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Everything posted by Dashiell

  1. Correct, I think the old one is more clean and fluid.
  2. What you want to see? - Bring back the old landing page Why should we add it? - The new one looks stretched and has no color, rather bland. What are the advantages of having this? - It will look better Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - The new landing page: (If you were on with the old one and still see it when you go to gaminglight.com, to see the new one you need to do ctrl+f5 on it) The Old one:
  3. -Support No detail, if you can't manage to take the time to write more then a few sentences, how will you take the time to be staff?
  4. +Support Active Amazing Friend Amazing Officer Does Training Mature Roleplays well Doesn't sugar coat Would be an amazing fit for command
  5. +Support False, if nolan said that.
  6. -Support You got it like a week ago, seriously?
  7. Dashiell


    I mean it's kind of a fact of gaminglight since the beginning.
  8. I agree with a lot of these. There definitely is a culture where PD command can do whatever they want and people are too scared for their own ranks and experience to report them because of the negative repercussions from that command, and their command friends. So, they are not held to use proper procedure, and pretty much can do what they want. In my opinion I think that this is more of a Low Command issue, as high command is barely active, so low command aren't held in place by High Command.
  9. I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not
  10. I need to disagree, as if any other staff member did some of these things they would be at least striked. I don't think he should be treated with bias just because of the donor mod one strike your out system. But in the end it's up to SMT.
  11. You're a great guy but need to work on some of the above -
  12. I tried to talk to him and solve it without an official report but ignored me in game, and ts wasn't an option because he wasn't in it, so I just gathered these few incidents after watching him for a few minutes and put it here
  13. Your In-Game Name: Dashiell Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:69882556 Staff member's In-Game Name: Ethan Hunt What did they do / Evidence? I'm merging the what did they do/evidence section for the sake of organization because there's many things. Let's start with the basic stuff: Not having a proper steam name: https://i.gyazo.com/67d7d008b660ff1ae70f36a3b634b6aa.png Not being on teamspeak while staff: https://i.gyazo.com/eeeb9ad5b9290fd3f5ca9641db099a43.mp4 Drop killed for no reason, or as he puts it, "I just need to kill you" https://plays.tv/s/Liobutv9Vq2L Interfering with rp while staff (Telling PD that car should be KOS): https://plays.tv/video/5aed278ca58aa40593/abuse Admin Taxi Service..enough said https://plays.tv/video/5aed27e94769aa312a/admin-taxi Flying around with his physgun out, makes the trooper think he called staff, interferes with rp by creating an uncalled for, unneeded, admin situation https://plays.tv/video/5aed35e155e89b5e3f/interfearing-rp Almost all of these videos show him flying around with his phys out. What do you think is an acceptable punishment? Demotion, obviously shows no respect for the handbook, I'm doubtful he has read it.
  14. Some points in this i agree with, some not so much. The job of PD in active scenes is to secure it and call in tactical such as in real life, unless there is an active panic, or situation that directly involves you. I understand how it can feel like a grind, but the idea is to do your time in PD and then apply to join another division. I agree, there are a lot of SNRs who do good work that should be recognized, and I agree that there is generally a command shortage in PD, as you see most of other departments having a command officer on almost always, and in PD there is about a LT+ on half of the time probably due to most of PD command being command/members of six other departments. . On your second point: Moderators on duty should not ever interfere with roleplay or make themselves known unless a rule is broken. That is unacceptable and I encourage you to report them if you have proof, because a staff member should never talk to players in roleplay situations unless broken rules. However once you taser rushed, that moderator on duty did have the right to break rp.
  15. This seems very exaggerated and hostile. Welcome to gmod, it takes a long time to load.
  16. +Support I agree we throw the staff handbook at them w/o training and say get to work.
  17. -Support I have some problems with this. From my current understanding you want to make appointed officers from every department on a team that can assist in other departments. However I can't see giving people "supervisory" control over other departments a good idea, almost like deputizing commissioner to a whole bunch of people which would open the window to massive abuses. Also you say, "More time for the high and low command to get more import items done.", however this just describes taking command's whole job, when you take away training, promotions, and supervisory status, and give them to other departments what "important items" are left? Every department has it's own procedures and opening it to a team of people from other departments would not be a good idea. Also this has no where in roleplay, a bunch of people running around acting like supervisors/trainers for every department, seriously? Also the lack of more documents such as whatever the SOP equivalent would be for this concerns me, also to add to that, the What do you want to see section is 68 words which is seriously vague and open ended
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