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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by gamikzone

  1. Accepted! To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  2. The ET And Staff Removal/Restriction will stand. You broke multiple rules against the event team and staff rules. Even though these rules were broken I cannot justify a 7 day ban for you. The ban will be removed but please take this as an opportunity to improve on your behaviors.
  3. -Support - Application is Poor - Answers are incorrect - Advertised - Not Fit for Staff
  4. It is also important to read the MOTD when you start playing on the server. Please follow the MOTD and signs as well.
  5. Accepted! To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  6. - Support So in this situation the reason the warning was issued is the time in between the door opening and your window of opportunity. If you would have been directly in front of the door and Donny would of opened it okay I would of killed at that moment. But in this situation the door was opened and afterwards Donny crouched and did not really make any noise. There was a good bit of time between the door opening and the crouch away. In this situation as 939 you would not have really known where he was going. Due to the hesitation in this RP situation that is why this was a failrp. I know the rules may not be 100% exact to the point the way to think about it is 939 is blind. You can only go by sound. Really you should not have known he was in that spot.
  7. Accepted To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  8. This is a bit of a confusing situation so i understand why this is miscommunicated. The wording on the MOTD will be looked at my the SMT team to make sure it is properly adjusted so the MTF raid CI rules are more clear in situations like these.
  9. This staff application was weak. Please work on your activity and keep the warns down.
  10. Due to lack of any evidence I cannot overturn this ban. This is a short-term ban and I suggest just waiting the timer out. You disconnect when you brought to an admin sit. There may have been some miscommunications but I am unable to overturn this due to lack of evidence.
  11. Accepted To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  12. The term Metagaming nerds is not disrespect. These warnings will be removed as I see them unjust in this situation.
  13. Accepted Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  14. After reviewing all the videos and evidence carefully. This is clearly metagame. There is no way he could of known you were there. I will be issuing a warning for Hex only as the parties involved were limited on what information they had to work with.
  15. Neutral on Support - You have good knowledge for becoming a staff member - You are active - Your Forums activity is low - Could Improve App
  16. ÷Support Weiss has been around the server and staff for a long time. He has changed alot for the better and he is always helping our newer staff members when help is needed. He is involved with the Role play side of things as well being heavily involved in Site Administration. I believe Weiss will be a great fit to the Senior Admin position
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