applied or sought to have someone apply a longer than 300-second minge off hand based on the mass RDM and disrespect, but again, that is up to your discretion.

    Good luck, and I hope to see you join the staffing team!


  11. On 6/2/2019 at 9:24 PM, Rookieblue said:

    - Support

    This happens from time to time as staff members swap from being on duty and going back into RP. I do not believe Koala did this intentionally, and I do not believe Koala has a record of such conduct. As such, I believe that a simple reminder to be more careful when switching between jobs is in order and no further action.

    I make this mistake of forgetting to uncloak quite regularly and Koala is a good player and staff member that I have seen and worked with recently and I know he would not do it intentionally. 

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, Sion said:

    To make some stuff clear so you stop acting like babys arguing over candy

    -cash cant remove whitelist

    -you have made reports exactly the same

    -in OOC your rp rank does apply to some extent

    -he demote you for your attitude towards him

    -title is mislesding. This has noting tondo with his VIP+ rank




    Fame tbh Im not sure either whether is is a false demote thing or demotion request. I am really confused by this too.

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