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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Thank you Rezonix for your time in EMS. You have been a great chief and I wish you the best!
  2. Rocky

    Just a question.

    So I want to buy a CC but I have no way to screen shot the payment. Is there anyway I could give the payment ID instead of a screen shot?
  3. Rocky


    The guy asked to be in a photo and to be put on the post xD
  4. Accepted Please contact an FTO or Low Command Member [LT+] to get trained and added! You are on the roster as a trainee! Also, please join our discord at http://emsdiscord.tk WELCOME TO EMS ~ EMS Low Command
  5. Rocky


    Some pictures from the mini event we just did! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1639013459 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1639013352
  6. In that case I change my +Support to a -Support
  7. -SUPPORT No evidence of him actually driving away I change my +SUPPORT to a -SUPPORT.
  8. You should know if there are no staff on.
  9. Rocky


    I will not be attending the meeting tonight due to a family game night. Please fill me in!
  10. Accepted Please contact an FTO or Low Command Member [LT+] to get trained and added! You are on the roster as a trainee! Also, please join our discord at http://emsdiscord.tk WELCOME TO EMS
  11. Accepted Please contact an FTO or Low Command Member [LT+] to get trained and added! You are on the roster as a trainee! Also, please join our discord at http://emsdiscord.tk WELCOME TO EMS ~ LT Seb
  12. Good luck tom on your last year of school!
  13. Rocky

    Mngo 45 warns

    +/- SUPPORT If he does minge then I think a ban may be deserved I have seen Mngo in-game and honestly I dont think he is a very mingey person but that may just be my perspective
  14. Rocky


    Why didn't staff deal with this in-game?
  15. Oh im sorry, You are right xD
  16. +/- support -You and the judge kinda broke FearRP -The admin did say there is no rule about mugging in the court room
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