This is my 1-week notice. So as you may know I haven't been on as much. Lately, I have been trying to complete and graduate with good grades in School. It's hard to keep getting up in the morning with getting on the server then getting ready for school that's why I have stopped that. Ill Still be a part of the community but will be on MilRP every now and then. I don't want to keep a position that I can't continue to hold because of not being able to be on during the peak periods. Not Next week but the week after I will be completing training every weekend which would stop me being here so I do not want to continue doing FBI with wanting to succeed in my Paramedicine Degree. I would like to thank everyone that has been with me during my career. I would like to thank the person that I had honor serving with and making FBI better to this day. FBI wouldn't be where it is now if it wasn't for Gamikzone's assistance. I really enjoy being on serving with everyone, this is now a time on where I don't want to leave but I am having to just to make sure I can graduate with great grades and complete my training.
Thankyou to everyone you know who you are that has supported me through my adventure. I won't name everyone but here is some of you. ( Gamik, Nolan, Noone, Zeeptin and FBI Command Team)