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Everything posted by Phil

  1. +support but i would say if they are just driving through not KOS and but if purposely just driving in and out contesting the point they can be KOS, just as i can see people trying to abuse this if it gets implemented by "driving through" and calling RDM when they get shot
  2. Phil


    finally amiright?
  3. Thank you for your work you put into FBI!
  4. Have to agree with this This is extreme and if anyone was to say something like this they'd be dealt with by staff.
  5. +support Think we had this before but was good to have
  6. +support Was great to have it back then hope it gets re-added
  7. Sucks to see you leaving GL altogether, hope to see you back one day!
  8. Out with the old in wit da new! o7
  9. Your In-game: Phil The player's name in-game: Wade James The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:146764617 What did the player do: over 20 warns Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198253794962 What do you believe should happen to the player: 1 week ban per the staff handbook Any extra information: User is already banned for a separate reason for 2 days
  10. Phil

    The SCU Foundation

    I was expecting this too but I am pleasantly surprised
  11. Please add a link to any content for this suggestion
  12. we fr just returned to ROCKford
  13. Sad to see you leave us! Wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours within gov
  14. +support defs would be good to be in the server
  15. Damn, I knew this was coming and we talked about it but it's still crazy to see it actually happen. It has been my absolute pleasure to serve as your Deputy director brother you have been a great director and a even better friend than I could of asked for, it's so crazy to think it's been a whole year. I wish you all the best in what you will pursue in your future here in GL and that you go far in the staff team. Thank you brother and love you too o7
  16. To think I would of atleast deserved a mention as being a minge It is truly sad to see you go but I cannot tell you enough when I say I know how you feel bro, take care of yourself first and foremost I know how hard it can be, all jokes and everything else aside if you ever need a chat im here for you brother
  17. damn this man gonna go on a 6month LOA ez
  18. sad to see you go bro, best of luck to your future endeavours!
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