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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Staff ratio? What staff ratio????
  2. Update: Im still alive! Havent had to head to a evacuation Centre yet but ready to get going if police/army tell us to go, afraid that my house/area that i live in has been flooded from all reports so I'll have to see what the damage will be when its safe to be able to go back home, work has been of course cancelled and i hope the venues i work at arent damaged else budget gonna be hella tight ? cheers for you guys tho yall are the best
  3. Biggest joke is my life hahahha....hahah...haha STEAM_0:1:114270629
  4. Mate I'd send it all if i could ? the dam closest to us is at 213% full jeez Will try to cheers mate!
  5. Thanks bro ❤ Haha cheers bruvva. So the suburb i went to stay with a mate we just got door knocked by the army saying we should be prepared to evacuate from here too, I'll be having to head to a evacuation centre so may not be responding much, talk when i can yall
  6. Cheers bro hopefully I'll be back up and running within a few days Cheers mate definitely in good spirits atm, was a bit of a scare getting the housemate and her stuff safe as well as making sure we didnt get flooded in and still able to get out, thankfully we were able to now to wait this out and hopefully dont have to head to a evacuation centre
  7. Thanks hannah ❤ where im at now im safe just hope my house doesnt get too badly flooded and nothing happens to my car, everything else is fine
  8. Hahaha pretty much aye bloody hot as hell one day flooding the next, whats next snow?? but cheers bruvva
  9. Im like 99% sure its gonna, we've prepared as best we can for it but seems like it will specially when we're supposed to get the heaviest rainfall today
  10. Thanks lads will try to, har to go back home forgot my phone chargers, this is not even 50m away from my house and one side of the main road i needed to use was flooded as well proud of my car for making it thru it but gods and we still have around 4-6 days left of rain or so the weather man thinks
  11. @Blitzton cheers mate glad you came out of it alright tho Im lucky at the moment some houses have already been flooded pretty much everything valuable or that i need is safe as it can be, unless i get robbed during the flooding i should be alright(has happened before) cheers tho if anything happens I'll be sure to post here
  12. Cheers bruvva I'll try
  13. All out of it all ? probs for the best rn anyway? Once i get back officer cripbanger will be back in force ?
  14. Cheers bud your a legend ?? hopefully it wont come to that but appreciate the thought!
  15. Thanks zeeptin! Our dam is at 190% full with the city council having to open the damn to release water in order to help reduce flooding, next 2 days we'll be receiving heavier rainfall may have to head to a evacuation centre if it gets worse.
  16. ^^^ +support should also be talked to by PD command and up to them whether of not they want to issue further punishment
  17. Hey yall im not gonna be on for a few days i think, townsville(city i live in) is flooding and ive been told by the army that were doing door to door checks to evacuate the suburb im living at as such ive placed my PC highest place i possibly can put it and have left dunno how long it will be before i can go home but just letting all my homies and people that know me that i wont be in game for a tiny bit but probs on the forums/discord Love all yall and I'll try stat safe and keep yall updated
  18. -support Just shows hes still the same minge from then to now Jk +support
  19. Biggest minge but definitely deserves staff +support
  20. Definitely deserves the promo good luck bruv
  21. -support Biggest minge on the server, never plays by the rules, player disses constantly, mass rdm's but only on weekends so its cool, bad RPer(counters bank raids and gets away with it), bad at sits always throws me off the building and tp's me back!!!!1!! For real tho Huge big ole +Support Active as hell Mature Knows the rules Great RPer Willing to help any and all in need Abides and adheres to the staff handbook and the motd and is professional in all his sits and dealing with others Overall maral definitely deserves a promo to admin he is one of the most active staff members(besides me when i was staff ? ) and in my opinion one of the best, when i was staff he was always willing to get on for staff ratio no matter what was going on rp wise, helped out other staff members and treated everyone equally with no favoritism or leniency towards friends/fellow staff Best of luck mate i hope you get it you deserve this
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