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Posts posted by Nucleus

  1. Name : Nucleus

    Rank : Advanced Paramedic (P9)

    How active can you be (Will be held to this): Pretty much everyday except Mondays. 

    What is your favourite part about being EMS?: I just enjoy the satisfaction of helping people as the community when there are situations around as well as having fun with the team as it really helps in enjoying EMS much more and it really adds to the rp of the server instead of players just respawning.

  2. IG Name: Nucleus

    Link to Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198254845918/

    How many warnings do you have: 0

    What departments are you in and what rank: None ?

    Why do you want to be EMS (150 Words Minimum): I would like to become a part of the EMS team, as I have recently noticed that there is not many of those roles taken up on the server and sometimes the EMS is needed in situations. More EMS is needed to create a better balance between all the other jobs as there is always a lot of the major roles eg. Police. As well as this, it saves people paying for a revive when a EMS can pop over and revive them. I believe I would be a good fit into the force, although it has changed a bit since I was last EMS, I could handle it. I used to often play EMS when I could before all the changes happened. To conclude, I am a friendly player who can take on the role to help the general public and others in situations whilst following all the protocols that are in place.  I thank you for your time and hope that I will be given the opportunity to show my worth to both the department and the community.

    Who recruited you? (Put N/A if nobody did) : N/A

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