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Everything posted by Pwhit

  1. no poll either, sorry but for now I am going to -support
  2. cancelled. sorry for the confusion everyone. keep this application back on! ?
  3. Yes, I know Rhenic. I stated that a couple times.
  4. Okay so the situation is cleared up but I would just like to bring up this point, so you're an SNR Mod while Keuka is a trial mod...if you hypothetically broke a rule and he has evidence he's not even allowed to warn you simply because you're a couple of ranks higher? That truly just doesn't make any sense and should be completely against what a server would stand for when it comes to equality and being unbiased which is one of the few things I've learned this server supports. To be honest this is a type of bullying if you want to go that far. Once again, hypothetical situation. Not saying you did do that. But if that's what the server stands for the who am I to talk? In my opinion though using your rank shouldn't get you out of certain situations. Oh well. Glad to see situation seems to be figured out.
  5. welcome back! hope to see you around.
  6. agree. new maps are always fun to mess with
  7. Pwhit

    Changed my name

    Hey guys its Jacob Banker or now known as...Pwhit! I decided it would be best to change my name to something that fits me much more and doesn't include my first name! I also have gone as Cedric Guipoy! Just figured id let you know! ?
  8. Before you read this and immediately assume bad things because of my warns I would love for you all to read my explanation, thanks! 1. What is your in-game name?: Pwhit (You may know me as Jacob Banker or Cedric Guipoy as I have used both those names but am permanently going to be making the switch over to Pwhit as it is much less personal for me! Hope you guys understand!) 2. What is your steam name?: Pwhit 3. What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:157330463 4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I used to own and manage multiple Minecraft servers. 5. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) August 20th- 6. What date did you make your forums account? September 1st 7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+ 8. How many warns do you have on the server? 11 (not many recent) 9. Have you donated? Yes 10. What rank are you applying for? Trial-Moderator 11. Have you read the staff guidelines? Yes, I have gone over that, and the MOTD just to make sure I am up to date. 12. Time Zone: EST 13. Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A 14. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) Okay so first of all I would like to address my warns, when I first joined this server I had 0 respect and was just being a jerk to everyone because I felt like I could and didn’t even think about what my actions would lead to. Well…overtime I realized how wrong I was and how disrespectful I was. I grew to love this server and have ever since. My respect for not only the owner but the moderators and community is very high simply because I’ve had past experiences with dealing with disrespectful members and all that. I know that it is difficult, and I began to realize that and realized how much fun I was having that being warned and pulling that garbage isn’t going to help me. I simply would like to apologize to all the admins that had to deal with my immature and disrespectful attitude. I’d also like to make it clear that all of the stuff I was warned for was absolutely fair other then a couple that I got on my first day but I’m not here to make excuses, instead I’m here just to get my point across. All this might sound really cliché, but it simply is the truth. Now on to the real part. I believe I deserve this rank because (with no disrespect to the staff intended) I can see how difficult it is to manage the players of this server as well as how flooded things can get. I would love to be able to become a bigger member of this community and be able to help. I think that adding someone to the staff that has experience on this server with not only the MOTD and the other rules but someone that knows the community quite well. Some of the things that I would pride myself on is my ability to handle very toxic and out of control situations in a quick and effective way. I would not only try to get this situation done as soon as possible so that I can move onto the next one, but I would also make sure that I am using my time as wisely and as effective as possible, so a reasonable outcome occurs. Something else that I think I do well is not hold any grudges or any other type of grudge towards a player because of past experiences. Staying calm and collected in a frustrating situation is something that is very difficult, but I know that I have the ability to do so based off my past experiences and personal experiences that I have to deal with everyday whether it’s in school, at work, or dealing with family. 15. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would start off by just taking that player aside and letting him know what the current situation is, if he continues to try and get away and shoot at other people while in the sit I would jail the player and make sure he cannot get away and endanger any of the other players. Assuming the player continues to be disrespectful towards me and the other players I would gag/mute the player to make sure he doesn’t continue. Before this I would also make sure I am letting the player know that if he were to just cooperate and listen to me that we wouldn’t have to make it this serious. However, once again assuming he continues to do what he isn’t supposed to I would then calmly and effectively let the player know exactly what his punishments are going to be and address them appropriately. I would proceed to get a higher up to be able to minge the player for 600 seconds, I would also be distributing out a warn to the player for Mass RDM, and staff diss. plus more if he's doing more. For the last point, I would just like to make it clear that I am one that is counted as a lurker, I check the forums a lot but have never been someone to make a ton of posts, this might just sound like I’m making it up but it’s generally true and completely up to you on how you want to react, another thing I’d like to bring up is that I truly do hope you can look past the amount of warns I have and instead focus on the more recent ones. Thank you everyone!
  9. definitely agree. one of the nicest guys I've ever met on the server and he manages the rules so well.
  10. Pwhit


    Hey, its Jacob Banker aka Pwhit im not new here but I also have never made one of these posts, so here i am!
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