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Kim Yo Suk

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Everything posted by Kim Yo Suk

  1. Kim Yo Suk

    BSI too op

    +support Heavy gears and high speed shouldn't mix
  2. Cadet ­- Cdt. - Glock18 Officer ­- Ofc. - Glock/MP5/P90 Senior Officer ­- Snr. - Glock18/M4A1 Lance Corporal - LCPL. Glock18/M4A1 I use guns that iswithin my rank and below
  3. Shouldn't Nolan or Snar be the one to decide not NoOne?
  4. Why you feel the need to give -rep when it just honest -support just like +support on a different perspective.
  5. Questions Your In-game: Kim Yo Umbrella Corp Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:13399109 The player's name in-game: LT. Finch The player's steam name : [GL] Finch The Player's SteamID : STEAM_0:0:146331101 What did the player do: NLR / FailRP/ Playerdis Evidence (REQUIRED): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARHuw8v5f68&feature=youtu.be Any extra information: LT immediately switching to criminal to save his criminal friend without helping me dealing with criminal as LT (He wasn't AFK at all). His friend refused to walk to PD and that is failrp on that person part. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/921430705750420683/0DB354203A751FCEAB3CB4BD9BEDFF61FAF950F1/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/921430705750421131/0446737688014C9F18F24F43FB2682826A518773/
  6. -Support -Rudest and most immature person on this server that Finch wishing me I sink my teeth into rat tails (Don't believe me? Look at my screenshot in other post) -Very abusive toward all LEOs -Mingey as well with his friend -IDK why you all +support him saying he's mature. Have you guys seen the way he talks? -NOT READY FOR STAFF ON SECOND THOUGHT, It all about timing. I see he created this on June 1. But Finch impression this weekend (June 9th and 10th) was very bad in my perspective
  7. No punishment needed for you. Just like the warn remove. Thank for posting!
  8. Very unclear evidence and have you contact staff in game to deal with him?
  9. T_T I thought they can. This same suggestion as this was about 2 -3 months ago
  10. It already denied by SMT, Noland said to contact forum diplomat
  11. FBI deserve to be more tactical or have their own Federal tactical department
  12. Just to be clear, it just custom skins with VIP thief gears that is all.
  13. What do you want to see? - A custom class that is design only strictly for specific criminal organization unlimited slot and same gears as VIP Thief for one price giving power to the owner to whitelist anyone. No custom weapons. Allow only skin and VIP Thief gears Why should we add it? - To give an organization differentiation from rest of the criminals. What are the advantages of having this? - Perhaps it can make more donation for the server and definitely helps criminal organization look cooler Who is it mainly for? - Criminals organization Links to any content - Player models must be the same height as VIP Thief.
  14. The Negev is so inaccurate and huge spread it like good luck hitting with that unless you are super close to your target. BTW you know all officers can use P90 or M4? I use P90 very good weapon to kill your enemy even against Negev users. Just stay far away from them just bam you kill them.
  15. It shows you rarely play as criminals Oh I played aspolice officer I think criminals are too easy to kill except the custom mini player models
  16. I think the idea behind is that it gives more actions for the police which means more fun for both criminal and police. Gotta bare in mind it only semi-serious not serious RP. We tend to forget this is a video game people want to have fun after school or work. Going to jail will waste about 15 minutes of our life. For every time we commit a crime we have to be willing to give up our 15 minutes. That doesn't sound like fun for all criminal.
  17. Governments and Criminals will never have an equal advantage when Government Manpower over criminal most of the timeMore armorHeavier guns / Equipment (Gas, Nova, Shields, Breaching charges)Police being as fast as Usain BoltCriminal Good Base1 or 2 MG (very high recoil)I think it supposes to be challenging and fun for all. I think it's the frustration is what makes it part of it fun like playing super Nintendo 2d platform games like Super Mario. If we make it too easy then it not fun for anyone anymore. That why during Valk era when Government was really Overpowered made players go down a lot (From rank 13th down to 88th place). No matter what anyone does or how many times rules change, we gonna have people complain left and right from Criminal and Government.
  18. Thank you for being a great RP player and one of the best staff in this community :)
  19. What other base violation? And no it not a maze base because you guys are literally going striaght down then make a very short right turn. If that consider a maze then wow fix MOTD don't make up maze base rules up cuz we need clearify that. Also I told Shark on that part of the maze you saw in the video it was removed! NO I shouldn't have to go through this frustration where I have to waste my good day off to fix NoOne mistake after I told him and you yourself to NoOne. I am really mad I wasted my time with this and I hope it doesn't happen to anyone else. No I down vote you for misleading people into thinking I'm the bad guy for this situation. You focus on the past rather than the present what going on.
  20. You judge base on my history but not base on what's going on is really is messed up. Maybe you should play as criminal and see how you like to get 20 mustard gas into your base fill inside your entire base! Then tell me it perfectly fine in your eyes. Valkyri warned me for killbox because he never ever specifically state the meaning of his own definition of "killbox" on any forum or MOTD. So I HAVE to get warnings to learn the meaning of "Valk killbox rule". The worst part is without definition, he can change it anytime and claim it "killbox" because at that time no one havevery clear definition of "kill box" not even Head Admin+. Manager never gets on to explain so I have to rely on staff which none of them even know what killbox is either at that time. Valkyri excuse is that he have to write couple of pages about kill box which I find absolutely a lie. And if you are saying this is a maze base even though it is clearly all fading door are in straight line path right in front everybody. Then Sassi IDK what to tell you. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORST PART! Whoever raided me with breaching charges first knowing that it was NOT invisible prop either does not want to tell NoOne that it was invisible or wants me to get warn. What if I didn't have video evidence and still NoOne DOES NOT trust his own super admin saying it wasn't invisible. THAT IS REALLY MESS UP IN MY VIEW REALLY FRUSTRATING AND NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO FACE THIS. BTW NoOne CLAIMED He raided me first with brenching charge.
  21. You got annoyed by my base with love <3
  22. Your In-game: Kim Yo Umbrella Corp Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:13399109 The admin's name in-game: NoOne The admin's steam name (If you know it): IDK What warning did you receive: Invis Props/ Basing Violation (it about 2nd fading door) Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/922555908319803426/68C867A5077D5B2A77DB5220B41F9A548B241FEE/ Why do you think this warn was false: I never had an invisible prop. It caused by breaching charges and everyone knows that a bug in the past and still an issue! Any extra information: It really frustrating that NoOne does NOT trust frame the super admin told him that I didn't have invisible prop but still proceed to warn me anyways! Also, Mustard gas is ridiculous and ruined our gameplay experience for all! Also you must watch enitre video so that it proven my innocence on this. I shouldn't have to recieve warn at all!
  23. https://gaminglight.com/main/topic/21335-to-all-government/
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