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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Never thought I’d make this, from the start State has been my only department and I absolutely loved it, but I can’t take prp anymore there just doesn’t seem to be any rp on it anymore. I won’t lie I am leaving prp because I’ve had way more fun on FiveM. I want to thank a few people for making my time in state so great. @snookiebear You were a great Major and LT Col, It was fun doing ride alongs with you. @Alistair I’ll be seeing ya on FiveM. @Cole Phelps Cool guy but I’m still cooler than you nerd. @Bronco Big bully, jk good luck with SPMU my man, you definitely deserve LT. @Amon Definitely one of the best troopers I’ve seen, good luck in state man. @Officer Pulloutski I don’t know how many ride alongs we’ve done together but they were fun as hell my man.
  2. Sad to see you go October you were a great DCOS. -Nor
  3. Winter

    Felix False Warn

    Are you reporting Felix or John kill????
  4. -Support I doubt you were a staff member for GL In the past, if you were you would know you can’t apply for manager.
  5. -Support -Sometimes mingey -Can be rude at times
  6. The server isn't optimized for 100 people, I had no lag when we had it at 80.
  7. +Support If you just shot an Officer you shouldn't even be walking around in public.
  8. +Support My Nova takes like 5 headshots to take a fully armored player down.
  9. What you want to see? - Player count be lowered 75 or 80 Why should we add it? - Whenever we reach the max player count the server lags too bad to play and many of our players end up crashing, the server just isn't optimized for 100 players. What are the advantages of having this? - Less lag Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - N/A
  10. Isn’t the skybox too low for helicopters?
  11. I only run if I’m wanted or in a stolen vehicle.
  12. There was a sit well multiple actually and he showed no respect for staff, I also warned him to stop arguing in OOC.
  13. -Support I was there and you told whatever his name Koo I think "Shut the f*ck up" and you continued to argue and proceeded to say both in ooc and in a sit "Staff cant do sh*t" and "Staff is useless" so you can't say that's no disrespect.
  14. -Support Families have millions of dollars so even if the person gets arrested they'll just be let out immediately and crimes won't have any consequences.
  15. We had a few guys come up and get info from us.
  16. +Support Already lost one keyboard to this thing, I can’t lose another one. Think of the keyboards.
  17. Major +Support -Experienced -Active -Good guy -0 warns Good luck my dude -Nor
  18. -Support Sheriffs was already removed this map is too small for all these departments.
  19. If your complaining about a warn for staff diss then -Support
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