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Posts posted by Nucleus

  1. 3 hours ago, Felix said:


    I dont think a ban was necessary. A staff restriction should be fine. 


    4 hours ago, [GL] Elapin said:


    I really liked you on our server man, you made practically everything fun. I know everyone can agree with that. Yeah sometimes you can get carried away with the powers you have but im sure we all have including myself. You really should get a 2nd chance. Good Luck To You Trying To Get Unbanned Ramon. 


    -Nice Guy


    Should get a Second Chance

    If you get unbanned, you should at least get a 3 month staff restriction.

    -Love Epi Pen


    You're a great guya and you always brought me up when I was down, and to me a perm ban was too much but a staff restriction would fit better for this situation. 

  2. On 6/28/2019 at 11:32 PM, therealdredgen said:

    -/+ Support

    Although I do think you could make a great addition to the staff team, with having experience in other communitys as staff and ULX commands. I personally do not see you on often in the community or forums (although that could just be timezone differences). Aswell on the question "Why do you believe you deserve the rank" you did not follow the correct word requirements. Best of luck on your application though.



    On 6/30/2019 at 11:39 AM, Jbennett1239 said:


    for the reason he asked people to look at his Application in-game and kept talking about it



  3. In-Game Name: Nucleus

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147290095

    Rank: Support

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 3x 5 day LOAs - 1st July-5th July, 8th July-12th July, 15th July-19th July.

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): On a 3 week Course called NCS (National Citizen Service) which will be from Monday to Friday for 3 weeks. I will still be on at weekends

  4. 22 hours ago, warcub03 said:


    • This Always happens to me so just a tip keep following them until they are a safe distance away from the VIP
    • People who are NOT part of SS do not understand why we do a thing in certain ways even if they don't have a gun they can still be a threat 


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Ronin said:


    I was on at the time, patrolling with Myan and Deathstriker, and they were talking about Ghosted being afk, when suddenly he gets warned for a failbase.  The staff shouldn't have warned an afk player, especially if he had the signs up per the MOTD rules.

    But just to note it says you can't have a no collide door for entrance/defense purposes in MOTD. 

    But he should not have warned you for Fail Base while AFK and should have tried to contact you to let you know about it. 

  6. On 6/25/2019 at 1:25 PM, Jimmy James said:

    I will mark you as weekends only just let us know when your status changes

    OK will do. 

    Also My 1st LOA starts on Friday 28th June not 1st July. Sorry for the inconvenience 

  7. In-Game Name: Nucleus

    Rank: SAIC

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 3x 5 day LOAs - 1st July-5th July, 8th July-12th July, 15th July-19th July.

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): On a 3 week Course called NCS (National Citizen Service) which will be from Monday to Friday for 3 weeks. I will still be on at weekends.

  8. Just gonna stick in a PoliceRP memory for me (December 2018). You need some context for this but it was great!

    There were multiple deaths in the Police Department Basement area and so the Medical Services were called and we all ran in ready to break open locked doors and ran past a Senior Patrol Officer who said over radio "EMS are raiding PD". It was such a good moment and I know myself and others will never forget it.

    [GL] Rockford Emergency Medical Services, December 15th.


  9. On 6/18/2019 at 1:14 PM, Shmoopy_boop said:

    - Support

    - I rarely see you online (could be conflicting schedules, as you say you play late)

    - You have A LOT of warns, including one for making death threats.

    - Question 16 is incorrect. The correct answer is in the staff handbook



    Overall, I do not feel that you are quite ready for staff yet. Your warns are over a year old, so getting a good chunk of them removed will be easy and will significantly help your chances. Even though we rarely play at the same time, you can improve activity by talking with people in teamspeak and responding to things on the forums. You should also reread the staff handbook to get the correct answer for question 16, and if you haven’t already, introduce yourself to Fame (our Head Of Staff) in his teamspeak office, it helps if he knows who you are!


    As always, good luck!


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