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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2018 in all areas

  1. Maybe we will see you in.......October?
    7 points
  2. Steps to a criminal Court Case By: Agustus Jones 1. Choosing a Jury If using a jury, each juror should be questioned to be sure there is no bias towards the defendant or prosecutor 2. Opening Statements The prosecutor presents the facts of the case, from the government's perspective, and walks the jury through what the government will try to prove -- what the defendant did, how, and why. The defense gives the jury its own interpretation of the facts and sets the stage for rebutting key government evidence and presenting any legal defenses to the crime(s) charged. 3. Witness Testimony and Cross-Examination The witness is called to the stand and is "sworn in," taking an oath to tell the truth. The party who called the witness to the stand questions the witness through "direct" examination, eliciting information from the witness through question-and-answer, to strengthen the party's position in the case. After direct examination, the opposing party has an opportunity to question the witness through "cross-examination" -- attempting to poke holes in the witness's story, attack their credibility, or otherwise discredit the witness and his or her testimony. After cross-examination, the side that originally called the witness has a second opportunity to question him or her, through "re-direct examination," and attempt to remedy any damaging effects of cross-examination. 4. Closing Arguments Similar to the opening statement, the closing argument offers the government and defense a chance to "sum up" the case, recapping the evidence in a light favorable to their respective positions. This is the final chance for the parties to address the jury prior to deliberations, so in closing arguments the government seeks to show why the evidence requires the jury to find the defendant guilty. In turn, the defense tries to establish that the government has fallen short of its "burden of proof," so that the jury must find the defendant "not guilty." 5. Jury Instruction After both sides of the case have had a chance to present their evidence and make a closing argument, the next step toward a verdict is jury instruction -- a process in which the judge gives the jury the set of legal standards it will need to decide whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty. 6. Decision Once the jury reaches a verdict, the jury foreperson informs the judge, and the judge usually announces the verdict in open court. The same procedure can be used for civil cases as well.
    1 point
  3. I would just like to say Great job for all of the staff that was one today thats what we should always be showing as a staff team great effort and no waiting for sits. We were at max staff members for almost 1 hour and a half Havent seen so many staff one since i came back from Long term loa. This shows the dedication that staff has for the server to improve . https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1482202709
    1 point
  4. Forgot to mention @Voxis he’s a great guy who’s been so kind to me. There are multiple times he should’ve warned me and didn’t, so thanks.
    1 point
  5. Well I could possibly be back during breaks, ie thanksgiving Christmas spring break parents weekend and the summer. First up is parents weekend but that’s 4 days (2 or 3 in my hometown) so I probably won’t be back. Then we’ve got 2 weeks at thanksgiving, a month for Christmas 2 weeks for spring etc.
    1 point
  6. just cus he advertised it a little doesnt mean it shouldnt be considered ya but that worsens the issue of the low amount of judges +support the court system should be made more serious. it will help the server rp a lot
    1 point
  7. I didn't really get to know you much, but you were apart of the Gaminglight community wich makes me think you were a great guy and were very nice. I might understand what you're going through. I whish I got to know you more. Have a Good Time Later in Life, Good Luck. :_(
    1 point
  8. I am known for being brutaly honest and I keep that reputation with posts like this the fact you have put less effort then a 5 year old would is kind off scary if you are to become a staff member your to uphold a certain amount of expectations and looking at these posts you would not have a chance in hell. If you actually cared you would put effort in my opinion people who dont put effort are the ones who will be the power hungry ones. Also applying while you have your own server is basiclly a application for a staff restriction
    1 point
  9. -Support Don't see you on much Application could use more effort I don't think you've been SM for 3 weeks and 1 day more like at least a week or half a week No Poll Good Luck
    1 point
  10. Now look everyone, There are many contributors as to why I’m leaving FBI command, for starters I’m going to boarding school, and I probably won’t be able to play at all out there. Secondly I have had a lot of pain in my life for a very long time, and gaminglight used to be an escape for that, but sadly it no longer is as I’m abused for being on gaminglight by my family who has practically disowned me. My mother said to me recently “change your last name, you’re not a true Griffin.” I want to be remembered as kind and fun loving October, not depressed, suicidal, and inactive October who’s an asshole to everyone. Truthfully this is for the betterment of everyone. Now I’ve been in FBI since NoOne was the director (some of you new faces might not even know who NoOne is). Well, to say the least I’ve been here for awhile. I remember when I was a young PA with Gamik, and we would constantly do undercover busts. Those are the memories I want, laughing and smiling. I just want you all to know that you all mean something to me. Now a few honorable mentions. @gamikzone you and I were PA’s together. Truthfully I’ve always looked up to you as the support of a family I’ve never had, but I never had the balls to say that to you. Thank you Gamik. @balloonhail4979 you’re a great guy, and when they were looking for a COS/DCOS after Jack Black left you totally deserved it. I was petty and jealous that you got it, but you’re a really cool guy. I want to thank you for all the help you’ve given me. @ColeSoft Grey same as Balloon in the COS/DCOS scenario, but my activity was dropping down and truthfully you deserved it more. You had already been COS and got demoted to PA unfairly. You’ve been a great friend. @Jeff M. you’ve been a great friend. Now I know we’ve been fighting recently due to me striking you, and I’m sorry. The issue has been resolved and it’s revoked. I hope you remember the good times and not these recent bad times. I remember that giant base you built in the ally and we jumped onto the roof and the SNR didn’t believe we had a hostage, and just started shooting and wound up killing the hostage. Now I know I don’t get to pick my replacement, but I’d prefer for @Danny Muller to get it. He’s very responsible and deserves this rank. I trust him, and believe that he will make a great DCOS in my absence. It is up to FBI high command to decide. And to all of the FBI agents that I’ve met and had interactions with I’m proud to call you fellow agents. Please remember me in the good old days, and not my inactive depressed self now a days. This is RA5’s last 10-7 call to dispatch.
    0 points
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