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Everything posted by Phil

  1. This seems more of a bug as staff can be/have been able to be reported ingame and if any break rules they have been warned, jailed and banned according to the punishments for the rule breaks as anyone else can be
  2. DENIED Sorry, but community blacklist's are no longer appealable. You may not attempt to appeal this again!
  3. -support As stated above, you left in the middle of a RP situation. Warn isn't false
  4. Time for war part 2 *For legal reasons this is a joke
  5. +support Would definitely get more people to get on the server jobs specially in the Platinum section
  6. -support Dark and will sum it up perfectly the "first come, first serve" method has worked for the past 3 years in my experience both as staff and as a Player.
  7. ^^ would like to see this added to help improve rp
  8. +support Seems like a good addon however jacky did state it might cause some lag
  9. -support As stated above can easily do that with just /job and a fast car
  10. @[GL] Dark @robertomanjini as for @Ronin as he is not staff it would be a player report
  11. Phil

    Nevermind- Denied

    DENIED Sorry, but community blacklist's are no longer appealable. You may not attempt to appeal this again!
  12. just FYI i didn't talk to him other than a staff sit he made in regards to this where he asked for a super Admin
  13. https://medal.tv/clips/4kS1bqbAhf-O4/0pGQBga7vSFr had to scroll up in chat, your friends were there yes when they pulled up with only 1 person who could help you in the car with no gun out nor did get out of the vehicle till after you backed away and pulled a gun out
  14. -support you were walking ahead of your friends when POL pulled up had guns and adverted kidnap, your friends pulled up in a car with only one of them being in your family and had not gotten out of the vehicle nor had guns out while sitting in the vehicle, as the encounter had begun with you being outnumbered and your 1 family in a car with no gun out with @iZz even pointing a gun towards the car telling one of them they couldn't help due to them not being apart of your family and telling your actual family member to back away while the other Pol member had a gun on you still you were still under FearRP which you broke when you ran back and pullled a gun out
  15. it was great to have you around man, will defs miss the memories we made playing around bro wish ya the best of luck in your future endeavours
  16. What is your in-game name?: Phil What is your steam name?: [GL] Lord_0f_Woe What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:114270629 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain): Yes, in my 3years in this community I have had the chance to be apart of the staff team multiple times, I am Currently a Senior Admin as well as apart of the Event team and the Forum Diplomats What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly): 3 years ago in August, 2018 What date did you make your forums account?: August 19, 2018 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?: Senior Admin/Event Team How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?: 0 Proof Have you donated?: Yes I have, I am Ranked #3 with $6868. What rank are you applying for?: Super Admin Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?: No I am not. Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it: Yes I have! Timezone: AEST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Zeeptin(Owner), Eternity(Manager), Igneous(Manager), Jimmy James(Head Of Staff), Mikey(Head Admin), Jayden(Head Admin), Max Holland(Head Admin), Drippy(Super admin), Zerg(Super Admin), Will(Super admin) Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): I believe I do deserve the rank of Super admin for multiple reasons, to Start off I have been a part of this community for over 3 years now and within that time I have been a part of the staff team multiple times gaining a lot of experience in staffing and also building up a great reputation in the community, With staffing and even when I was not apart of the staff team I have always made it my goal to help and assist other members of the community in any way I can whether from simple questions on how to play on the server to help with Custom class questions I strive every day to help someone in any way that I am able to. I believe being given this opportunity to being able to apply to be a part of the JMT team will be able to give me even more ways to be able to give a helping hand to people in this great community and helps me achieve my goal, I do believe that I deserve this rank also due to my dedication that I have for this community, it has shown through with my times of being apart of the staff team multiple times in my 3 years in this community, the time I have put to departments achieving the rank of Deputy Director and command in Delta Squad and the hard work that comes along with running departments for the betterment for the departments and server as a whole Regardless of the outcome being a staff member is a privilege and one that I am grateful for being given the opportunity to be apart of and being able to move up in the ranks. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: I would first bring them to a roof and if they tried to run away from the sit I would jail them, I would then check logs to see how many people this person has affected due to them RDMing/ARDMing, I would then tell them that what they did was Mass RDM and if they knew what they did was wrong if however, all they do is curse at me I would tell them that if they continue to curse and yell at me I will gag them and or mute them if they continue I would follow through and gag/mute them and then tell them that MassRDM is against server rules and I would check the players warns, I then would inform them they are receiving the warn for MassRDM and also depending on the players time on the server and their warn history I would tell them they will be receiving a 5 day ban or a 10-15min jail sentence depending on their time on server and warn history. These questions are only for people applying for Admin/Senior Admin/Super Admin: What would you do if you think a player is an alt account?: If there was a player that is suspected of being a Alt or Admits to being one I would clip the evidence of them admitting to being a alt and inform JMT or a SMT member, making sure to follow the chain of command until it has been dealt with. What would you do if a player is threating to chargeback? : I would take a screenshot of the chat if they said it in chat or I would clip it if they said it via voice chat, I would message higher ups and provide the evidence while also following chain of command until the matter has been dealt with. A family is mass minging and causing issues, how would you stop the family from minging?: Depending on the family size I would bring the main antagonizers/rule breakers individually up to a roof and give them reminders that while it is a game that the server rules are there for a reason and try to steer them away from minging/rule-breaking and that if they continue down that track that formal warnings will be given out. however, if the entire family is minging and breaking server rules I would bring the entire family down to the event room to get them away from further ruining RP, I would ask them to calm down and let me speak, I would then inform the entire group that they need to calm down and stop breaking server rules/minging and that if they did not they would be subject to formal warns, jails and or bans relating to their rule breaks and that while it is a game rules still need to be followed. How would you deal with a situation you don't know what to/don't know the answer to? (Don't answer with "I know everything!"): I will say that even with my 3yrs of experience on the server and my experience with staffing I still don't "know everything". when situations like this do happen I always find it best to message other staff members either via TeamSpeak, in-game or on discord. I also find it best to even afterwards ask higher-ups for their thoughts on the matter or what they would answer the question with.
  17. -support sorry but you should use this time off the server to go through your binds and remove binds like that are against the server rules to avoid this in the future, As it stands this ban is vaild
  18. sad to see you go travis, appreciate all the work you put into FBI!
  19. Phil

    Uhhh 3 years

    Man said 3yrs then dipped thank you for the memories my guy
  20. corky said it perfect, @Pillow just remember in future reference in sits to refrain from making comments like that
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